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Army thread Sunday 24 November

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    Army thread Sunday 24 November

    Humbly begging quatrillions of pardons industrious Molly. :H:H:H
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread Sunday 24 November

      mollyka;1589406 wrote: Ah - leave her snore --- you'll get some peace! Joey came home after a night out yesterday morning and slept till last night -- got up, looked bewildered - asked what day it was - and went back to bed --- he's still there:H

      I very beg your puddin!!!! I've just made a spicy chicken pie and contemplating chocolate brownies
      I remeber the days I used to do what Joey did, too old for it now
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        Army thread Sunday 24 November

        Note the verb, Army: contemplating.

        I'm trying to sort out my study. Now that's a job and a half.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Sunday 24 November

          Busy busy busy: all the books floating around around are back in place, newspapers in box for the vet, loose papers on heap to be sorted and filed, then the whole cleaning catastrophe. Could somebody please send me a few extra hours today - desperately in need of. Sweety kitty has fled the commotion and is sleeping on the window sill - lazy buggerette.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread Sunday 24 November

            Morning all:waving:
            Off tfor a read back .................


              Army thread Sunday 24 November

              :wavin: Satz
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Sunday 24 November

                Hi Molly, Jackie, Benji ( not sure I know anyone else here, sorry been AWOL)

                Thought I might tuck in here at certain times, would that be cool.?

                Just posted my update.. feel shitty and shabby but not in any way as bad as at my worst. Going totally AF again, just in time for Chrimbo.. it's a bad time but also the best time in a weird way.. No health probs or withdrawls this time which is a plus!!

                Anyway what I wouldn't do for some cooler weather.. it's freaking hot here!



                  Army thread Sunday 24 November

                  mollyka;1589377 wrote: Poor wee Peapie:l Inhuman working of a sunda!!! Adam went to school with a few of those Irish lads --- most of the good ones went to play for England tho - shag all opportunities here really -- hope it's not too bad a day at work xxx

                  Never watched the IPL - don't seem to get it on our channels -- think it may be 'pay per view' or somethin --- the ethos that different sides have amuses me --- the dreary 'plod it out and try to get a draw' V the likes of Australia and India and even WI -- love the gung-ho attitude of the latter! And you HAVE to laugh at the old school tie types having to mix it with the 'bold boys' --- all human life is there!!!!!

                  NOW ---- new rant --- I mean --- I HAVE a VLC now --- NOOOOOOOO - apparently I need a VRC --- which I don't have cos the car is around since the dinosaurs --- bollix!!!!!!Maybe it's the old reg. book yoke Molls - not the cert ?
                  Well if the banger is THAT old :H
                  mollyka;1589392 wrote:
                  I had nothing whatsoever in common with them --- and we shared so much when drinking - it's incredible how shallow those friendships were tbh!! Joe now feels the same about them - bit sad --- but sure --- c'est la vie!!
                  What's wrong with G's parents and the parrot?
                  My think my SIL now falls in to that category too. Haven't seen her for ages
                  But I feel great - and that's what counts in my world
                  Still can't get over Joe Molls. It's like you got 2 for price of one at rehab and aftercare :H


                    Army thread Sunday 24 November

                    I'm awake, I'm awake and orff for a read back.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread Sunday 24 November

                      DreamThinkDo;1589428 wrote: :wavin: Satz
                      :wavin: Dreamboat


                        Army thread Sunday 24 November

                        Dreamboat -you seem to have made a good mark on other threads
                        You having nice folks following you into the barracks ?

                        I know Molls will have checked their credintials (sp) and stamped their papers - and decided if they are your friends they must be good people.:l

                        Welcome Rusty & Patrice:welcome::welcome:

                        JC will make the coffee & Cake when she gets up.:goodjob:


                          Army thread Sunday 24 November

                          I promise I won't mention the heat.. but really it's only good if you like bouffant hair and profuse sweating (no, not Al induced) to the point that by the time I get out the door my make-up has slid down to my chest, mascara has run to my cheeks and my clothes stick to me like glue. Not to mention the exhaustion from the humidity!! Haha, now THAT'S got you thinking !!


                            Army thread Sunday 24 November

                            Rusty;1589334 wrote: Good Morning, Dream! :-). It is 10:08 PM here Saturday night. What are your plans for today?
                            Lovely post yesterday Rusty - welcome to the army :welcome:


                              Army thread Sunday 24 November

                              Good morning Dreamydooooooooo, Rustyroooooo, Tipperooooooo, Mollymooooooooo, Sweetypeeeeeeeee, Spydyyyyyyyyyy, Pinklesssssssssss, Satzumaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and a huge yooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo to Patrice.

                              Just park you bottom in the comfy chair, Patrice,, you're staying.

                              Hang on minute while I give Mr JC a fresh hankie, the other one's wet from his sobbing over Englands defeat.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army thread Sunday 24 November

                                mollyka;1589435 wrote: Mebbe you should come back as a cat:H

                                PATRICE!!!!! Just responded to you on your update - so won't repeat myself! GREAT to see you here, and would love to see you posting regularly in the Army --- we're down a few troops at the moment and if you PROMISE not to mention your lovely warm weather YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME!!! It's BALTIC here!!!!!!!

                                Re. the crimbo thing and giving up now --- I think it's a BRILLIANT time to go at it while your determination is there! I gave up ciggies first time round a month before I got married -- reckoned if I could get through a wedding without them there was nigh on nothing that was going to de-rail me --- it worked (well, until 3 years ago)
                                Hi Patrice -wot she said

