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Army thread Sunday 17 November

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    Army thread Sunday 17 November

    mollyka;1586521 wrote: Haha!! How's you? asides your piggery --- touch of a greedy mare here too --- need to rein things in a bit when Joe goes back to work!!
    Good news is --- Si and Laura are talking again -- no more than that -- but I'm thrilled!! And the wee baba is gonna be a boy!!!! Dead excited I am --- lurve little boys me!
    I'm so pleased to hear that, Molls. Bit on the awkward side in the delivery room if they weren't.

    I'm feeling very well. My Doc will not have it that the flu jab has side effects but for me it does.........anyway a couple of dressing gown days and I'm as right as rain.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army thread Sunday 17 November

      Any end in sight to the shite at work?

      At the proper paid job we're expecting a baby boy. He was due last Wednesday.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Sunday 17 November

        Evening Army! I went a wee bit MIA today, after my sleepathon I had so much energy to burn. Got the dance music on and did windows, changed beds, dusted, hovered, all the while dancing of course.

        Molly, are you going to be a granny? Sorry, if I got it wrong, but that's wonderful if so! We have had a spate of births in work over the last two years, 10 pregnancies, all girls!

        JC, my sister also had a reaction to the flu jab, hope you are feeling better. :l

        Went to my home group meeting earlier. I got lots of compliments about how wonderful I looked, and do you know what? I took them. These people saw me five weeks ago today, coming down, rattling, sweating and shaking. I had made the effort to look good with the make up and stuff, but fellow alkies have a way of seeing through effort and seeing what's really going on. (in JC's case, she heard it!)

        There was no effort tonight. I felt good and I looked good. My skin is clear, my eyes are bright, no dark circles under them.

        Plagiarising here 'no AL... because we're worth it' :H
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Army thread Sunday 17 November

          And just look at you now, BHaloooooo.:l You sound absolutely wonderful.

          Yep Molls is gonna be a granny for the 2nd time.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army thread Sunday 17 November

            And just look at you now, BHaloooooo. You sound absolutely wonderful.

            You were right there for me when I was in a desperate place. Thank you. :l

            Yep, gonna be a granny for the 2nd time achully --- wee Jamie is 17 months and a little darling --- we had a lovely afternoon with him --- he's gonna have a little brother in March --- but my son (the daddy) and the mammy had a really bad fall out --- they've never really been a proper item so it's all a bit awkward really --- the fact Simon even mentioned her a few times today was a major breakthrough!!!!
            Babies have a way of bringing people together Molly, don't they? I am so happy for you, congratulations!
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Army thread Sunday 17 November

              mollyka;1586554 wrote: Nope - just keeps getting worse -- tomorrow I'm being put in the invidious situation of 'disobeying' the union or 'disobeying' management --- only a few of us on relief are involved -- and I'm the one for tomorrow --- feckin awful tbh!!
              Ah re. the baby --- prolly be done and dusted by tomorrow?
              I'm in all day if you need an ear.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread Sunday 17 November

                broken halo;1586560 wrote: You were right there for me when I was in a desperate place. Thank you. :l
                Think it was a case of serendipity.

                Must go and feed me hungry hippos. Back after Homeland if anyone's about.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Sunday 17 November

                  Evening all, nice to read you're doing so well BH. Boring day, parrot now installed back in his spot in the back room, next to the hound on his sofa Sorted for work tomorrow, well lunch & brekkie made and in the fridge and have clean hair which is a good start. I also have a huge bar of white chocolate which I am pretending not to eat, Slimming World isn't looking good for tomorrow night, shouldn't go in Lidl cos I can't resist their chocolate - its not only cheap but the bars are double the size of Cadburys.
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army thread Sunday 17 November

                    Hi Spidey. Lidl is a time bomb at this time of year. Enjoy your choc, it's better than AL!

                    Molly, your work situation sounds awful, hope it gets better. And this new wee grandson! How exciting!
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Army thread Sunday 17 November

                      We do Molly, the people who had him can't keep him as their dogs are allergic to the bird, they think so he's back with us until we can find another home for him. I now feel sick having eaten so much bloody chocolate :blushing:
                      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                        Army thread Sunday 17 November

                        Evening folks

                        Yis are prob all in the leabas now- just got into me own at long last- so ready for a good sleep.
                        Came home from work this eve and made a tasty dins for Aunt and self, watched the Paradise, did dishes and then couldn't keep eyes open so took meself off to leaba.
                        Hoping no noisy workmen about tomorrow so can have a wee lie on!

                        Molls sorry yer having to deal with shite at work- hope it goes ok for ye tomorrow. Exciting that ye have another Grandson to look forward to

                        Jacks- sorry yer no feeling well after flu jab, are ye gonna take a few duvet days? Take care any hows xx

                        BH- so good to hear you so bright and positive :goodjob:

                        Sylv- i hear ya on the lidl chocolate- just cant walk past it without being tempted! It is
                        devine! Used to be the same in their booze aisle but avoid it now!!

                        Hope everyone had a nice chillaxin Sunday and for those workin in morn hope Monday aint too bad-will think of yis as i roll over for another snooze!!

                        Nighters n sweet dreams all xx

