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    Hi there

    My name is Nina and I live in Norway. I have been a heavy drinker for almost 20 years. With heavy I mean I have been drinking 50-100 ml of f.ex vodka almost every, single day. I have no small children, I run two businesses and married with the sweetest guy. I have surprisingly enough only one health-issue and that is high blood-pressure. I found this site cuz I googled how to tamper off alcohol. It seems like A great side and I joined because I must stop drinking! I am afraid that it will be impossible due to the huge amount and the numbers of year I have been drinking. Well, that is my life just now.

    Hi there

    Welcome NPHL you sound like a functional drinker. There are a lot of us. I quit a couple of weeks ago and I was a heavy drinker too. Boy it's nice waking up without a headache, dragging my arse, nausea during the the night, tossing and turning. I already look much better and I have lost weight. So many benefits NPHL for stopping. Also don't feel bad for saying I will stop soon and not.

    Many great, supportive people here. Hang out and see what we are about. You can do this if you really want to.


      Hi there

      welcome nphl! I hope you find what you need here! we can all relate, and there are plenty of folks who have the same story as you, who are now alcohol free!



        Hi there

        Hi Nina and welcome!

        It's great that you are here! Did you mean 500mL to 1000mL maybe?

        Something that kept me away from getting help with my drinking for years was my impression that an alcoholic is someone who is living out of a cardboard box under a bridge. I always had a happy family life, a good career and appeared to have my life in order from the outside. I was not truly happy on the inside though, because of my drinking. Life is so much richer now that I am not stuck in a bottle.

        This site will offer you TOOLS and SUPPORT, two elements that I have found to be critical.

        Check out these two threads:

        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Hi there

          Welcome Nina, I was a highly functioning drinker too Nina, I used to drink mainly wine but lots and lots of it. Gave up for 90 days this time last year, best decision I have ever made. Follow the advice on here and stick with it, remind yourself if you can make it through the next 2 weeks you can do it forever. Read a lot and post often, it really does make a massive difference.

          Sylv x
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Hi there

            Hi Nina and welcome. This is a wonderful place - just remember no matter how down you feel, whether you are able to quit drinking now, or just plan to quit soon, or whether you are really stuck and don't know what to do please keep reading and posting here.

            Lots of support, lots of ideas, and lots of new friends who feel just like you.:welcome:

            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


              Hi there

              Hi Nina and welcome. I know how scary it feels to finally admit that it's time to give up AL. I too drank daily for decades - mostly wine, but like SW said, lots and lots of it. I was a high functioning alcoholic when it came to work, but eventually the drinking took a toll on my personal life. It was the wake up call I needed. It sounds like you have made a very good, and proactive decision. It's so much easier to avoid the problems caused by AL in the first place than have to try to repair the damage afterwards. I wish I had been that smart. You are ahead of the curve, so kudos to you.

              No matter where you are on the journey, we'll be here for you. I have had to pick myself up, dust myself off and start over several times, but now, I am feeling better every day that I don't have that first drink. Glad you are here. Post often and look forward to getting to know you better.
              Everything is going to be amazing

