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Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

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    Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

    JackieClaire;1587174 wrote: Good morning Tipperooo, Sol, Chickadee, Dreamydoooo.

    First hard frost of the Winter. Gawd knows what the temp is................I'll lend someone my big coat if they'll nip out into the garden to check the thermometer.
    I went outside to check the thermometer it said: Get the feck back in the house
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

      Howyiz :waving:
      Will read back when Noseyhole gets off my shoulder !


        Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

        hello noseyhole! not seen ya 4 a while
        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
        Audrey Hepburn


          Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

          One of my cats came back in as its too cold for him but the older one tends to stay out longer. Sunny here now but still very cold. Not looking forward to venturing out later.


            Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

            DreamThinkDo;1587189 wrote: JC, just checked: 27 and windy this side. :H:H Didn't even need a coat or BH's two pairs of gloves. And you may kill me now....

            Sorry about the kak weather, Army. It too will end - eventually. (Guess Tips never taught you that one - shite. Don't quite see him as a swearing RSM type of person.)
            In the vein of being positive Dreamboat - it's NOT kak weather :no:
            It was cold & frosty this morning but the sun is out now and it is a beautiful fresh day inkele:

            The End


              Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

              DreamThinkDo;1587190 wrote: And in other parts of the world:

              Amsterdam pays alcoholics in beer to clean streets - Times LIVE
              Dunno what I think about that
              What about the rest of yiz ?

              A lively debate possibly this eve ?


                Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                BIG WAVE Army!

                Anon-a-whizz, that song is now sticking in my head, but much better than the one that had been squatting there earlier, so thanks. Is this the Oman trip coming up?

                Enjoy the frosty sunny very and bitterly cold beautifully fresh day

                Satz, also a bit undecided - reminds me too much of the dopstelsel here, where workers on wine farms received part of their pay as rations - and part of the rations consisted of wine. (A dop is slang for a drink.) But yes, why not tonight, depending on whether Puss in Boots are dancing or not.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                  ARMY DEBATE TEAM

                  Tuesday November 19th 2013

                  Topic :
                  Should Dutch alkies be paid in dop

                  Discuss .................


                    Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                    depending on whether Puss in Boots are dancing or not.


                      Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                      Puss in Boots:
                      DreamThinkDo;1587162 wrote: Sweetie kitty Giada did some keyboard dancing last night and managed to turn my screen display upside down! Strangest thing. Computer guy laughed when I phoned him about it, fixed it in a few seconds.
                      Working on my notes and Powerpoint presentation and handouts for the great debate.:H:H:H

                      If I do coffee, can somebody else do snacky things? And hot chocolate and Horselicks for the grand old ladies? :thanks:
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                        DreamThinkDo;1587214 wrote: BIG WAVE Army!

                        Anon-a-whizz, that song is now sticking in my head, but much better than the one that had been squatting there earlier, so thanks. Is this the Oman trip coming up?

                        Enjoy the frosty sunny very and bitterly cold beautifully fresh day

                        Satz, also a bit undecided - reminds me too much of the dopstelsel here, where workers on wine farms received part of their pay as rations - and part of the rations consisted of wine. (A dop is slang for a drink.) But yes, why not tonight, depending on whether Puss in Boots are dancing or not.
                        Back from the shops singing THAT song. Lovely cold crisp day just perfect for a run--

                        Do they still pay dopstelsel over there??


                          Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                          Anon, it's been outlawed since 1961, and farmers can get huge fines for it.
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                            DreamThinkDo;1587239 wrote: Anon, it's been outlawed since 1961, and farmers can get huge fines for it.
                            Mr A was just about to book a flight on the strength of that!! He loves his wine but unlike me he can make a glass last 3 hours!


                              Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                              anon;1587260 wrote: Mr A was just about to book a flight on the strength of that!!
                              Bit lost here; please explain s l o w l y:H

                              I never could make a bottle last three hours. :blush:
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Army Thread Tuesday 19th November

                                DreamThinkDo;1587268 wrote: Bit lost here; please explain s l o w l y:H

                                I never could make a bottle last three hours. :blush:
                                More like three bottles per hour?

                                God... In the absence of vodders I sometimes necked an entire bottle of wine just to stop the shakes and feel normal. My stomach gets queasy just thinking about it now.

                                Our host was drinking red wine last night and stood next to me at one point. The smell of wine people's breath is unpleasant, to put it mildly. Hard to believe Mrs. T put up with it for so long.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

