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Army thread Monday 9 December

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    Army thread Monday 9 December

    Fox, enjoy the not-so-little Lily!

    Questy :goodjob: (not so sure about the Pink Panther thing though - does JC think you live in some sort of institution?) And a best seller, they claim - what is the world coming to?

    JC, big boxes are the best way of quickly getting rid of stuff

    Chick :waving:

    Good, we now have Molly back :welcome: - and is she making up for her incommunicado weekend:H:H

    Where is Spidey - she's supposed to make a speech!

    Later all!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army thread Monday 9 December

      Delighted to see you back Moll's :welcome:


        Army thread Monday 9 December know when I sent the begging letters the other week for donations to the place I volunteer at..............we've just been sent a personal cheque from one for a ?100.............that's right a whole hundred pounds.

        Absolutely blown away by the kindness of some people, got a bit teary if I'm honest.

        Rightio back into the kit hen to deal with these shepherds.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army thread Monday 9 December


          Many congratulations on your one year spidey. What a wonderful early Christmas present to give yourself!

          Congratulations too on your new arrival foxy, I hope lilly bonds with your other two cats.


            Army thread Monday 9 December

            Wow JC that's amazing.


              Army thread Monday 9 December

              'Bout time you posted Molls
              SHAG + FOSHAG ( friend of SHAG ) are due on Thursday - need as much Army support as I can get.
              You'll be handy Molls ' cos you are only down the motorway if I need to ship them off somewhere for feeding :H:H


                Army thread Monday 9 December

                JackieClaire;1596598 wrote: know when I sent the begging letters the other week for donations to the place I volunteer at..............we've just been sent a personal cheque from one for a ?100.............that's right a whole hundred pounds.

                Absolutely blown away by the kindness of some people, got a bit teary if I'm honest.

                Rightio back into the kit hen to deal with these shepherds.:woot: on the nice people in the world !
                Good luck herding the shepherds JC :H

                Quest for the key;1596587 wrote:
                Thanks for the pants jacs xx might be a bit of a stretch but I'm putting them on right now !!!

                Hoya molls
                Get them knickers on there Questy - one leg at a time ! :H:H
                I was going to say December is a difficult month to make a huge change but Spidey did it last year & I actually remember coming home from Australia and being AMAZED that anyone could do it at that time of year. I couldn't even imagine Christmas without alcohol - and here I am heading into an AF Christmas :yay:
                Just takes time to adjust habits & thinking Questydrawers !!:l


                  Army thread Monday 9 December

                  JC, nicest bit is it's a personal cheque - not from some company's do-good budget, but a real person reaching into a pocket. :goodjob:

                  Shepherds - they're all on display in a manger somewhere, you should be able to round up a few

                  Later all
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Army thread Monday 9 December

                    :hallo: Army

                    Cheeses! What a day.

                    I'll slaughter a shepherd for you JC if he looks anything like the driving Miss Daisy dude who held us up for ages in traffic.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army thread Monday 9 December

                      tiptronic_ct;1596726 wrote: I'll slaughter a shepherd for you JC if he looks anything like the driving Miss Daisy dude who held us up for ages in traffic.

                      Tips, sorry about the traffic bit, but just can't stop laughing. What exactly did Mr Driver do?
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread Monday 9 December

                        DreamThinkDo;1596733 wrote: :H:H:H:H

                        Tips, sorry about the traffic bit, but just can't stop laughing. What exactly did Mr Driver do?
                        Too fecking little. That's what he did. One needs to have some sense of purpose, surely?

                        Hiya Dreamy
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army thread Monday 9 December

                          Is that your kitty in your avatart?
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army thread Monday 9 December

                            Maybe his purpose was to admire the scenery? In peak hour traffic.

                            Little Giada, yes. Isn't she a beauty?
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army thread Monday 9 December

                              satz123;1596676 wrote: 'Bout time you posted Molls
                              SHAG + FOSHAG ( friend of SHAG ) are due on Thursday - need as much Army support as I can get.

                              Remember to just SHOUT.

                              tiptronic_ct;1596726 wrote:
                              :hallo: Army

                              Cheeses! What a day.

                              I'll slaughter a shepherd for you JC if he looks anything like the driving Miss Daisy dude who held us up for ages in traffic.
                              That's very kind of you but managed to beat them into the pan with a couple of sticks of celery and a leek..............perhaps that would work on the Miss Daisy dude................just shake your celery at him.

                              Oh and good eveninks dahlinks,
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army thread Monday 9 December

                                JackieClaire;1596742 wrote: .just shake your celery at him.
                                words fail me :H:H:H:H:H:H
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

