Then I did. And I have looked at each day as just one day. and I have still done that. 100 AF.
I started just to try to moderate, but have not tried that yet.
I have just used the sups, and CD's and the board as tools...
Many times ...Many times as recent as yesterday, I just wanted to pound down a few... Sometimes with so much going on "stress etc. you think...Oh why not... Who cares?...(Where does that voice come from?...
Many, would have gone AF for a while report how they feel so much better. I really have not. ( Except the bad mornings of grog are gone)
I am tired, kind of weak and not sure footed, I have been working out for 10 weeks 5 days a week and trying to eat healthy stuff...have lost very little weight.. very frustrating....sometimes feeling worse in the middle of the day then when I drank a lot... Weird...
Perhaps my lack of feeling good has to do with some other health issue, I do not know about ...yet...
Yet... I know not drinking is the right thing....poring poison down your throat just is wrong for you and all you care about.
A big thank you to all here who have been supportive!!!
As for tonight & more day... I can do it...
Bless the Lord for strength day to day and for all you...(Thanks RJ!)