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Army thread Wednesday 11 December

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    Army thread Wednesday 11 December

    mollyka;1597708 wrote: :H:H How right you are!!!!
    Oh - big news --- they're having a big Christmas Bake-Off in the Brig library (the scene of the crime last Sat) and guess who's gonna be the JUDGE!!!!!????? I'm all excited!!! Twill be the best of fun!
    Must go wash my face and teeth afore himself goes asleep --- back in a bit x

    Rightio the lovely Jenz is ready to serve dinner.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army thread Wednesday 11 December

      When life is good, life is brilliant!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread Wednesday 11 December

        You know, I think we became so used to really high ups and low downs when drinking that we actually forgot that life is more ordinary than extra - the normal day-to-day stuff, and it's actually nice now to be able to appreciate small things.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Wednesday 11 December

          Thanks for the good wishes, its the next notch up the greasy pole of pension administration K9
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Army thread Wednesday 11 December

            Cat fight in the garden, dogs barking like crazy. Kitty dashed out of here to protect her turf (or to join in the fun).

            Thought I'd share.

            Pumpkin time, Army and waaaaaay past my bedtime. Sweet dreams. :l:l
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army thread Wednesday 11 December

              Molly, that happily sober: I was really scared that I'd become really dull and boring when sober, and used that as one of the reasons why I couldn't possibly stop: that fear that people would see the real me and not like it. Now, I couldn't be bothered: people have to take me as I am: dull and boring, actually, with funny bits in-between, but that's who I am. And I'm getting better at liking myself, and being happy with who I am.
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                Drinking to make myself more interesting and likable... what a joke!

                Really really off to bed now:l:l
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                  :hiya: Yooo Hooooo


                    Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                    Rant alert

                    Up to me oxters in work and getting this place ready for the onslaught tomorrow :egad:
                    As you said Molls they can take me or leave me - my crowd pleasing days are over .
                    My trying to live up to expectations of someone else is over .... a lot of stuff never really sat well anyway the bottle was produced & off I went doing the 'right' thing numbed by alcohol.

                    I've also reported noseyhole for irrational behaviour & abusive language - not all the way to the top - I could but ..
                    Was all vision & no sound in our office yesterday & I want to keep it that way....he has burnt his last bridge with me....
                    An apology will do - then it's work ONLY conversation .............

                    Rant over


                      Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                      mollyka;1597747 wrote: YOO HOO YOURSELF!!! How's you? That was terrible sad bout that young man - are you ok?
                      I am grand Molls -being the shallow person I am - I brushed myself off - and carried on moaning
                      Saturday will be the funeral - that won't be too nice.


                        Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                        I won't keep you from your leaba Molls - just didn't get around to posting ..... got caught up in stuff.
                        See the Saffas are taking over :H:H
                        Nip that in the bud:bat:


                          Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                          mollyka;1597753 wrote: Crikey - there's a lot going on THERE!!!!
                          Dead right about the Shaggers --- the more relaxed YOU are the more relaxed they'll be -- MrsPerfect is a very tiresome host usually --- so just let them pile in and do whatever they want themselves --- if you want to participate - do --- if you don't --- there's enough of them to amuse eachother so just go at your own pace --- it'll work FAR better!
                          Wow to Noseyhole as well --- didn't realise it had gotten that serious!! And good for you reporting him. Had a similar situation re. the fiasco at work last Sat. one of the staff members hung me out to dry --- and I let that info go as far as branch level cos I certainly wasn't going to take the blame for something I had nothing to do with --- but I drew the line at senior management cos she'd have been in serious trouble --- as it turned out, the branch staff had worked it out all on their own, I felt just --- I dunno --- good, that they never thought it was me in the first place -- so good on you -- hope you do get an apology --
                          Have you all the beds made up an all? That's the part I hate!!!!
                          Beds -yeah- and Mr S thinks food is sorted by buying Rashers & Sausages :H

                          Actully I think i may have poisioned him. Bought chicken in Lidl -made casserole - it was cooked I thought but tough as old boots - put it down to cheap chicken. :egad:
                          He has the trots now :H


                            Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                            Night Molls

                            Night JC when you come lurking


                              Army thread Wednesday 11 December

                              satz123;1597759 wrote: Beds -yeah- and Mr S thinks food is sorted by buying Rashers & Sausages :H

                              Actully I think i may have poisioned him. Bought chicken in Lidl -made casserole - it was cooked I thought but tough as old boots - put it down to cheap chicken. :egad:
                              He has the trots now :H

                              Will this be enough for the next 24 hours do you think.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

