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sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

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    sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

    Aquarius with Scorpio rising traits as well if you look at it from an astrological point of view Trix!! which is what I am!!!

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

      I don't know folks....

      I am more like Satori...I like numbers, math, science. But...I am a psychologist. SO, I am just one confused person!!

      Maybe that is why I drink??? LOL Seriously, I think it is just something in the genes...but I do think those who are really creative tend to be a little "on the edge". Meaning, along with creative genious, these wonderful sorts have unfortunately also inherited a little bit of angst....and therefore tend to have more anxiety, and maybe more likely to suffer from depression and addiction...I don't know, just what I think. But I am very sensitive, yet NOT creative at all. I like when things line up just so. Can't paint worth a damn, but can copy a painting almost perfectly. No suprise that after 20 plus years as a psychologist I decided to do full time psycho-educational is so much more gratifying to me!

      Anyway, I just don't fit myself. I am a pieces. I am supposed to be creative and all that...but...NOT. Just a confused soul...LOL

      with love,

      Beth, the lost, uncreative one.
      formerly known as bak310


        sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

        There is alot of art in our immediate family, but almost nil outside. When ever they come over (the non-artsies), we invariably end up in the grage making all sorts of things. Many art forms have a technique or two that you can have some success at with zero experience and we save those up for family, in-class projects or scouts. My dad makes it only a couple of minutes before he has to bug out, but he does it for me and its a nice gesture. Same reason I try to watch football with him for as long as I can last it.

        So I really think there is a continuum of 'creativity' or 'artisticness' and for my money - almost none of us know where we really lie along that line. Case in point, we have a family tradition of a christmas party and the only rule is EVERYONE must make an ornament. All are welcome to make theirs ahead of time, but we have loads of stuff to make one at the party we've colected through the years (styrofoam balls, pipecleaners and much more bizzarre stuff, too). We don't have a store-bought ornament anywhere on the tree and its wonderfull. A chemist friend made one frome lab glassware all fused together (we hang that one up high). A biologist made one from syringes filled with colored red and green liquid all poked into a cork as a star. One is a piece of gypsum dug from the WIPP nuke waste disposal site - he worked for the state public relations dept.

        And then there are the one's who come through the door dripping with skepticism - arms folded, convinced they are non-artsy or even that art sucks. Some wind up seeing the stuff on the tree and say, hey I could do that. Others condescend to at least help the kids with the hot glue or wire cutters (but that can be a way to sort of ooze into the spirit of the thing). Some need some booze to disolve their barriers and there's no shortage. As the evening wears on some of the ornaments get a little racier and anatomically correct. Some are made with cocktail olives (you can find the food one's a few days later by the smell). One favorite was garland made from Doritos - the guy spent _hours_ on it. One physicist I worked with for years kept outdoing himself year after year - he really wanted to spend time making knives I think it was, but "never found the time". Since he knew he was coming to the party every year he would make at least one cool thing a year and they were so clever, each year more fun than the last. Just needed the nudge.

        Anyway... bottom line: there is NO point in trying to predict who will get into it or not, who will make a cool ornament, who will have fun or who won't. And I can count the duds on one hand. People never cease to surprise me. prejudging by their backgrounds is pointless. Just need to give them the opportunity (and maybe a little nudge).

        Funny - I drink the least at this party, cuz I cook all sorts of crazy stuff and I sometimes need to keep people on the path... so not worrying about doing this one AF.

        As for the craetivity being related to th drinking, I don;t know either way, but if having to battle the drink monster is the price to pay for having art in my life, I'll take it.

        All the Best,


          sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

          trixietrack;131214 wrote: I have this weird theory that people who have a creative and sensitive side, (right brain vs left) have more of a tendency to abuse alcohol and drugs.

          Seems like people who are sensitive, are also very vulnerable and easily upset. They also seem to be dreamers and have vivd imaginations and love to surround themselves with beauty. People who are sensitive and creative also tend to enjoy escaping reality, or responsibilities. they can also have melancholic tendencies.
          any comments on this one?
          Comments? Yes, you just described me!!!

          Unfortunately the controlling types pick up on this and then we sensitive types become's all a vicious cycle, Ugh!

          I will never give up though. I am working on being STRONG, everyday.
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

            bak310;212620 wrote: I don't know folks....

