Good evening dreamy, Jackie, benji and hedgey :hallo:
No announcement yet.
Army thread Saturday 16 November
Army thread Saturday 16 November
Yo there Questy and Reccy and Satzuma and anyone having a bit of a lurk.
Breaking news...................................
My Aunt is keeping................I keeping Ella. She goes to get spayed this week (the dog not my Aunt) and then Ella will have her new forever home.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army thread Saturday 16 November
JackieClaire;1585934 wrote: Yo there Questy and Reccy and Satzuma and anyone having a bit of a lurk.
Breaking news...................................
My Aunt is keeping................I keeping Ella. She goes to get spayed this week (the dog not my Aunt) and then Ella will have her new forever home.How old is ella?
Army thread Saturday 16 November
Recluse;1585931 wrote: Good evening dreamy, Jackie, benji and hedgey :hallo:
Oops - missed out questy. Sorry questy :l
JackieClaire;1585943 wrote: About 8. She's had pups in the past and the last thing my Aunt wants is randy rampaging Spaniel running round the village.
Hiya molly
Army thread Saturday 16 November
mollyka;1585945 wrote: Shudda spayed all my kids ;-) tho I'm guessin for boys it ain't called spaying??
Evening all! Anyone still alive? Nice one on Ella ---
Got back from lovely evening at the movies and nosh -- decided to have a go at my printer --- poor Reccie told me what to do --- an I really did START to do what I should do --- then just decided to wing it --- bastarding thing --- it's just received a few MIGHTY kicks ;-)
Has everyone had a nice day? Nice to see you round Questy!!! How's it going with you?
Shame about the printer. I'll have a think about it tomorrow. Too tired tonight. Glad you had a nice evening out though.
Army thread Saturday 16 November
JackieClaire;1585953 wrote: Not bad, Molly. Spent the day in me jammies (yep I am a right slattern) but blaming me flu jab. Mr JC's making a stir fry for dinner..............first time I've had an appetite since Thursday.
That's what a vaccine does though I think I read - it gives you a tiny dose of whatever the vaccine is for so that your body's own immune system sees the invasion, kicks in and fights it. That way it builds up immunity.
Rather cool really - that our bodies CAN fight off anything given a chance