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Just starting out

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    Just starting out

    I have been AF for 4 days, I still fear the 5pm urge. I am running out of things to keep my mind active at that time. 32 year old female - never thought I would find myself here. :new:

    Just starting out

    Welcome Suri, You have come to an awesome spot! We all are happy to help you along.
    Good job on your first 4 AF days. Those are the hardest to get going.
    I know what ya mean on the happy hour time. It helped me to eat dinner a little eariler. Or even do a workout then. So glad you joined us. Hope you downloaded the book. Get started on the supps and read read read the posts. And do lots of posting yourself.
    Gabby :flower:


      Just starting out

      Welcome Suri, It's great that you are here. That time is a hard time for a lot of us. Come here during that time and keep on talking, there are a lot of great people here. Read the book and look into the supplements.
      Glad you found us and you have taken the first step which is always the hardest, again welcome.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Just starting out

        Hi Suri and welcome. I'm very impressed with your four days AF! I agree with Gabby that you have to somehow change your routine during your trigger times. I know that's easier said then done, but I think it's pretty critical to break the routine you normally follow when you choose to drink. I'm already thinking about tomorrow night when the hubby will be at work. That's when I usually weaken because I don't have to be concerned about his judgement. Luckily, my son has a school event so I'll be out in the evening when I would first open that bottle of wine. After that, I will probably take the kids for icecream or some other treat because that will keep me out of the house a little later. (I'm an at-home drinker mostly). Go shopping or to a movie...anything to pass the time when you would normally start drinking. Again, welcome. Keep reading posts and log on often. Coming here has been so beneficial for keeping me on the right path.



          Just starting out

          I am curious to how much most females drink. I think I would drink 6 -8 drinks per night. I dont know anymore if this is a lot or not?


            Just starting out

            The medical boards say 3 to 4 drinks per night is considered "heavy drinking" for women.


              Just starting out

              Wow, I guess there is no denying it now. This feels so terrible and embarrassing. The worse thing is I keep telling myself I am not that bad.


                Just starting out

                good job on 4 days!

                I'm pretty new too, and I've only done 1 day totally AF, and 5 moderating, then slipped last night, so I'm climbing back on the horse tonight, with lots of help from the wonderful folks here...I'm proud you did 4 dys without help....I'd never do it without this site and great folks! Download the book, the supps are great, and I'm starting the CD's tonight, read the posts, post alot, and yes, do something else during the trigger times, that's a biggie, I come here and you can go to chat, you can't type and hold a glass....he he he.....Look forward to getting to know you, and I'm looking forward to 4 dys AF, you are ahead of me!
                "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                  Just starting out

                  Welcome Suri & Toughintexas!

                  Julie has given great advice here. That witching hour is the pitts but you'll quickly adjust and before you know it, it'll be a brease, but to get you going, do as Julie has suggested.

                  I will add another suggestion of buying a new book to read when you go to bed ie, by not drinking, you can go to bed earlier with a book and read with a clear head and some great book that you can sink your teeth into, and look forward to reading further the following night.

                  If you're like me and you have kids at home doing homework etc during that witching hour, another idea is to buy some green tea and/or mineral water (creme dela creme brand ... you deserve it!) and some lemons/limes so you can have a lovely healthy AF (alcohol free) healthy drink with a slice of lemon at that 5pm witching hour.

                  If you havn't downloaded the book yet, I implore you to do so... very motivating!

                  Above all else, bloody well done to both of you for your AF days!

                  Tough, the 2nd evening is about the same as the first but the 3rd evening is sooo much easier and by the 4th, you'll barely think about it.

                  I've set my own personal goal of abs during the week and mod on the weekend, and that is really helpful to me, so if you make your own plan of attack, it'll really help.

                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    Just starting out

                    hi surey welcome my bad time was 7pm and i made sure i came here well done on 4 days af personally i found day 6 the worst but we are all differnt, i did and am still taking it one day at a time you will be surprised how quickly it mounts up good luck


                      Just starting out

                      :welcome: ABOARD SURI !!!!!
                      You are gonna love this group of upbeat, compassionate people... I've only been here 22 days myself, and already I feel right at home. All of your questions and ideas are met with non-judgmental responses... Congratulation on your 4 alcohol free days.. :goodjob: Give yourself a pat on the back... I agree that in the beginning it really helped for me to have regular healthy snacks during the day between meals and have an earlier supper than usual. For me I found a direct relationship with craving alcohol and needing something to eat.. An empty stomach to me triggered the want for a beer or wine. I now am a snacking person. Lightly seasoned popcorn is a great snack with a satisfiying CRUNCH ! Good luck to you and we're better here for having you join us. ~Niblet~

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Just starting out

                        Welcome Suri! You will find a LOT of women on this board who will be able to relate to you. I am 35 and I was drinking... oh, I would say... probably a 26er of Vodka within a night or two or else a 1.5 litres of wine a night. My life spiraled out of control when I was about 31-32 years old. I went from a weekend drinker (although I was drinking until black out even in those days) to drinking almost every night.

                        Like Gabby said the hardest part is starting. 4 days is a great start. Come and log on here when you find your cravings are bugging you. I did this and it really, really helped. Best of luck to you, and keep on going. You are doing great!

