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Our food supply

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    Our food supply

    I have even heard that when buying meat from the grocery store in usual plastic wrap with the ink label that when it sits in the cooler the ink from the label leaches thru the plastic and on to the meat. It is supposed to be really bad for you. The old way was your local butcher would wrap you meat in paper and tie with string.



      Our food supply

      Tawney For President!

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Our food supply

        INTERNATIONAL | May 9, 2007
        China Acts on Food Safety After Pet Poisonings

        By REUTERS
        BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - China announced a food industry clean-up on Wednesday after exports of a contaminated ingredient in pet food drew global attention to insufficient controls on products barreling out of its vibrant economy.
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Our food supply

          BUSINESS / WORLD BUSINESS | May 9, 2007
          Another Chemical Emerges in Pet Food Case

          By DAVID BARBOZA
          Cyanuric acid may have been added to animal feed to boost the protein count, Chinese chemical producers said.
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Our food supply

            Safe imports from China...our food our drugs...

            BUSINESS / WORLD BUSINESS | May 18, 2007
            An Export Boom Suddenly Facing a Quality Crisis

            By DAVID BARBOZA
            China is facing international pressure to prove that its food exports are safe, weeks after a tainted pet food case.
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Our food supply

              Hi to Southernbelle47,

              in the UK health care workers recommend using 'neem oil' to kill head lice !! instead of chemicals.

              It has also been found that ready prepared salads in a bag have more bacteria than in the toilet !! It is because there is naturally occuring bacteria on the leaves but the sealed plastic bag acts as an incubator - even when its in the chiller.

              Freezing food slows down bacterial growth by millions of times, but only extreme heat can kill bacteria.

              I am not as careful as I should be especially as I have three girls but I will keep trying.

              My eldest daughter has packed lunches for school and I bought her two ready prepared pasta salads from the 'Good for you' range, one was left in the fridge so I ate it. I said to my husband this is a bit salty, so I checked the salt content - arghhhh my 12 year old daughter was eating 2 grams of salt in one pot of pasta salad - from the healthy range!!!!!!!!
              I will be reading more labels in future - or make my own pasta salad.

              Thanks everyone for all the info, it is really good. :thanks:
              Angellina -x-
              Just believe - that's all you have to do



                Our food supply

                Hi guys - your resident overeducated biochemist here (really). I have also dabbled more than a little bit in ecology in the past 15 years. Everything you guys have said is right - a few scientific mistakes in facts, but let's not quibble. The fact is that not only is our method of producing food harming human beings, it is also doing dreadful harm to the environment. My husband and I have been strictly organic, vegetarian and dairy-free for 25 years. Our kids were raised that way and won't go anywhere near fast food. We are all healthy and happy and have never been overweight. I hate getting on soapboxes, but we have spent our lives trying to help others learn to live more in harmony with nature. I am so glad that all of you are on the same page with me - it makes me feel great. I always knew we had a lot in common.
                Buy local, eat organic!!!
                Love to you all......

                P.S. My husband and I went shopping earlier tonight for a new suit for him. We had to go to four stores to find one small enough for him. He is not underweight or skinny. He goes to the gym several times a week and is very fit. We always have trouble finding clothes to fit him because the stores only carry large sizes these days. There are few Americans that are not overweight. It's really sad.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Our food supply

                  wow Mags, what a shining example of lifestyles...that takes discipline. How do you get sufficient complete amino proteins being "no dairy veggies"? I'm assuming from legumes such as beans?
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Our food supply

                    Thanks for the support here... It's not easy being green! LOL

                    Poisoned Toothpaste in Panama Is Believed to Be From China
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Our food supply

                      Pass the butter

                      According to, a lot of this is the truth about margarine. Maybe grandma wasn't so crazy when she used all natural ingredients in her recipe.
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Our food supply

                        We've been trying to go this route ourselves...bought 5.5 acres about a year ago...have about 30 chickens and growing, 7 turkeys...working on free ranging our chickens...working our garden now...planted our trees last year...and plan on putting in a few fruit trees each year we hope to add a couple of cows and some sheep which will be free range/hormone free...can't do a lot on 5.4 acres but should be able to do enough to feed problem is...I like meat......just don't like the hormones in the meat!.....
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                          Our food supply

                          Waaaaaaaaa Hoooooooo!

                          :goodjob: Dem!
                          We don't have the critters YET!
                          We do sustainable gardening with cover crops and compost.

                          You can do a lot on a few acres but the large animals are a problem.
                          Have you seen Laura's Beef in the stores?

                          I found it here at Brunos, which is a higher end store.
                          It was on sale!
                          I think many people won't pay a little extra to get the benefit of organic . The beef was grass fed and very lean....I had to adjust my cooking style for that!
                          Keep up the good work!
                          I sooooo want some fresh grass fed chicken eggs!
                          The artical I just tried to post was about butter and how it is better for you, in moderation, that the fake stuff!

                          :l Nancy
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Our food supply

                            No...can't do a lot on 5 acres but only intend to do a few smaller animals (a few sheep, a cow or two at a time) for ourselves)....intend to increase our chicken flock to at least double its size so we can begin eating them...problem is what to do with all the eggs...not a large market for them here and we've run out of things to do with them... we are currently getting about 15-20 eggs a day and giving away as many as we can!...good thing is...they are are much healthier eggs then we get in the store.

                            Sorry...guess this is pretty off-topic....we should probably be talking about this in the Holistic area???...BUT...this DOES say GENERAL DISCUSSION, EH????

                            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                              Our food supply

                              Hey ...this is pretty general....pigs...goats...cows....chickens! LOL

                              Have you checked into the sustainable network there in Texas?
                              There is one in is Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network
                              Maybe you could find someone to buy your eggs!
                              There are lots of people who are looking for clean food.

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10


                                Our food supply

                                Wow...I've learnt a lot reading this thread and thanks for that. I'm recently being getting into checking the lable of every canned product I buy.

                                On another would think that living in East Africa all the food would be natural. Most of the time it is and organic food is easy to locate here....or is it?

                                Undeveloped Africa is also the Guinea pig for the advanced world - for all sorts of products including insectisides, animal food substitutes, vacines, PLUS all the insectisides & medicines now banned in the US & Europe are off-loaded here, quite blatantly I might add. Our crops are covered in them! It'll take a world wide effort to change things but I think the awareness has started a ripple that can become a tidal wave. Poor Africa does'nt have the standard of education within the masses for the ripple effect to work so fast... so it will continue to be used by the developed world's producers for longer.
                                A BushBaby with Attitude

