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Army Thread Monday 11th November

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    Army Thread Monday 11th November

    Goooooood morning, Army

    For a change I had a good night's sleep on a Sunday. Primarily because we didn t get up at five. There's some or other big announcement by our CEO late this afternoon. All employees have to be present and accounted for, so I can't leave at my usual time. No fecking way are they wringing extra hours from me. It'll either be related to our imminent takeover or be an attempt at keeping folks placated ahead of it.

    Have a lekker Monday, and I hope we'll all have an unembuggered week.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 11th November

    Well done on the good night's sleep Tipps... it's a gift from the Gods and doesn't happen near enough chez moi.

    I hope the news isn't too aggravating at work. Slip away as soon as it's over and let the rest of them bitch and moan and get upset while you quietly commute back to Stellenbosch...

    I hope Mrs T is feeling better. Was yesterday's low BP to do with the mumps or the diabetes do they know?

    I just took a pill and shall be off to La La Land shortly. I should be looking rejuvinated with all this sleep I've been having but no feckin luck on that score!

    It's another public hollier over here today so the bins won't get emptied which is rather a shame as I have a heap of rubbish that needs to go. That's like a little vignette on life but I'll leave it to the more artistic wans to make sense of it!

    Have an embuggerance-free Monday one and all...


      Army Thread Monday 11th November

      :cupajoe: Tipps, Zens, and the snoring party
      Tipps, it's going to be a long day at work, and I can imagine the water-cooler theories. But at least you'll know what's going to happen - good or bad. The uncertainty is always worse than the bad news. And how is Mrs T doing?

      Zens, sleep well!

      Wanted to chat some more last night, but things become very slow on my side, so I gave it up for a bad job and bonded with my bed instead.

      Magic Monday!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army Thread Monday 11th November

        Morning Tipps Zen Dreamy Molly and all to come. I had a good night at my bro in laws retirement party last night. Great to get together with all the family. There was a dj dancing fun and sandwiches and finger food. I hope the news isn't too bad at work for you Tipps I used to hate these types of meetings at work where you're unsure whats to come. Off to meet a friend later and then may pop in to the library to get some books and may be some dvds and cds. It rained heavy last night and its dark here so haven't checked forecast yet. New lappie gave me some grief yesterday internet kept going off so not sure if it was eircom acting up or laptop jeez I don't want anymore grief with either. its a different model than last so still getting used to it. Have a good Monday.:cupajoe:


          Army Thread Monday 11th November

          Mornin' gang!
          :goodjob: bonding with the bed last night Dreamy - I like it !
          Tipps hope the news is good (well not too bad) this evening.

          I have a :moon:3 day Project Management Course next few days.
          9-5 -so prolly no skiving :upset:
          (Molls / Tipps) explain to Dreamy what skiving is

          Feeling bit bleh today - majorly pissed off to be honest ..... need to get back to the gym in the morning .... get some normality back in my something for myself that doen't involve work or family !
          (I KNOW - going straight to hell !!!)

          Later gaters xxxxx


            Army Thread Monday 11th November

            Morning Fox - funny how all laptops are the same and yet not - made at Animal Farm, maybe?

            Satz, why explain skiving to me? I'm good at it! The course actually sounds interesting - but it also depends on how it's approached. Hear you on the exercise thing - did a bit of Callanetics last week, and that was the end of it again. Need a good hard kick backsidewise, me. You're all welcome to stand in line and get rid of all your frustrations:H:H:H

            Uhm, thanks for the skiving explanation, Molly

            Sort of skiving today - not much happening workwise, which always gives me the jitters. So, tackling the dumpsite CD by CD. Put a CD on, storm into room, work furiously until CD finishes, come on here for a gossip and a ciggie and water, then put another CD on... Bathroom done: discovered that I have 5 tweezers, 3 electric toothbrushes but no heads and not sure where the chargers are, and a really odd selection of bathroom odds and ends. Treasured trash now gracing the rubbish bin.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army Thread Monday 11th November

              Good morning Smokers, Skivers and Army stalwarts.

