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OK, what's up with the purple star?

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    OK, what's up with the purple star?

    Well, you all feel OK with everything that you have or have not gotten, as far as the symbols and transparancy and everything.
    I showed my husband my "star".
    To burst my little bubble, he promptly alerted me that the star was upside down, which is the sign of anarchy or antichrist or something like that>: .
    I thought my star was really quite special... I was twinkling away up until dumass had to go messin up my fun:rolleyes

    On the count of three, everyone flip their computers upside down, please.
    1-2-....E (get it? if your computer is upside down, I think the E would kinda look like a 3....: )
    oh, brother... never mind
    And before you start in on me, I haven't had a drink since Thursday!


      OK, what's up with the purple star?

      Re: Mysterious Icons ???

      Ok, I do see the mysterious icons now. I did not for a few days. It is as if they are slowly infiltrating the MWO Program and going to users 1 by 1. What is up? Maybe Tawnyfrog's treatment for aphids could be applied?


        OK, what's up with the purple star?

        Re: Mysterious Icons ???

        Actually, I think we're gonna need Captain Kirk and Spock for this one.

        I'll put my phazer on stun.


          OK, what's up with the purple star?

          Re: Mysterious Icons ???

          so they are not symbols of accomplishment bud rather cyber bugs. Aphyds, slugs. Just mix some old cigar ashes with stale beer and pour it slowly into your cd drive, that should do the trick.


            OK, what's up with the purple star?

            Re: Mysterious Icons ???

            Hi again,
            Being transparentfrog is better than lorinobody. Lately, when I post a message it never shows that it's from me. What am I? Chopped liver. Do you think if I kick my laptop I can fix that? Advise!


              OK, what's up with the purple star?

              Re: Mysterious Icons ???

              Hey Lori .... just where are we going to find some stale beer amonst this lot?

              Sorry to see that you're also missing in action.


                OK, what's up with the purple star?

                Re: Mysterious Icons ???

                Lori, where are you not showing up--can you point me there? (lol, but I'm serious.) I see your name next to your posts, such as this one and those earlier to Marcie and Maggie. Can you give me the URL so I can send it to the help desk?

                Helen, stand by with the phazer, here's where the people at EZBoard find out we're jumping ship...


                p.s.: You'll always be lorisomebody to us. :-)


                  OK, what's up with the purple star?

                  Re: Mysterious Icons ???

                  RJ - we're actually not joking. Lori's post appeared but when you check under "last comment" her name was not there. Now you are the last post so your name appears. I'll now post this and you'll find my name does not appear as the last post. Check further down - I replied to kanga under A poem - but no name appears


                    OK, what's up with the purple star?

                    Re: Mysterious Icons ???

                    Tawny: right, I understand that...I thought Lori might be describing a different problem. Am trying to figure out if there are any other quirks before I report 'em. Either way, we're working on it, promise!



                      OK, what's up with the purple star?

                      Re: Mysterious Icons ???


                      Reporting on quirks, eh?

                      Places! Everyone!


                        OK, what's up with the purple star?

                        Re: Mysterious Icons ???

                        Hi RJ,
                        No, tawny is right they disappeared me too from the last post box. I don't show up, nada, not even one lousy little pixel.
                        And thanks for my new title "lorisomebody" sounds pretty good to me.


                          OK, what's up with the purple star?

                          Re: No More Mysterious Icons !!!

                          All the gremlins seem to have gone. No more stars or mattresses.


                            OK, what's up with the purple star?

                            no more star??? boooooooooooooo. Unless it really was that anarchy thing my husband was talking about.... weirdo.
                            Anyhow, since there were disappearing people and barbed wire mattressed, I'm glad the quirks are gone!
                            Now, if we could choose our own little symbols or draw pictures, hmmmm. That would be fun.
                            Guess we'll just have to wait for the next haunting

