I've broken up with that controlling scuz ball, and really wanted to do the 30 days af, but have fallen down a couple of times, and get so disappointed in myself.
I hate having this problem, and want nothing more than to be rid of the urge to drink, can go for a while and then it just overtakes me, and with the recent breakup it has been really hard. My will to abstain just disappears sometimes and I hate it.
I think I will try Campral, as to date have just been taking the supps and doing the cd's. One good thing is I have walked away from the stress of being with a controller, I was supposed to be moving in with him this weekend, got out of that by the skin of my teeth. I want to have this demon under control before I get involved again.
This is day 1 again for me, pray for strength for me guys, thanks.
Love Jasmin