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Our food supply

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    Our food supply

    I would take this a step further and buy organic. It cost more but in the
    long term it is worth it...
    Our food supply and our eating habits here are harming us in more ways than
    Its time to WAKE UP and stop eating fast food and accepting sub par food
    from our soil or other countries just because it is cheaper or more
    convenient for us.
    Its time to get off our lazy buts and grow and cook our own.
    Even our pet food as of lately has been hit.
    OK off my soap box now!
    :l Nancy

    ----- Original Message -----

    > >
    > >
    > > FYI
    > >
    > >This is a true story. I removed the names.
    Their daugther, for years has incurred menstrual problems (bleeding every day) for
    > > years and within the last year she started producing milk. They
    > > performed every test, every surgery, put her on birth control and
    > > last straw was fixing to be a hysterectomy in January. BUT,
    her dad started research on the internet of his granddaughter's problem
    > > found out about rBST in milk (injecting cows with hormones so they
    > > produce more milk). Walmart Great Value milk is the kind that the
    ---- family has always drank. 3 months ago, they pulled ----- off of
    > > Value Milk and she quit bleeding and lactating. Borden milk does
    > > have rBST in it. Her doctor's in Houston are going to write a
    > > journal discovery on her, because FDA says that rBST is safe.
    > >
    > >
    > > ---- asked me to please share this with everyone I could think of
    > > hopefully save someone the pain and suffering that --- has
    > >--- knows this was an answered prayer.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > I have pulled my family from Walmart Great Value Milk and bought
    > > and Borden has a label on their milk that says rBST not used on
    > > cows.
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Our food supply

    I agree Nancy. We got a milkman years ago because his was the only farm not using that growth hormone. Thankfully I am seeing more and more of it in local stores that is hormone-free. It is scary how deficient in vitamins and minerals our food is becoming because of the soil it is grown in......
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Our food supply

      I completely agree as well Nancy. We, too, have all of our milk purchased from local dairies due to the growth hormone. We 'try' to buy all produce from the farm markets. We found it is cheaper anyway and we know the produce is grown locally and we know the reputation of our farmers are fantastic.

      Buying organically in the stores is worth it. A few cents more isn't that big of a deal when the cost of your health could be worse. You know there is a problem when North Americans are dealing with issues of obesity and when these 12 year olds have bigger boobs than we did when we were that age!


        Our food supply

        Organic vegetarian duck here


          Our food supply

          I do have a question, with organic it is still watered by rain correct? Well acid rain? chemicals via watering. I really see no way around it. But I do buy organic. For whats it's worth.


            Our food supply

            Dear Nancy,

            Thanks for sharing that story. You are truly caring to share like that.

            I buy from the local growers market next door as often as possible.

            Years ago, I read where humans are the only animal that drinks milk beyond weening. I think water is an excellent substitute for milk as far as drinking, as long as it is pure. Soy milk is a nice substitute over cows milk but as Lushy mentioned, our soil is not so hot these days so what does that translate to in terms of protein? I do not know.

            Your thoughts on growing your own is marvelous if you have the space, time and water.
            Interplanting so you do not have so many bug troubles is also another nice aspect to growing your own.

            Then there is the question Simey just brought up about quality of water, rain water.

            Best of Health to all!


              Our food supply

              I buy as much organic as I can. Just to stay away from high fructose corn syrup. It is in so much stuff.



                Our food supply

                The most pressing problem is with herbicides and pesticides.
                For example the peach farmer has to spray a couple of times when his tree are dormant. Then when they start to bud out. They end up straying here every week or so until the peaches are ripe.
                The farmers will tell you that if they don't spray, there will be no peaches. This is true . There are some natural products that are said to be "natural"... Neem oil is one of them...I killed off all our honeybees using it!:upset:
                I have bought organic peaches from CA. They also have to use something....don't know what.
                Then you have the ecoli problems at large farms.
                It is becoming a big problem and not going to get much better until we start taking care of our local farmers and wake up and smell the coffee about imports.
                Runoff from farms that use alot of chemicals is a big problem in our water supply.
                We "drip" irrigate here and that is considered the best way to water...From a pond or our deep well.
                Can't even drink "city" water anymore...Yuck.
                Just some "food' for thought.
                Thank you for buying saves transportation cost too.
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Our food supply

                  Amen to that Nancy! let's get back to "being real" in all aspects of our lives we can and especially stop letting the lawyer-led food pyramid nazis and farm killing mega-corporatiions push us into believing we should live on microwaved crap out of a cardboad box....whew.

                  Question authority...think for yourself.

                  * disclaimer (I just had an espresso)
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Our food supply

                    maybe I should post this in holistic healing but since I'm already here....
                    if you are trying to avoid MSG in processed food don't be fooled by it's alias's:
                    -modified food starch
                    -hydrolysed vegetable protein
                    (probably others too)
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Our food supply

                      Has anyone seen the report about the bee population dropping off, due to cell phone usage it seems that they can get confused by the signals and can't make it back to their hives. Without bees nothing really grows at all. All so troubling!!


                        Our food supply

                        Yes I did and I am now on the bandwagon with my friends to stop using their cell phones unless it is really neccesary. They are sick of me talking about saving the bees. It is a critical issue that I hope more people start taking seriously.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Our food supply

                          :upset: Geez, I go from worry about the lizard to worry about the dead cat who vanished, to now worrying about the bees which affect the fate of all of humankind.:upset:


                            Our food supply

                            Thank you Nancy!

                            ... for starting a thread near and dear to my heart.

                            We continue to allow our food supply to be messed with. We seem to have forgotten that a lot of produce is SEASONAL. No longer do we wait in anticipation for asparagus season, berry season, cherry season, etc. We expect to eat stuff when we want it - and when do we want it? - NOW!

                            Our cherry season here is December/January. So when I see big fat overpriced and underflavoured imports in June - I boycott the buggers. I can live without cherries for 6 months.

                            When I see "Italian Salad Mix" in a bag - pre-washed, pre-shredded designer lettuce and other greens complete with croutons in another little bag and dressing in a sachet, I wonder how many processes have been employed and how much energy has been expended "for my convenience". And now what am I supposed to do with the 3 bits of crappy packaging? Have we become so busy or so limp-wristed that we can no longer tear our own lettuce leaves or make our own croutons?

                            Most fruits and vegetables come in their own extemely efficient natural packaging so why the heck am I forced to buy a cucumber encased in some sort of plastic condom? Some things, despite their shape, do NOT require protection. Why do potatoes come in plastic bags? Why onions in plastic nets? Heaven forbid - they might touch!!! Eeeek - tuber germs! And don't even start me on fruit stickers ....

                            We valiantly admit to our own flaws yet find it totally unacceptable to have a 'blemish' on an apple; a 'bruise' on a pear. When was the last time you found a little worm? Yup - we sure have powerful pesticides and herbicides. And we're ingesting them.

                            Even for those not lucky enough to be able to 'grown your own', I think we have a responsibility to seek out clean, unadulterated food and to support our local growers.

                            I like D's commenet - "question authority - think for yourself". And think hard. Find a fresh fruit market, take a cardboard box. The only packaging you'll have to get rid of will happily go in the compost heap.


                              Our food supply

                              Bravo Tawny!!! I could not agree more with everything you said. I vow to boycott cukes in a condom!!!!
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

