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Army Thread Monday 18th November

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    Army Thread Monday 18th November

    Lily O'Briens - also Irish & yummy


      Army Thread Monday 18th November

      broken halo;1586955 wrote: Try hotel chocolat, they do some lovely ones!
      OK, I'll go and Google that right now! Thanks! X


        Army Thread Monday 18th November

        satz123;1586958 wrote: or
        Lily O'Briens - also Irish & yummy
        Ya know... all I have to do is come to the Army and arsk! Feckin excellent service at this joint... better than any concierge desk! Thank you Satzy!


          Army Thread Monday 18th November

          Zenstyle;1586957 wrote: Other than that... it's Cheryl's surprise 60th on Dec 13th. I just got off the phone to her mum and my birthday present to Cheryl is to split the fare with her mum and fly her down as a surprise. I'll hide her at my house and then show up at Cheryl's surprise party with her. One of Cheryl's work mates is organizing the party... I have very little to do as she's got it all sorted. My job is to make sure it stays secret, and get her and her Ma there without them seeing each other. )
          LOVE IT !!!!!inkele:


            Army Thread Monday 18th November

            mollyka;1586960 wrote: Night Benjy -- sorry was talkin to Joey ---- apparently someone has invaded his FB and wants to be his mail-order bride Well - she's only 54 and has loved him for years ---so sounds dead suitable:H:H
            One way to get rid of him Molls :H:H
            How much will she pay :H


              Army Thread Monday 18th November

              mollyka;1586960 wrote: Night Benjy -- sorry was talkin to Joey ---- apparently someone has invaded his FB and wants to be his mail-order bride:H:H Well - she's only 54 and has loved him for years ---so sounds dead suitable:H
              Howdy BH! NOTHIN wrong with bein chipper -- 'tis WONDERFUL!!!!
              Just shite with being a piggy-in-the-middle re. work Zens --- but it's all ok now --- yep --- goin to be a rebel for once!
              Maybe some Butler's choccies -- they're Irish --- but very nice --- other than that -- hard to beat proper UK/Irish cadburies --- the american/canadian version is horrible!! Bit like non-Irish Guinness I'm reliably told
              Oh Gawd yeach, the American/Canadian Cadburies is just feckin awful. Plasticy and, just, yuck.

              Joey might have to change his FB and close the old account... once the hackers crack your account I've heard it can be quite bad so he may have to be careful there. Don't know really, just heresay. But, yeah, a 54 year old mail order bride that LURVES him sounds just the ticket!!! :H

              PM me with what's going on at work. Are you getting involved with being a spokesperson for the Union?


                Army Thread Monday 18th November

                Now I'm off to :

                A) scream at Mr S to turn down 'effin telly ( deaf as a post he is these days) -I can hear it way up here through 2 doors FFS
                B) then sleep


                  Army Thread Monday 18th November

                  satz123;1586964 wrote: One way to get rid of him Molls :H:H
                  How much will she pay :H
                  Bwahahaaaaaa!!!!!! :H

                  OR... How much will you pay HER Molls?!!!


                    Army Thread Monday 18th November

                    satz123;1586945 wrote: :yay: on the boiler Reccie
                    :yay: on the not self medicating

                    If you don't mind my asking Reccie - would Amy have also been a factor when the dreaded thoughts of alcohol were going through your head.
                    Just wondering has having 'someone' with you made a difference this time 'round when the 'f*ck it' thoughts hit?
                    Yes, she was a factor, satzy, the factor in truth. I knew if I succumbed, I wouldn't have been in a fit state to look after her properly, so it was the feeling of responsibility that tipped the balance.

                    broken halo;1586949 wrote:
                    Evening Army troopers!

                    Reccy, while you are in the kit hen, toasted cheese sounds good about now

                    Molly, glad you made progress at work, a decision is progress, right?

                    Evening JC, Satz, Zen, and everyone. I am feeling very chipper tonight, apologies in advance if it becomes annoying!
                    Evening hedgey No toasted cheese I'm afraid (no cheese in the fridge ), but there's a mushroom risotto on the way, if that's of any interest?


                      Army Thread Monday 18th November

                      mollyka;1586963 wrote: oops -- see Benjy got in ahead of me on the Butler's!! -- so glad the weekend went well with your mate --- and a lovely idea for Cheryl!!
                      I'm trying to organise a week in May in Canada for me and Joe --- it'll both hers and Joe's birthday --- dunno if I'll pull it off or not --- don't think I can do it as a surprise either tho --- she could be in Bolivia or somewhere if we arrive on spec
                      I doubt you can turn up on her doorstep saying "SURPRIIIIISE"!!!!! :H And Joe going "why did you put me on the plane to Canada?" :H But if you buy the tickets and tell them it's for their b'days they can have months to be excited about it... which is prolly even better.


                        Army Thread Monday 18th November

                        mollyka;1586966 wrote: :H:H Think she's after HIS millions:H
                        Oh, aye. Good luck there then!!!


                          Army Thread Monday 18th November

                          Jesus, where did all those posts come from?!!!


                            Army Thread Monday 18th November

                            Recluse;1586977 wrote: Jesus, where did all those posts come from?!!!
                            Feckin frightening isn't it?!!! :H Ye can be all alone in the barracks and next thing ye can't even keep up.

                            I'm going to go and chill now and if you're up for it I'll play a couple of Words. I've been blue arsed fly-ish today with the Cheryl plans and I haven't even bought me Mammy anything yet and hers is in a week!


                              Army Thread Monday 18th November

                              Evening hedgey No toasted cheese I'm afraid (no cheese in the fridge ), but there's a mushroom risotto on the way, if that's of any interest?
                              oh, even better! I love mushrooms!
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Army Thread Monday 18th November

                                Now I'm off to :

                                A) scream at Mr S to turn down 'effin telly ( deaf as a post he is these days) -I can hear it way up here through 2 doors FFS
                                B) then sleep
                                Night Satz, sleep well :l
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

