I've created a chart and placed it at the link below.
This is an excellent extract (approved posting) from www.addictionrecoveryguid...ition.html
Note: To assist in amino-acid nutritional therapy, the use of a multi-vitamin/mineral formula is recommended. Many vitamins and minerals serve as co-factors in neurotransmitter synthesis. They also serve to restore general balance, vitality and well-being to the Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RSD) patient who typically is in a state of poor nutritional health
This chart was originally published in the following article.
Blum K, Ross J, Reuben C, Gastelu D, Miller DK. "Nutritional Gene Therapy: Natural Healing in Recovery
You can access the full article on the Counselor Magazine web site: www.counselormagazine.com.
1. On the homepage, click on Search the Archives
2. Choose January/February 2001
3. Click on Nutritional Gene Therapy.