Hello troops! I've been sleeping like a log, like during the day type sleeping as well as all night. I feel like I've lost the last few days from my life. Apart from playing Words with Reccy I've done nowt each day but have a shower, watch a tiny amount of Netflix, type a couple of texts, feed the boyz and in turn get fed by Cheryl and Kenny. And SLEEP. I never knew I had so much SLEEP in me! The cats seem to have caught it and they're sleeping all the time now too!
Anyhoo... before I fall asleep again, I'll catch up on the news!
The B-12s are a doddle Dreamy, you just have to be sure to use as small a needle as you can. I do them in the thigh, it's easier than making yourself into a pretzel to get your bum. (They're intra-muscular.)
Satzy... the course sounds like a complete and utter waste of time. I think you lost your days just like I lost mine!
Mollers... If you can do someone else's job that earns shedloads more then it stands to reason that you're being feckin underpaid.

Jacks... I totally "get" the nana naps now. I wonder if I've been turned into a nana-napper? I may need to get helpful hints from you if that's the case! :H
Foxy... I hear you on the dog-tired. Good grief, pure exhaustion! Maybe it's the change of seasons?
Inchy... Good to see you hon! Sounds like a good concert. Are there pix of you with Alice in Chains?
Tipps... More missing mojo. Who the FECK is stealing the Army energy?! Time to get Oners to send us some crystals!
Whizzy... you certainly made a few last minute plans there and I think it's great! It'll all come together so dinnae worry. All you have to do is get yer bags packed and get on the silver chicken! The rest will take care of itself...
Reccy... Going to head over to Words in a few once I've had a wee clean up in the kitchen (which I will do grudgingly!)...