I had a "phony-in-law" birthday party Saturday evening where I would've secretly drank. Actually the stress of having to have to see them both Saturday & Sunday I would have started Wed/Thurs. while I redecorated & cleaned my house (complaining the whole time). Instead I killed them with sobriety kindness. So I was looking forward to Sunday because Saturday wasn't that bad. Killing them wasn't that bad-LOL!:H
So Sunday is my son's 5th birthday party at our home in the afternoon but early Sunday morning I get a call from my mom (I'm an only child) & my dad is in the hospital getting emergency stomach surgery (hole in stomach). We didn't cancel party because surgery was done before that but as everyone was leaving I get another call from my mother to say he's moved to ICU cause pneumonia set in. (I went to see him today-he's doing much better-thanx).
My point-and rudemama replied in my post in abs-it's easier to do events & handle crisises when you are sober. You have that clear head. If I was drinking I would have complained & drank & made myself miserable before these parties setting myself up for further doom. Never mind the people around me. Then when I heard the news of my dad I would of drank some more & cried because I was drinking causing more anguish-drinking more-guilt. Geesh-I would have the biggest pit in my stomach today!
Instead I was there for my son, who had a great 5th birthday, my husband was so proud of me, I was there for my mom & dad & there was no gossiping by the "phony-in-laws" that I was under the influence (like I said-killed them with kindness). I was proud of myself-I did it.
This is only one of many journeys I will have to encounter. But this has been my main trigger for years. So to have such a weekend & not even think of a drink...I'm speechless.
Now I'm onto phase II. It's Communion time & picnic time.
Thanks to all of you for all your kind words of support. Locked in my heart forever.
AF 131