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Have any of you every done something ridiculous while under the influence? Silly question, huh. Not awful stuff, just something silly and ridiculous. This may not be VERY ridiculous, but I have the bad habit of lighting multiple cigarettes while I am out "socializing" with friends. Once they spot the two cigarettes burning up in the ashtray and the one in my hand, they good naturedly tease me about it as the sign that it's time for me to drink a BIG glass of water. Anyone else have somthing lighthearted to share. Sometimes we just have to laugh at the ridiculous things we do while drinking even if its just a few beers or a glass or two of wine. Anyone else what to share?
JulieTags: None
My fiance walked in the other night with me passed out (not good, I know) on the bed with no pants on and the doona/blanket around my waist so all he could see was... well... you know. What a charmer I am!
I asked him if I winked at him.:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:
After 6 margeritas (LARGE) ones I wanted to go home. Nearly fell off the bar stool. Then had to find my wallet (which was another major undertaking). Did not succeed, upon which I just took my shoulder bag and just emptied onto the floor in front of the restaurant audience. After which I rode my motorbike home (one-way street - wrong way of course). Thanks God, we're in an Asian country where Police can be bribed ...
Mamma Mia, drunk people can be such idiots! Let's just make sure that these episodes are left in the past, ey? (ey! DOO) ;-)Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
This reminds me the embarrassing moments thread we once had, remember that one, Doo?
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Many moons ago, I had been out drinking to my usual excess.
On the way home I went past my then girlfriend's flat (she was not out with me that evening) I noticed there was a scaffold in place because they were having some building works done.
My girlfriend lived on the third floor (UK third - not USA) so I climbed up the scaffolding to "surprise" her by knocking on her window.
Much to my annoyance, I could get no answer to my knocking.
I figured that she must not be home.
So I lay down to wait for her coming home.
Yep - you guessed it - I fell asleep.
She came home and went to bed without knowing I was there.
I woke at about 5am cold / hung over and VERY thankful I had not rolled off the platform in my sleep.
She did answer the knock on her window at that point - and strangely was NOT well pleased to see me climb in when she opened it.
Needless to say - we parted company not long afterwards!
Ho Hum
The folly of youth fueled by alcohol!
Another funny story:
I was at my parent's house and had been out "socialising" with some friends.
I was well under the influence when I got home - so, as I didn't want my parents to see the state I was in, I sat down on a handy bench near their house to wait for them to go to bed.
After a decent time had eleased after all the lights went out - I decided to creep in and get myself to bed.
I managed to negotiate the known noisy bits of opening the door, avoiding all the creaky boards etc. and was almost at the door of my room (next to theirs) when I stood on the dog's tail!
Stupid (black, ie invisible) mutt had decided to sleep outside the door of their room for some reason rather than in kitchen in its own bed!
The ensuing racket would have wakened the dead.
More than one in the doghouse that night!
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Oh dear, Julie, you unlocked the Gates of Hell! Might as well! Maybe good timing for some of us to go AF. After all it's the first of the month and a few of those horror stories might just be the last drop that brings on the Camel's liver's cirrhosis, uhhhhm, I mean, the proverbial straw that was in the Camel's Martini, or, whatever ....Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Abbster don't worry he isn't picking on you silly! Such a gullible little abbster.:h
I tried to not pay a cab fare (I had no money because I drank it all) and ran out of cab and fell and cab driver and witness grabbed me. I was afraid they were going to try to assault me because I was drunk and not thinking clearly so I started screaming and all these people came and were gonna try to beat up cab driver but witness told them what I did so I was taken to an atm machine and had to pay the guy and stumble home with bleeding knees and ripped pants while all these people were calling me a drunk. :upset:Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL
I have probably more than one, but my latest was, after many beverages, calling this cute and very young department manager at the store where I work, having him paged over head, and then telling him ( I think ) that someone thought he was a cutie patootie.
Worst part I think he knows it was me, every time I see him he has this weird smile on his face.
kitkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll: