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Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

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    Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

    It was so long ago, I don't clearly remember, but I'm pretty sure I was sick of the constant hacking and congestion. After stopping and starting exercising, I felt so great I couldn't imagine ever doing it again. I tried the patches and the gum, and I just continued to smoke while using them. Also, there was always a strong social component to smoking for me. There'd be a group of 5-10 us from the orchestra I was playing in puffing away in the loading dock of the performing arts center, and over the years, that number kept dwindling to the point where it just wasn't "fun" anymore. If only AL could have been as easy for me to drop...
    In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


      Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

      K9, no judgement- I've quit a thousand times too before this one which is finally looking like it'll stick. You'll get there. Are you doing that new training with your daughter? How's it going?

      Alky... yep I know whatcha mean. Social component was big, particularly with coworkers. It's a good reason to take a break, and bond friendships etc. Or just procrastinate from work. I am getting to the point where i really don't miss it though... Thankfully, finally.


        Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

        Skull - Nope, we never started our training. So many things got in the way. She's at her dad's house right now for about a week. Plus I am trying to get a new job, and sooo UNHAPPY at my current one. I am hoping that when the new one comes through my attitutde towards LOTS of things will change.... Not to make excuses, but I just don't feel like I will succeed right now. But I won't ever quit trying to quit!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

          How ya doing Skull? Let's not let this thread die...I still have high hopes for posting some positive news soon! Any weekend plans?
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

            I'm back I had a nasty weekend of allergies, skin hives BOOOO. I had to take a ton of Benadryl which made me drowsy, foggy... so I spent most of the weekend miserable on the couch. Grrrr.

            But, I passed 90 days of no cigs, so I think this one's gonna stick! How's things with you, K9?

            I have been quit for 91 Days. I have saved $296 by not smoking 912 cigarettes. I've saved 3 days and 19:17 hours/minutes of my life. My Quit Date- 01/20/2014


              Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

              Myths and Facts About Smoking– 10 Excuses Busted


                Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                Just checking in with new stats. I may be alone in this thread.

                I have been quit for 105 Days. I have saved $342 by not smoking 1053 cigarettes. I've saved 4 days and 09:18 hours/minutes of my life. My Quit Date- 01/20/2014


                  Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                  Keep posting Skull! You are doing AWESOME!!! And YAY for you too Molls!!! I am still struggling. BUT hopeful. So keep on putting up your stats, it gives me hope!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                    Molly, very cool! Keep the momentum, it gets easier with each day and each week not smoked. I'm glad you posted here!

                    K9, thanks! I am glad you're still checking in here, good luck to you for when you're ready!


                      Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                      Thanks Molls I do miss them every once in a while, but it's momentary and doesn't occur often, thankfully. I sometimes want a little "something", a little "escape"- could be anything from a drink to a smoke to a sugar treat, anything bad for me that'll give me a bit of a high. Thankfully I'm getting better at not instantly satiating those desires, but instead letting them fade without giving in.
                      In the case of smokes, though, that little craving can usually be turned into a memory of how gross I feel internally and externally when I do smoke. So that usually nips it in the bud.
                      Well, and also the nicotine lozenges help me a lot.


                        Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                        Yep, smokes are pretty expensive over here these days too. I like that app that tracks the money saved, time saved, etc. It's cool to see those stats and keeps me motivated!

                        Bummer about getting bronchitis, but if it led to you going smoke free, then yep ultimately a good thing! Well done Molly, keep it up.


                          Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                          Last night after I smoked a cigarette, I felt nauseated. I immediately got up, "drowned" my unused cigs in water (threw the lighter in too)...bagged up the butts and empty box and took it straight out to the trash. That was at 6:30pm last night. I lost my quit counter but I'll find a new one!

                          Here I go...AGAIN.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                            K9, be strong! Whenever you get a craving/want an outside break, take a nicotine gum or lozenge and go do a quick walk or iphone break outside or whatever. Just some thoughts, best of luck my friend, good on you for drowning the smokes. Just think, you wont be stinky to those around you and your skin/complexion will thank you for it

                            Molly, 30 DAYS, feck yeh! YOU RULE. Keep it up and don't return to the cancer sticks!!!

                            Man, when I look at my stats, I think OMG 1072 cigarettes?!? I want to barf when I think of smoking all that. So gross. Why didn't I do this sooner? Well, no time like the present.

                            Also, re-posting this great list of reminders. Myths and Facts About Smoking– 10 Excuses Busted

                            I have been quit for 107 Days. I have saved $348 by not smoking 1072 cigarettes. I've saved 4 days and 11:17 hours/minutes of my life. My Quit Date- 01/20/2014


                              Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                              Just checkin' in with stats to stay motivated.

                              I have been quit for 119 Days. I have saved $388 by not smoking 1194 cigarettes. I've saved 4 days and 23:24 hours/minutes of my life. My Quit Date- 01/20/2014


                                Tobacco/Smoke-Free Roll Call

                                Cut the cord with the cigs back in December with the help of the Nicorette lozenges but then found myself smoking cigars. Usually only one a day, sometimes as much as four or five. It matches my drinking so yesterday was day one AF and SF. (SF? Is that on the abbreviations?)

                                It's motivating to see the health improvements over time. Forgot about my app though so I have 8 hours until my co and o2 levels are normal.
                                “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                                "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                                Newbies Nest
                                Newbies Nest Roll Call
                                Cattleman Cafe

