I'm doing well. Happy to be home.
No announcement yet.
Sober December!
Sober December!
Free - glad that you're home!
Pavati - Great job on Day 13!!! Way to go.
Skull - how are you doing?
I had one of those dreams last night. I was determined to drink. It went on & on...but I was trying to call Mama Bear before I drank. Very weird dream. I hate having those."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Sober December!
Hi all, Happy AF sunday to everyone.
Nora, when I have those dreams, I often think that wily AL is trying to enter my subconscious to get me to drink. Aren't you glad it was only a dream?Free at Last
"What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi
Highly recommend this video
July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last
Sober December!
Hi all, working from my apartment, with my dog on the bed beside me and the sunny shining through the window. So wonderful to be home. No thoughts of AL whatsoever and for that I am grateful.Free at Last
"What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi
Highly recommend this video
July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last
Sober December!
Hi everyone. NoraC, thanks for askingI'm good- just had a quick jaunt out of town to visit friends- they had margs and beers, I had iced tea. It was nice, good to see them and I'm happy I was able to get up and back on the road home hangover-free. Feeling good today, great in fact. Bout to go get some healthy food then off to the studio to make some art. It's a good day
Pavati... "meh" days happen often during early sobriety, I have them pretty often. Nothing wrong with that, I think normies have "meh" days too... that's just life, I guess. Sober "meh" still beats drunken/hungover euphoria/sick and depressed. Good on you for staying with it
As for drinking dreams- yeah I still have them too, from time to time... maybe always will... it's such a relief when I wake up and realize it was just a dream.
Sober December!
Good evening, all:
When I quit smoking I had many smoking dreams. I have always had very vivid and fairly literal dreams (not hard to interpret), but I had fewer and fewer (or fewer that I remembered) the more I drank. I hate dreams like that, Nora, when you wake up and can't shake it. I had a dream on day 2 that didn't involve drinking but the first steps toward it. Very disturbing.
I'm getting close to some big events that will be triggers, starting with a concert with good friends who don't know I've quit. I have no problem telling them I'm "on the wagon," but it will be tempting for me. I am not tempted now, and I will have a plan that includes a full belly BEFORE I go. I think it will be fine...
Happy sober Monday, all. Day 15 over.
Sober December!
Ever so happy to wake up in the morning AF. Over half way through the month -- where does the time go?Free at Last
"What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi
Highly recommend this video
July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last
Sober December!
Off for a two week+ holiday with my DH. Will have limited internet access so may not be posting until first of Jan. Looking forward to being fully present for these holiday days and onward into 2014.
Best wishes for a joyous holiday season.Free at Last
"What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi
Highly recommend this video
July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last
Sober December!
Free - have a wonderful holiday. Wow you are a jet setter. We'll "see" you in January. I will have 30 days on New Year's Eve - can't think of a better way to start a new year.
Day 18 is over - not an easy one again. I have a feeling this sober holiday is going to be slightly harder than anticipate. How many times can a person say "no, thank you!"
Sober December!
Wow, is Christmas really in 5 days??? Holy shit.
Best wishes to all of you. Remember that sobriety is in OUR hands and no one else's. Even if family, shopping, pressure, temptation drives us nuts, it's up to us to manage the stress. And we can do so. Breathe. Remember gratitude. It's difficult to feel anger, frustration, and despair when you can remind yourself what you're grateful for. Be gentle and forgiving and compassionate to those that need it, including jerks in your family, and especially including yourself..
Remember that a sober Christmas morning and New Year's Day will be a great memory, not an anxious, sick, depressed one!!