I came here before, couple years back, cant even recall my login, I bought my way out book etc. so not total stranger, but I need help.
I'm prob whats known as a functional alcoholic. I work, get up in mornings ok, get on with life but just cant seem to stop my 6 beers a night which is now escalated to a min of 8, often more and then wine with dinner.
I don't get drunk, well don't feel drunk but wife says she notices. I can stop for a night or two, but then go back.
just changed doctor n had blood tests which include liver function so guess results might expose me, I'm embarrassed and lied about my consumption to new doctor.
I think I should come clean with dr n seek help but I'm scared of being found out to be treated for alcoholism and lose job amongst other things I know I would lose.
please don't say I'd lose it anyway cos I don't think I would n its not a help.
I'd like to get help but scared, really scared of confidentiality issues.
I would gt help but CANNOT have it out of bag.
I'd go to Alch anonymous, but scared to be seen or see someone I know.
Anyone in Australia offer advice?? I'd prefer to maybe be prescribed something to take and be in secret.
There are so many reasons for secrecy, f it gets out, I'm finished, n will lose prob job, which means house, etc etc.
Any advice specific to Australia n regarding confidentiality??
thanks everyone for listening....