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is drinking fun?

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    is drinking fun?

    Coming up to the 'party season', all the adverts on tv of people enjoying the festivities with a glass/ bottle of whatever, gets me thinking. (or should I say drinking thinking).
    for me and I imagine most people here drinking stopped being fun a long time ago. we all have fun memories of happier drinking times, lots of laughing and dancing and perhaps romantic liaisons but if we are honest with ourselves we know that ship has long since sailed. so why do I keep thinking that drinking can be fun. when I drink I may have an hour of jolly times (and that's probably pushing it) and then things invariably go tits up and out of control usually ending in tears and then the inevitable hangover/self loathing/guilt etc etc.
    im not actually planning to be af over the Christmas period but it still puzzles me why this rosy glow always surrounds thoughts of Christmas and alcohol. I cant even say its years of positive conditioning as I have a hell of a lot of Christmases ruined by al (I think I saw a thread about this) either my consumption or others consumption.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    is drinking fun?

    Well, we have been in the throes of the party season for a couple weeks already! Yest we pulled out the pretty, large Christmas wine glasses my nondrinking stepdaughter gave us one year. The other vegetarian stepdaughter gave us steak knives that same year. Go figure. I enjoyed using them for a couple last night, and I feel fine this a.m., but I also know one more in that pretty large glass would not have been so pretty.

    Have to keep in mind tonic water with a lime fits in that pretty glass just as well!

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      is drinking fun?

      spuddleduck;1598030 wrote: . when I drink I may have an hour of jolly times (and that's probably pushing it) and then things invariably go tits up and out of control usually ending in tears and then the inevitable hangover/self loathing/guilt etc etc.
      SO true Spuds! My "good times" lasted MAYBE an hour or two and then it was straight to hell in a handbasket. Falling all over the place, peeing outside, driving drunk, vomiting, waking up with the shakes and regrets...ugh...all that for a BUZZ??? Like you said, that ship sailed years ago. I think the last time I had FUN drinking was over a decade ago. It went from being surrounded by friends to sitting alone on the couch getting drunk. Real fun.

      Keep up your good work Spuddy, and don't look too far into the future, just worry about today! :h
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        is drinking fun?

        Nope, there is no fun at all for me in that glass.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          is drinking fun?

          That's exactly right. It may last an hour if you're lucky. That's it. I won't trade an hour for the hell of the rest of the evening, then the next day.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            is drinking fun?

            That was me as well, K9. I rarely drank around my friends because I knew I would not stop at one. If I did drink, I would hurry home after two so I could get my real drinking on, alone on my couch watching shit TV. I tried to make myself feel better by saying I wasn't hurting anyone. Such lies.


              is drinking fun?

              I can relate to all of you... right down the line.


                is drinking fun?

                I don't think I can remember ANY fun drinking times. Sure there were times I thought I was having fun, but if I force myself to think really hard about it I can also remember the hangovers, men I woke up next to who I shouldn't have been with, losing my really smart coat in a nightclub, weeing in the spare room at my Mother's house. I cannot remember one drunken party when I didn't do something stupid, embarassing, puke up there or the morning afterwards, collapse or wake up lost, or at the very least feel like sh!t. During my Nal/TSm modding days sure I was in control but I don't remember really enjoying drinking, it was just something I did that eventually bored me.

                It's this time of year I am so, so, so glad I no longer watch live proper TV I opt not to pay the licence fee and I only use online sources(all legit) and as a result I do not get exposed to the ads(save money and don't get the booze ads, double whammy bonus). Well ok I do at the cinema which I can only just about bear once in a while (and is another good reason for me to stay home on netflix).:H

                On Christmas Day I'll be driving a bit, visiting various people and spending time with Mother who rarely drinks and usually voluntarily won't be if I'm in the vicinity.

                I have been accidentally given a bottle of vodka (and very good stuff at that), which I nearly vomited at when I unwrapped to check it. I think my brother will be the recipient of that one. Feels like looking at death juice to me (which is it)so no thank you. Nice coffee or herbal tea will do me on the day.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13

