Just need to vent about my idiotic behavior last night. I've been feeling horrible about it ALL day. And it's not something that I can share with the hubby because he would not understand and I don't want to face his dissapointment. I mentioned this in an earlier post. Hubby was at work so I invited friends over, picked up a couple of bottles of wine,
a 6-pack of Red Stripe, and a delicious vegetarian pizza. We had great conversations, drank, laughed, had dinner, drank and laughed some more, and then said goodnight. My friends pretty much maintained a reasonable amount of alcohol consumption as they had to drive home. Me on the other hand, I drained a bottle of wine on my own and even had a half of glass from friend's bottle. Way to much wine! After my friends left, I got overly emotional when I couldn't find my cigs, cried, banged my head on my bedside table as I bent over to look under the bed (for the cigs), and of course, got into bed and passed out pretty quickly. I woke up at 4:30am with all of those horrible feelings I haven't felt for awhile--guilt, shame, disappointment, anxiety, and sadness. If I would have had beer instead of wine, I would have had just a few (like normal drinkers can do), but instead I plowed through the wine like it is water. Or even better yet, I could have just stuck to water or a soda. Just hating on myself right now a lot and needed to talk about to people I know will understand and not judge. I've gone in and added the next few days as AF days/0 drinks on the drinkcounter. Starting over again.
Thanks for listening.