              Woke up with a headache and a hangover type feeling:upset: had mussells in a wine sauce last night. Could that do it?


                Army Thread Monday 11th November

                :hiya:Anon, us in a nutshell! Mussels perhaps a bit off? Not off enough for food poisoning, but also not fresh enough. Doubt it's the wine - most of the alcohol evaporates, I think. Hope you're better soon.

                Molly, when I stopped going to the wine shop, I managed 3 days without ciggies, than cracked. Must tackle that again SOONish. Quitting booze was a heck of a lot easier.

                Right, bedroom next.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army Thread Monday 11th November

                  mollyka;1583715 wrote: Morning Mrsa -- prolly more the mussels than the wine sauce --- wary of them I am after a few bad experiences! Lots of water NurseA ;-)

                  Other than that ---- how's you? You must be delighted at all your planned visits ---
                  Hi Molly I am thrilled that I have taken some positive action. It got so hard last/ year with so many people in the house. I had been invited over by my daughters in laws for Christmas in Norway but dithered about going. I have met them and stayed with them, they are lovely.
                  As for Oman my daughter is pleased that we are going over there and is ordering stuff left right and centre for me to take over there.
                  Mr A's birthday today so we are off to a meal at lunchtime.


                    Army Thread Monday 11th November

                    DreamThinkDo;1583717 wrote: :hiya:Anon, us in a nutshell! Mussels perhaps a bit off? Not off enough for food poisoning, but also not fresh enough. Doubt it's the wine - most of the alcohol evaporates, I think. Hope you're better soon.

                    Molly, when I stopped going to the wine shop, I managed 3 days without ciggies, than cracked. Must tackle that again SOONish. Quitting booze was a heck of a lot easier.

                    Right, bedroom next.
                    Thanks dreamy I do remember this horrible feeling with a hangover.

                    As for ciggies I cannot imagine ever smoking again but it took me 50 attempts to quit


                      Army Thread Monday 11th November

                      Good morning MrT, Dreamy, Molly, Foxy, Satzy, MrsA and all to come :hallo: and sweet dreams Zenny xx

                      Another smoker reporting for duty!! Do wanna give up but will not attempt it til have lost a little more pounds

                      Taking Aunt down home today to see her GP- will be an 80 odd mile round trip so hope she'll be ok. Get to call in and see me Dad too- so that's good.

                      Sorry yer not feeling the best MrsA and you too Satz:l

                      Good luck for the work shite Molls and you too MrT.

                      Foxy- great to see ye back again:l

                      Dreamy -don't sound like yer skivving too much there!


                        Army Thread Monday 11th November

                        Good morning

                        Non-smoker reporting for duty. I get wheezy enough when exercising as it is without bringing smoking into the equation.

                        Good luck with the work stuff, tips. In my experience, really shite news gets delivered on Fridays, so hopefully it'll be more of a pep talk today, what with it being a Monday. Good luck to you too molly, hope they don't bugger you about.

                        Sorry about the mussels mrs a. I also had mussels last night (no wine sauce though!) and am somewhat wary of them now after being laid low the previous time. No ill effects today, fortunately.

                        Good to see you again foxy, new lappy and all

                        Do you work from home dreamy?


                          Army Thread Monday 11th November

                          Good morning Tipperooo, Dreamydooo, Mollymoo, Foxyloxy, Satzuma, Our Whizzy, Sweetypea,Reccybear and Nighty night Zennifer.

                          Sorry bit late this morning was just getting me cawfee and ciggie.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 11th November

                            You may as well have my iron molly - it never gets used these days. I'll bring it over next spring if you can hold out that long.

                            Edit: Morning Jackie :hallo:


                              Army Thread Monday 11th November

                              Hi Reccie and Sweetie.

