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Army thread Sunday 17 November

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    Army thread Sunday 17 November

    DreamThinkDo;1586165 wrote:
    The sun is trying to break through the clouds - hope it wins.
    Yes! Here too! :woot:

    But bloody hell - Mrs. T is already contemplating putting a load of washing in the machine. No weekend is complete without it, I'm told.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army thread Sunday 17 November

      Morning all! odd you should be talking about neutering, wondering if I need to get the hound done as he has been suffering from constipation of late and apparently (according to Google) this can be cause by too much testosterone.

      In answer to your question yesterday Dreamie, we need to rehome the parrot who my OH has had since he came out of the egg because G is severley allergic to him, found out last year when normal treatments for asthma weren't working. He's been told if he keeps Xavier it will kill him eventually, he's already lost 30% of his lung function. Ideally we want someone local so Gary can pop in every few weeks to make sure he's ok and in return G will pay the pet insurance and buy the food. Today's plans include going to collect said birdy from the people who've been looking after him but who have had a bit of a "domestic" as the bird didn't take to the alpha male in the household.
      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


        Army thread Sunday 17 November

        Morning Sylv! I really hope you find a good home for him (the parrot I mean, not your OH). It's heartbreaking to have to rehome a part of the family.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Sunday 17 November

          Morning Spidey.

          Ditto what Dreamy said.

          Alrighty, folksies. Time to get going. Popping out to get the papers and a few odds and ends. Very glad that I did the weekly shop yesterday, so it'll be quick. Then to decide what to do with the day.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army thread Sunday 17 November

            Thank you - not been a great time Dreamie, we had him placed once and that failed, then found this one, its far, far harder than I thought it would be. Also once we've had the bird in the house a week G ends up on heavy duty steroids and all that goes with them
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Army thread Sunday 17 November

              x-post Tipps, thanks for good wishes
              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                Army thread Sunday 17 November

                tiptronic_ct;1586139 wrote: Can we stick to the term "neutering", please. It doesn't have as threatening a ring to it.....
                Mornin' Army - rep for the Irish contingent reporting for duty !

                Dreamy & Sweetie - me too on the red wine thoughts. Something comforting about a glass red after work on a cold day by the fire.

                Wouldn't it be nice if it stopped at that ?
                Then I thought it through :no:that would not happen - I would drink the full bottle. Then today - what then ? I don't now- that's the scary part.
                Let's stick to hot chocolate by the fire


                  Army thread Sunday 17 November

                  mollyka;1586277 wrote: Have to own up to havin become quite partial to a nice cuppa hot chocolate --- OMG -- I've turned into a proper old lady
                  Morning all --- good luck with the parrot Sylv --- jaysus there was more to read this morn than there is after a days work somedays!!!!
                  HORLICKS !!!:H


                    Army thread Sunday 17 November

                    I'z here, I'z here......................roll out the red carpet as............I'z here.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread Sunday 17 November

                      mollyka;1586277 wrote: OMG -- I've turned into a proper old lady
                      Sure you didn't mean improper? Love you dearly, but just cannot picture you as being "proper!

                      Morning Satz!

                      Fires will be made soon, waterblommetjiepot will be made today. Tips, no answer yet on why there is no potjie in Maison Tip? Terribly curious.
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread Sunday 17 November

                        I know, I know..................what a potjie is..................sits at back of class waving handy in the air.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread Sunday 17 November

                          mollyka;1586291 wrote: Bet you were class prefect:H:H
                          Naw didn't even make milk monitor........I did however spend a week as the register monitor (the lassie was off sick)...................I just thought I was the bees fecking knees.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Sunday 17 November

                            mollyka;1586281 wrote: :H:H and the same to you MsBenjy:H
                            How's you today? Still bollixed?
                            Anudder thought re. said bollixedness --- you know the way you watch your diet etc. I find if I eat too much or eat too little - both make me dead tired --- could it be that you ain't eatin enough? Did you get my bit bout the water earlier on in the week?
                            I did Molls - increased the water.
                            I have narrowed it down to Candida - yeast overgrowth in me system.
                            Have all the symptoms.
                            Muscle aches, itches, joint pains knackerdness.Doesn't seem it will take much to fix. Just kill off the yeast.
                            Basically we all have yeast in our gut but it sometimes goes mental and spreads to other areas having morphed into a fungus.:egad:
                            Can be the culprit for all sorts. including mild depression.

                            Sugar feeds it ...... effin' AMAZING with all the grog I drank - it waits till now to explode and cause symptoms


                              Army thread Sunday 17 November



                                Army thread Sunday 17 November

                                My potjie

                                JC gets a gold star for paying attention yesterday!

                                Potjiekos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                It's really nothing more than a glorified stew, made in a pot (potjie = dimunitive).

                                Thanks for the balsamic tip, JC: was going to ask around here. Knew some know-it-all would know it all! Will white balsamic work for white wine?
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

