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Army Thread Thursday 21st November

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    Army Thread Thursday 21st November

    JackieClaire;1588439 wrote: Where the divil did you two come from
    :H me mother of course--a beautiful woman she was too!!

    :l :l on effing phone here it aint half hard to write a post on


      Army Thread Thursday 21st November

      Them hugs are for you Jacks btw!!


        Army Thread Thursday 21st November

        JackieClaire;1588441 wrote: Aww bless you. Living with anxiety is a bugger.

        My Anti-depressants help with my anxiety............only found that they help with that from my doc just recently. Thought they were just for depression.

        Oh I can still get anxious but not the blood thumping in your ears type.
        aye me tablets take the edge off things, i used to get so anxious i had transient psychosis, but the tablets stop that and keep my anxiety lower, the dr's reckon a normal persons high anxiety is equivalent to my low anxiety and my high anxiety and cortisol levels are off the charts, but i'm canny, u get used to it to be honest, I have ya bad and good days just like everyone else and i love a bloody good belly laugh where ur tummy hurts from laughing so much that keeps me right
        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
        Audrey Hepburn


          Army Thread Thursday 21st November

          JC -vitamin D is a good move for you. Take more than is on the pack - you can't overdose on it and you prolly need lots & lots in our weather.

          The walks are a great idea too (should take that advice myself)
          I have often gone off in a foul mood & came back in great form -give it a try.
          Again I suppose the vit D even in winter, outdoors will help mood.

          Was off work today.
          Got hair done, & me & Mr S went bed shopping for S&H homecoming.
          Then to the Outliet Village for bed linen & shirts, and trainers for him.
          For once he got lots & I got nothing - then something too eat. All in all a fruitful day...


            Army Thread Thursday 21st November

            littlepinkcat;1588440 wrote: Hiya sweet pea, yeah I'm canny im just up late doing some uni work, how's urself?
            Canny = good yeah?!! Glad to hear that Pinky xx

            Im so-so ta for askin xx finding meselfva little down at times lately and funny yis are talkin bout anxiety mines been steadily increasing past few weeks puttin alot of it down to work tho and seem to have replaced wine habit with coffee which prob aint helpin matters!!


              Army Thread Thursday 21st November

              and:waving: Piddlepants & Pinkypoo

              JC you know we always come running when a soldier is down (pun) in the Army :l


                Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                sweetpea29;1588448 wrote: Canny = good yeah?!! Glad to hear that Pinky xx

                Im so-so ta for askin xx finding meselfva little down at times lately and funny yis are talkin bout anxiety mines been steadily increasing past few weeks puttin alot of it down to work tho and seem to have replaced wine habit with coffee which prob aint helpin matters!!
                aye canny= good.

                Aye i hear ya i drink plenty coffee, it's not good for ya but keeps me going. Self hypnosis really helps chill m out. You got lots of stress on at work?
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                  Oh i forgot to tell ya's the NHS have made my contract permenant and increased my hours, s that's canny, they've let a few of my work colleagues go and choose a few to stay
                  I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                  Audrey Hepburn


                    Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                    sweetpea29;1588443 wrote: :H me mother of course--a beautiful woman she was too!!

                    :l :l on effing phone here it aint half hard to write a post on
                    Right back atcha :l

                    satz123;1588446 wrote:
                    JC -vitamin D is a good move for you. Take more than is on the pack - you can't overdose on it and you prolly need lots & lots in our weather.

                    The walks are a great idea too (should take that advice myself)
                    I have often gone off in a foul mood & came back in great form -give it a try.
                    Again I suppose the vit D even in winter, outdoors will help mood.

                    Was off work today.
                    Got hair done, & me & Mr S went bed shopping for S&H homecoming.
                    Then to the Outliet Village for bed linen & shirts, and trainers for him.
                    For once he got lots & I got nothing - then something too eat. All in all a fruitful day...
                    Double dosing for a week or 3................think you poop out what you don't need ( I wish I could use more scientific words).

                    Had me hair done this aftie, going to get my eyebrows threaded tomorrow. Take the new boots back because a) they don't fit and b) I don't really like them.

                    Gawd I'd :h some new bed linen.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                      littlepinkcat;1588452 wrote: Oh i forgot to tell ya's the NHS have made my contract permenant and increased my hours, s that's canny, they've let a few of my work colleagues go and choose a few to stay
                      Well I know it's late but I must give a great big............:woot::woot::woot:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                        JackieClaire;1588455 wrote: Well I know it's late but I must give a great big............:woot::woot::woot:
                        cheers i found out last week. It's canny like.Job security and that and the psychologist i work with wants me to help him out a bit more, so thats canny too
                        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                        Audrey Hepburn


                          Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                          littlepinkcat;1588456 wrote: cheers i found out last week. It's canny like.Job security and that and the psychologist i work with wants me to help him out a bit more, so thats canny too
                          GREAT NEWS Pinky inkele: - you deserve it - you work so hard :goodjob:


                            Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                            Pinky big well done to ya on being made permanent- fantastic xx

                            Wont go into work but yeah tis mighty feckin stressful nothin a few extra nurses on duty couldnt solve but what can ya do?!! It would put yer head away!!

                            Right best get the head down alarm gonna be going off at 6:upset:

                            Nighterxs to yis all xxx


                              Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                              but now :bedtime:
                              No gym planned for the morrow - that's why I'm up dossing here at all hours

                              JC I have my beady eye on you - take care & talk tomorrow?:l


                                Army Thread Thursday 21st November

                                Before you go can I have me water please, Satz. And thanks darling.

                                Sweety you get yer head down too, I'll be up in a minute with your hotty bottle and tuck you in.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