            I am more like Satori...I like numbers, math, science. But...I am a psychologist. SO, I am just one confused person!!

            Maybe that is why I drink??? LOL Seriously, I think it is just something in the genes...but I do think those who are really creative tend to be a little "on the edge". Meaning, along with creative genious, these wonderful sorts have unfortunately also inherited a little bit of angst....and therefore tend to have more anxiety, and maybe more likely to suffer from depression and addiction...I don't know, just what I think. But I am very sensitive, yet NOT creative at all. I like when things line up just so. Can't paint worth a damn, but can copy a painting almost perfectly. No suprise that after 20 plus years as a psychologist I decided to do full time psycho-educational is so much more gratifying to me!

            Anyway, I just don't fit myself. I am a pieces. I am supposed to be creative and all that...but...NOT. Just a confused soul...LOL

            with love,

            Beth, the lost, uncreative one.
            Hi Beth,

            Have you read anything by Augusten Burroughs? His brother has a book out now that I would recommend to you. It is titled "Look me in the Eye" by John Elder Robison. The brothers have different last names because Augusten changed his name. I would highly recommend "Look me in the Eye". Of course Augusten's book "Dry" is probably excellent reading for ANYONE on this board.

            Take Care,

            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

              Well, I have read lots of stuff on bipolar (since I have it!) and it seems that many "creative and artistic" people have it - they are the ones who have those exceptionally creative highs like Spike Milligan or Peter Sellars. And, around 60% of bipolar people abuse some form of drug or another - often alcohol cause it's easier to get hold of!
              So, I would say there are cases where this is what happens. And you don't have to be bipolar - my adopted mother was/is a raging alcoholic and she is also a brilliant painter. Pity was the alcohol took over from the painting.
              I know i'm more creative and way more productive when i'm flying high. I'm also more likely to drink then as well.
              It's hard to tell though, cause most people have a talent, some use it more than others - and creativity can be anything from computer programming to writing epic poems. And yeah, I forgot, it's a fine line betwen genius and madness!
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

                quoting you cash,' the alcohol took over from the painting'. that's what happened to Jackson Pollock.
                If I had continued drinking heavily, I would be too weak to get my work out there. my self esteem was so low. I was spending more time drunk and thinking and talking about art than actually doing it.
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

                  what an interesting thread, but unfortunately I can't align to any of it personally.

                  I've done psycometric (sp?) testing to within an inch of it's life at work and apparently I don't have a creative bone in my body!

                  Myers Briggs...ISTJ, introvert, something, thinking and Judgemental. I read A LOT but can't write and can't draw a bum on wall ! I'm tone deaf and although I enjoy music if it's on, don't really "feel" it...

                  I've done the tests to see what I could be if I wanted to start audior or forensic scientist...not very creative at all huh ?

                  maybe that's why I drink !


                    sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

                    This is such an interesting thread. I'm somewhat creative though not so much that I'd ever hope to make a living at it. But introversion has popped in this thread and it's something I've been thinking about for the past several days. Introversion is not the same as shyness. It means a person needs time inside themselves to process, whereas an extrovert processes through contact with other people.

                    On holiday last week my goal was moderation. Some days I succeeded, some days I failed. Each overboard incident was when I was out and about, meeting many new people, listening to live music. Multiple conversations flowing around and across the table or bar, the music, watching people on the street, taking in interesting decor - a lot going on to process for this introvert, especially the social aspects. I couldn't get to the calm place inside that has been crucial in avoiding excess. I ordered water when I engaged socially with just a few people. When my environment took on multiple layers of interest that seemed to move quickly I had difficulty.

                    I could get there when just my husband and I were out and we had some lovely sober evenings-moderation came easily. Brief moments of meditation and self calming were possible and pleasurable. I got completely and naturally blissed out on the beach where I once would have drank all day. I drank to excess only when my introversion was challenged.

                    How do I handle this without becoming anti social? Become more adept at meditation? Adept practioners of meditation say they are always meditating at some level.


                      sensitive artistic types and alcohol abuse

                      I need time inside myself to process and I also love being with people. What a beautiful way you put it ChangeAgent! I get "energy" from other people, I get "peace" from alone time. There is nothing wrong with being either way. Variety is the spice of life!
                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson

