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Army Thread Monday 11th November

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    Army Thread Monday 11th November

    gonna sleep now.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    On the morrow folks


      Army Thread Monday 11th November

      satz123;1583965 wrote: Howdy folks - so knackered - fell asleep again :egad: so bit the bullet & have taken to me bed avec laptop.
      Sorry for being such a moan...
      Ah Satz m'dear yer not yer usual chirpy self:l dont apologise for saying how ya feel xx

      Hope ye get a good kip and wake feelin a whole lot betterxx


        Army Thread Monday 11th November

        mollyka;1583966 wrote: Well you see, my problem with that would be -- in true addict fashion -- if someone told me I could eat 'free' eggs beans spuds --- yer normal amount of them wouldn't do it --- I'd have to have like 6 egg omelettes and 3 tins of beans and 10 spuds --- and I really guess that just wouldn't work
        You should treat yourself to something now --- new jeans or something and enjoy the shopping for --- you deserve it!!!!
        I'm good --- draining day --- but I wasn't transferred --- fairly big list was out today so I'm happy enough -- just bollixed really -- other than that --- all good
        Prolly heading off to the leaba now shortly --- Joe's IO convertor arrived --- you REALLY don't want to know --- I know:H Summat to do with the tele and he's just wearing me down!!!!!
        On the morrow xxxx
        :H:H Molls ye always give me a laugh- thanks xx

        Glad ye didnt get transferred- it must be awfully stressful waitin to find out tho.

        Yeah havent a baldy bout io converters!!

        Nighters to ye xx

