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Underoos and Friends - December

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    Underoos and Friends - December

    not sure if this will work, put this address in the search bar to see my ride, missing a few of the trails that i cant seem to get to work.

    Google Map Pedometer / GMaps Pedometer for Running, Walking, Cycling, and Hiking
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


      Underoos and Friends - December

      Aspy - I'm getting a circuit of 18.7km. You're a bloody legend. When you decide to do something, you just go and bloody do it. Fantastic. I'm sure Missy will give you more tips re the swimming - can't help there. I swim like a brick.


        Underoos and Friends - December

        Wow Aspy that was a mammoth effort, well done. You'll get the hang of swimming 'properly' but don't let striving for 'perfection' mess with the enjoyment. I doubt I do it properly, I just enjoy the activity.

        I was a bit of a pussy at the gym today.... Only went hard on legs. THEN I went shopping for bras with my daughter and saw the back view of my beautiful self. Fusk!!!! I thought someone's granny was standing behind me - lmao! Soooooo, it will be hard, hard and more hardness each and every time I'm with Jim from this day forward!!!!

        I got the bright pink Nike shoes I've been eyeing off - half price. Score!!!!!

        Hey Happs - I bought a pair of pants that actually look like a long skirt bunched at the bottom. I thought of you when I decided they were splendiferous and just what I needed.

        That is all.
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          Underoos and Friends - December

          heh thanx guys, just the happy thought i needed. that granny behind you has a fat husband who gets on the scales with me most mornings

          i am not after perfection, i just want it to be 400m without putting my head up is that to much to ask I am just was not enjoying the swim i need a new mindset re swimming.
          i came back to aus at age 10 a non swimmer, it has always been my kryptonite.
          and booze too.
          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


            Underoos and Friends - December

            I got a note from the young 15yo niece. "Thank you for the presents, aunty Frog, love them but the bra is too small. YAY!!!"

            True story.


              Underoos and Friends - December

              aspman;1604825 wrote: glad to see you out of the fort glassy, this is the happy place where we can all be ourselves.

              hey gang, i swam with the goggles this morning. was a big failure, i just cant get the hang of putting my face in the water, i managed only two 25m laps doing it "properly" and breathing bilaterally i did a total of 200m before getting out in disgust of myself i think i need to target only one skill each session or two just until it is more natural...I am to impatient and understand what is required but i get cranky and to impatient to get to the end of each lap. i think i need to enjoy it but not sure how to do that. i rode the pushbike to swimming, then decided to push myself to make up for the bad swim, so i rode the long way to the state forest then rode 3 of the tracks. total of over 25km for the day... i can barely walk now
              Asp, you bloody inspiration you. Bit the same re the swimming...remember my first swimming lesson and they told me I was too short to swim never really stuck, I've got a pretty stroke but I don't go far because of the breathing. I've made sure the locusts can swim, the Lamp swims like a fish and I just DONT. Everyone tells me that its like yoga, once you have the breathing right you can do list for the new year is adult swimming lessons, local pool. You really are very cool, you know?

              Nicey, I love my fancy comfy and yet a fashion statement...the thinking woman's tracky daks...


                Underoos and Friends - December

                tawnyfrog;1604848 wrote: I got a note from the young 15yo niece. "Thank you for the presents, aunty Frog, love them but the bra is too small. YAY!!!"

                True story.
                :H did you work out the sizing?


                  Underoos and Friends - December

                  myhappyplace;1604851 wrote: :H did you work out the sizing?
                  I bought what her mum told me to buy. I'm not the idiot here. Tee hee hee. Aunties can't lose.


                    Underoos and Friends - December

                    tawnyfrog;1604852 wrote: I bought what her mum told me to buy. I'm not the idiot here. Tee hee hee. Aunties can't lose.
                    :H Love it...


                      Underoos and Friends - December

                      Sooo - let me bore you with my swimming story. So I was this little kraut kid who, until we boarded the boat at Bremen, had never seen the ocean. There were no public baths/swimming pools in our little town. Yes, we did have a river but we were told not to go near the river. Fast forward to arriving in Oz ... parents with non-existent english do the Sunday drive routine to the seaside. Ah, this is nice. A quiet beach. No people. Get in there, young froglet and enjoy.

                      I swear I was only in up to about my chest when this gigantic undertow grabbed me and spun me around and around and I tried to stand up but couldn't find where up was. Fusking horrendous. Lesson for all: Don't swim at back beaches. There's a reason why nobody's there.

                      That little episode retarded my swimming career by a few decades... such a shame. I coulda been another Dawnie. Or another Eric the Eel. I throbbed Eric.


                        Underoos and Friends - December

                        eric the eel was a superstar!
                        the seaside is a dangerous place.
                        not to mention the white pointers.
                        AF since 10/26/2009

                        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                          Underoos and Friends - December

                          thanks for the compliment happs, i think you lot are way cooler than i, i feel like the uncool kid hanging out with the cool kids due to a cool family member.
                          risking overusing the word cool, never.
                          AF since 10/26/2009

                          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                            Underoos and Friends - December

                            So while we?re all laying our souls bare, I was the little Welsh kid who arrived in Oz so terrified of water I had to be tempted into the paddling pool. Somewhere, in an undisclosed location, there is a picture of me and my sister, aged roughly 4 and 7, sitting in about 3 inches of water wearing bathing caps!

                            Aspy, I have thoughts about your swimming experience but I need to collect them. I?ll be back when I can work out a constructive way to share.
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              Underoos and Friends - December

                              A Better Me;1604283 wrote: So we're back from the little sojourn & we stayed at this place & the lady half of the couple was a chef....yes, a chef.
                              Dinner 1 - antipasto plate. slow cooked venison on roast kumara with steamed veg. Chocolate fondant with vanilla bean ice cream & blueberries.
                              Breakfast - plums & cherries straight off the trees.
                              Morning tea - espresso with date scones, homemade jam & clotted cream *sigh*
                              Lunch - breads with olive oil & balsamic. Pan fried Dory on baby spinach salad, with hot smoked salmon.
                              Dinner - prawn cocktail. coffee marinated beef salad. chocolate fondant, ice cream & blueberries.
                              Snacks - nectarines, peaches, plums, raspberries, apricots...right from the orchard.
                              Was she trying to outcook your very own Raggsy?


                                Underoos and Friends - December

                                Right, thoughts about swimming somewhat collected.

                                Aspy, as someone who had to learn to swim as an adult (4 years ago I couldn?t put my head underwater and now I can do a slow 1.5k), my first thoughts are that perhaps you?re expecting too much of yourself too soon. You said: "I just cant get the hang of putting my face in the water, i managed only two 25m laps doing it "properly" and breathing bilaterally". Well, 50 metres of doing it properly is pretty damn good IMHO, especially for a beginner.

                                One thing about swimming is that it?s very much about technique rather than fitness, so I think you?ll be surprised how quickly you improve if you keep up the drills. It's also something that might really benefit from a few lessons from a pro, just to make sure you're not wasting time reinforcing bad habits.
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

