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Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

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    Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call


    I'm hiding....
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

      Day 19


        Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

        What wer'e doing is important... commit to it! So says Spock.

        Leonard Nimoy Reveals Lung Disease Diagnosis, Urges Fans To Quit Smoking


          Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

          Spock Has Spoken!!!

          and I better listen.....
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

            After going down to a couple small dips a day for a couple days, I've backslided a little bit. I just ordered some lozenges which will arrive next Tuesday, and I'm hoping to put this shitty dip episode behind me once and for all
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

              I hope I can jump in here. I was a smoker for 40 years - a real smoker, if you know what I mean - first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Quit on October 5, 2013 (my youngest son's birthday). I'm so proud of everyone here. It is the hardest addiction to quit IMHO. K9 - I'm here for you You can't hide. LOL. I know you can do this!! xx
              Everything is going to be amazing


                Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                Wow MossRose... so cool that you were able to quit for so long. How did you do it? Cold turkey? Nicotine replacement gum, patch, etc? Super interested to hear how you were able to not give in after so long being a smoker.

                Today's Day 20 cig-free!


                  Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                  Way to go, SBL. 20 days is great. I don't know how long you have smoked, but I will say that I felt worse before feeling better. Almost gave up, but I am so glad I didn't because, wow - I feel so much better now. It takes some time for our bodies to detox.

                  I didn't go cold turkey. I have tried it all over the decades - patches, gum, Chantix (didn't want to smoke, but made my crazy). You name it, I tried it. Then I decided to give e-cigarettes a try. Not the ones you can buy over the counter - those didn't work for me either. But I found a shop in town that custom-mixed a blend for me that tasted just like my regular cigs, and I started at 18 mg. of nicotine. I really didn't think it would work. But it did.

                  Every 2 weeks, I dropped my nicotine level - 16 mg., 12 mg., 6 mg., 0 mg. !! I was able to get off the nicotine gradually and still got the sensation of smoking. So I guess it's cheating in a way, but still no smoke, no tar, no 1,000 other chemicals. I know e-cigs aren't studied, so I wouldn't presume to say they are safe, but I know they are safer than my real cigarettes. I still believe that cold turkey is the probably the best way to do it, but I was never strong enough.

                  Anyway, now if I get an overwhelming craving, I have my e-cig available but basically I don't even need it anymore. Maybe a couple times each week, I will take a puff or two. It's just a comfort to know it's there, if I need it. My girlfriend quit at the same time. She didn't want the taste of cigarettes, so she chose chai tea flavor. It worked for her too. And she smoked as long as me.

                  Hang in there. You can do this. xx.
                  Everything is going to be amazing


                    Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                    Thanks for the support. I guess I'm not ready to quit, as I used it as a crutch this weekend. I'm going to quit adding days for now, because I need to keep more vigilant of my AF time. I blew it last week. This weekend I didn't, but I did smoke a bit. I think I'm going to give myself some wiggle room before quitting this smoking habit. I want to get more AF time under my belt. So I'll be back eventually, and keep strong people.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                      Moss, thanks for the info. I'm glad to hear that the ecig was such a great option for you and that you've had such great success!!! That's super cool.

                      Jvo, good to hear your thoughts- Yes I agree that protecting our quit from alcohol is the most important thing! If that's where you're feeling you need to place your efforts, I applaud you You can always come back and tackle this smoking habit later. I wish you luck getting some AF time under your belt.

                      Skull- Day 22 cig free


                        Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                        Still trying. I have a few cigs left of "not my brand" and they taste kinda gross. Plus it's raining, so I'm standing outside smoking and thinking "WTF...WHY am I doing's not even fun???" I mean I am VAIN when it comes to trying to prevent wrinkles...I spend hundreds on creams and vitamins, etc, etc, etc...and then I smoke. Isn't it stupid what addiction can do? I don't want to bring up a touchy subject, but I am trying Prayer helped last time. I'll keep you all posted! Skull - You are ROCKIN!!!!!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                          j-vo - I totally agree. AL first, smokes later. Trying to kick more than one addiction at a time is rough. In my case, my sons wouldn't let up on me (aarrrgh!!), so I gave it shot (again) and it took. Not sure why. I guess I was just ready.

                          K9 - you can do this. I have to admit, having a few people tell me that I look "younger" recently has been total motivation. Someone even asked me recently if I had some "work done." hahahaha. I had to laugh - yeah I gave up booze and cigs - that was definitely work. Too bad I couldn't just say that, but it sure made my day. Anyway, hang in there. Prayers coming your way!!!
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                            K9- yeah I know what you mean about smoking while not even enjoying it... for me, I smoked "to relax" for a few minutes but I found that increasingly it just added anxiety cuz I kept thinking "what if this smoke is the final nail, the one that brings on lung disease..." and I'd worry about how offensive I smelled to those around me. So that which was supposedly to make me relax began having the opposite effect and I was like... sheesh why do I bother doing this at all. That was a good sign that I was ready to buy nicandies (without which I doubt my cig quit would have lasted nearly this long- I have no doubt I'm addicted to the nicotine in them but that's far preferable for now).

                            Day 23 cig-free


                              Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                              Thanks Skull and Moss! I am still trying. Yesterday I tried something new. I wrote down the time of day I had each cigarette, and then I thought about each one and highlighted the ones I actually ENJOYED (well kinda). Turns out I could get rid of half of them because for some reason I feel compelled to smoke them just cuz I always have. Today I will cut out the ones I didn't even like. Tomorrow I will cut out more. I know I am dragging this out. And I agree, quit AL's taken me 2 years sober to even get this far with the cigs (which really isn't that far at all...but I'm trying!)
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                                Hey K9...Im in the same boat. Ciggs suck and are a major trigger I think long term for AL relapse.

                                My quit date is Feb 20th and I will get as educated as I did about AL. My guess is its similar for withdrawals and triggers so I really want this gone as well.

                                Here is a cool site...loaded with info and tons of good video

                                WhyQuit - #1 cold turkey quit smoking site: 200 how to stop videos

                                Im taking a total approach to all substances...including coffee, sugar, al and nicotine.

                                Will be? heluva think a clear brain one day...ahhhh!

