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Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

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    Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

    Morning guys
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

      Zenstyle;1592794 wrote: And on that note... with a word of thanks I am orf for some one on one with the leaba. I really do appreciate, and recognize, and know, we are there for each other and it is a very helpful thing. I've been thinking about it the last week or so... and I realize it's not to be sniffed at. I think we are lucky to have each other, and I also recognize that sometimes some of us have to break off and do our own thing. If one of us is accepted back in the herd after an absence, well, that will be a cool thing. )
      I often nip in and out, cause of uni work and being snowed under and that,I'm like the sober distant cousin,LOL
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

        Morning Sweetiepeapie, you get two coffees and a :ljust because you have to work on a Sunday.

        :wavin: Pink, love the idea of a sober distant cousin
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

          hi dreamy, how's tricks?
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

            Morning people thank God November is over, this last week has been very expensive, OH's motor bike died on Tuesday and needs to be replaced, my desktop computer packed up forever yesterday :upset: in other news the parrot went to his forever (I hope) home yesterday afternoon. Absence from barracks this week as I've been applying for a temporary promotion, don't think I have a snowball in hell's chance of getting it but the money is just too good to not try.

            Bright but freezing Sunday here, I'm very jealous of those of you hanging upside down with fruit ripening and warm weather. Out looking at new bikes today, just what we need to be doing with Christmas on the horizon, last year at this time it would have caused a row about going early so I could get back in time for wine o'clock. Need to negotiate my way round this borrowed PC and see what I've missed whilst I've been indulging in creative writing (aka application for filling).

            Have a lovely day one and all
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

              DSC Pink, things are just fine here; have to find a trowel so I can plaster on the make-up:H:H

              Spidey, dead bike and pc are bummers; I hope Polly Parrot will be happy in his new home. You know how it goes when jobhunting: if you apply for a job, you may not get it; if you don't apply, you definitely will not get it. Good luck there - extra money is always nice!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                Hi Dreamy, its a temporary promotion (til April 2015) in my own department, 3 roles so no big deal if I don't get it but the money is fantastic so had to try. Will be on the edge until I see if I get an interview, and I'll know in a day or two as interview date is Friday 13th !!! then our boss always lets the candidate know on the day so not long thank goodness.
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                  Mornin' all :wavin:


                    Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                    spiderwoman;1592845 wrote: Hi Dreamy, its a temporary promotion (til April 2015) in my own department, 3 roles so no big deal if I don't get it but the money is fantastic so had to try. Will be on the edge until I see if I get an interview, and I'll know in a day or two as interview date is Friday 13th !!! then our boss always lets the candidate know on the day so not long thank goodness.
                    Sounds great. A change is great thing. Scary but great in the end. You'd have always wondered if you didn't apply.
                    You'll fly it Spidey !!!!


                      Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                      Spidey, Friday the 13th is a very auspicious date - just stay positive. And a brilliant other date coming up - 9 Dec!

                      :wavin: Satz, how are things on this fine (I hope for you too) Sunday?
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                        DreamThinkDo;1592844 wrote: You know how it goes when jobhunting: if you apply for a job, you may not get it; if you don't apply, you definitely will not get it. Good luck there - extra money is always nice!
                        LOVE that Dreamy
                        One to remember !


                          Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                          :welcome:back Zennerooney.
                          We knew you weren't gone too far.
                          Well done on first Christmas Tree in the barracks :thumbs:


                            Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                            DreamThinkDo;1592849 wrote: Spidey, Friday the 13th is a very auspicious date - just stay positive. And a brilliant other date coming up - 9 Dec!

                            :wavin: Satz, how are things on this fine (I hope for you too) Sunday?
                            Great Dreamy. Managed a full day yesterday surrounded by booze and bad food and came out unscathed :yay:
                            It was a family get together for my sis home - so another first in the Satzy repertoire of sober social occasions inkele:

                            A fine Sunday indeed - dull & wet but a fine sober Sunday imo :thumbsup:


                              Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                              And the smiley award today goes to Satz! Bad food, eh - should be made a crime against humanity!

                              And :goodjob: on the :yay: and the inkele:
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Army Thread... Sunday 1st December

                                :wavin: Molls!

                                mollyka;1592866 wrote:
                                barracks to be manned IN FULL on the 9th!!!!!!!
                                I will not man the barracks; I will girl it, I will person it, I will woman it, but i will not man it.
                                Be-witch it sounds a good idea, though
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

