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Army thread Sunday 24 November

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    Army thread Sunday 24 November

    Another first on Satz sober journey :
    Got call from Dublin from DD - could I pick up MrS half way as our bus is on a so slow - or appears so.
    NEVER happened before
    So happy about this - inkele:
    even though I have to go out in the cold :egad:


      Army thread Sunday 24 November

      satz123;1589737 wrote: Another first on Satz sober journey :
      Got call from Dublin from DD - could I pick up MrS half way as our bus is on a so slow - or appears so.
      NEVER happened before
      So happy about this - inkele:
      even though I have to go out in the cold
      :hiya: Satz

      :goodjob: on being able to go get them, even if it means going out into the cold!

      Thanks for the hugs from ye and Molls xx

      Fed n watered now so am a tad less grouchy!!

      Will have a treat- feck the weigh in tomorrow and a nice long soak in the bath is on the cards too.


        Army thread Sunday 24 November

        Evening all.
        Got the luvverly Jenz here. Late dinner for us.............again.

        Ahh my Sweetypea, me lovely, come here and let me give you a big fat :l
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army thread Sunday 24 November

          mollyka;1589745 wrote: I know what you mean -- it's the trust and presumption that you CAN do it -- no sort of 'would you be able........?' In other words (in my case anyhows) 'or are you under the table with a bottle?'!!!

          You're right pet --- and those grouchy evenings happen to everyone --- drinkers or non. - but in our case - it could very easily escalate into a 'fuck it' moment --- once I realised that it was 'normal' and a bit of hot food or whatever would cheer me up --- that was ok!!
          Fully fed myself now ---- what did you buy Benjy?
          That is SO true Molls - really works!

          Anyway bought:
          • Boots - I don't need - but the girl in the shop & I agreed I'd probably lose sleep tonight if I didn't buy them -so I did :H
          • Salads etc for the week from my beloved M&S:hLIttle cardi in Topshop reduced to ?30 from ?50Keep looking at stuff for young Satz & GF - they will prob have no winter stuff. She doesn't even own a jumper Bless !


            Army thread Sunday 24 November

            I don't care what they're like will they fit me.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Sunday 24 November

              mollyka;1589759 wrote: Ah - if she's a proper gurl - she'll have bought every jumper in the northern hemisphere by the time she hits ground zero:H
              Simon brought an apple tart from Marks today --- jaysus, it was gorgeous - you'd never make one as nice ---
              Long boots --- short boots -- colour - heel height? FFS -- this is like pullin teeth!!!!!

              Evenin Jacks!
              Ah see Molls - she's a student doing her masters with not a lot of money.
              Never been outside Oz.. reports are she is really nice and everything is great and she has a happy head on her all the time.
              She will LOVE everything - and I really would enjoy buying her a few wintery bits. Feckin' loads of stuff in H&M really cheep but loverly.
              Kinda looking forward to spoling her
              The boots ar black , biker type jobby - casual for putting jeans, leggings etc into !
              Need them like a hole in the head !


                Army thread Sunday 24 November

                mollyka;1589763 wrote: oH -they sound SMASHING!! Love them ones!!!!
                You'll enjoy having a lassie round the place that you can boss a bit!! Poor wee Rachel - and Laura when she's around -- they bend over backwards to please me --- unlike my wee opinionated madam in Toronto!!!!
                Yup - we are the Alpha 'Ol Wans (bangs chest ):H


                  Army thread Sunday 24 November

                  JackieClaire;1589760 wrote: I don't care what they're like will they fit me.
                  :waving: JC


                    Army thread Sunday 24 November

                    satz123;1589766 wrote: :waving: JC
                    Right back atcha :hiya:

                    mollyka;1589770 wrote:
                    R yiz all still there are did ya take the opportunity to run away?:H
                    Just feeding a canine and 3 hungry hippos.

                    The luvverly Jenz has just read the M&S food catalogue and fainted at the prices.

                    One.....................hundred................... ..and ..............twenty pounds for a 3 bird roast.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread Sunday 24 November

                      Second best to Candy
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Sunday 24 November

                        mollyka;1589775 wrote: :H yeah - talkin bout that at work yesterday -- bitta beef wellington 80 shaggin euro's!!!!
                        Wonder what the 3 burds are --- you me an Benjy? jaysus, we is worth more than THAT:H
                        We reckoned it has to be dodo, roc and phoenix at that price.

                        mollyka;1589776 wrote:
                        What did you feed them?
                        Roast beef and veg.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread Sunday 24 November

                          mollyka;1589780 wrote: :H:H Well at least I'm honest:H:H

                          Just hit level 300!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Just been over to FB and given you some. Lives that is.

                          I'm off to watch Homeland back for a midnight lurk.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Sunday 24 November

                            Just popping in to say goodnight.... GOODNIGHT !!
                            Fuckin' Mondays - hate them:upset:

                            excuse the language of a holy day ............. but Mondays take the good out of Sundays - if yiz get my drift :H


                              Army thread Sunday 24 November

                              JackieClaire;1589754 wrote: Evening all.
                              Got the luvverly Jenz here. Late dinner for us.............again.

                              Ahh my Sweetypea, me lovely, come here and let me give you a big fat :l
                              Thanks Jacks:l

                              mollyka;1589745 wrote: I know what you mean -- it's the trust and presumption that you CAN do it -- no sort of 'would you be able........?' In other words (in my case anyhows) 'or are you under the table with a bottle?'!!!

                              You're right pet --- and those grouchy evenings happen to everyone --- drinkers or non. - but in our case - it could very easily escalate into a 'fuck it' moment
                              --- once I realised that it was 'normal' and a bit of hot food or whatever would cheer me up --- that was ok!!
                              Fully fed myself now ---- what did you buy Benjy?

                              How true Molls- felt sooo pissed off earlier was questioning the whole being AF thing.. Had thoughts like- "what's the point?" "I still feel like shite, no better off" blah, blah, bloody blah... 'Fuck it' get some wine.

                              Need to not
                              forget what brought me here in first place- so easy done that! This time last year my options (I felt) were attempt another quit or attempt to take my own life, just detested myself and the horrible, waste of drunken space I was.

                              Glad to say had a very long soak, then a good chat n laugh with a pal, still not feeling 'well' but that must be my sinuses. One thing for sure if I were to have had the wine I'd be feeling so much worse, yeah, worser than worse!!

                              Nighters and thanks to ye all xx

                              :H Satz! I hate any feckin' day were work is involved!!

