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Weight Loss??

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    Weight Loss??

    Hi all - great success stories! :goodjob:

    I haven't gone up or down I don't think because I am training well and not drinking, (so feel great!) but now am eating far more and love the sweet stuff (never interested before I was drinking!). So I need to address that now - someone said the L-GLutamine is really good for sugar cravings so I'll try some of that.

    Muscles tightening, energy raised, dealing with stress more easily, 'zest' for life returned -enjoy participating now rather than hiding in the shadows! - just so many bonuses to not drinking! Oh happy days!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Weight Loss??

      I have been trying to loose weight just the summer vanity weight. I went to Dr. Karen yesterday. (to talk about my last botox injection) He said you have that line because you have lost a lot of weight. A LOT???!! I'm sure reducing the alcohol has something to do with! No more large amounts of empty calories followed by food binges. ( last time he asked me if I was seeing another doctor because he thought I looked younger.) This whole moderation thing is pretty good, weight loss and more youthful looks. Win / Win.
      Smiles for all


        Weight Loss??

        So far I've lost 4.5 lbs and have another 5 to go... Alcohol left me with a useless layer of fat mostly in my midsection.. It's nice to see that going. I haven't seen the scale this low in probably 4 years, back when I was a waitress and running my tail off, not eating right and drinking too much. Great Thread CKE123

        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


          Weight Loss??

          Hi, I've lost 19 pounds in 4-5 or so weeks since cutting down and then AF for 17 days. but I have a lot to lose - so maybe that helps?

          I was consuming at least double the calories a woman should take in a day - just in alcohol, then slobbing because I was intoxicated and then eating a lot cos alcohol made me hungry. LOL -x-
          Just believe - that's all you have to do



            Weight Loss??

            Happy to be here.

            Hello all. Just wanted to say that I am happy to have found this community, being able to post and read in the forum has helped me in alot of ways, and if I can benefit anyone else out there, then that is a great thing.

            I've been sober a mere 2 days, and I see my real beauty coming out again. When you are drunk and hungover, its as if you lose your soul, not to mention just how damn ugly it makes you feel inside and outside. Its a great feeling to be able to look yourself in the eyes and see the beauty inside. Good luck to us all....


              Weight Loss??

              happy to be here

              hello. I was sober 2 days too till tonight when I bought a bottle of wine. I was doin so well too. I have sat here drinkin this, thinking it tastes just like liquid sugar. absolutely vile.Its now 10.45 and i'm gonna go bed before I do any more damage. why oh why cant I seem to get pat 2 days...
              Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                Weight Loss??

                From 143 to 138 in the past three months. Hopefully I will loose another five pounds in the next three months than maybe just a pound or so. I hope, have my walking shoes burning up the pavement pretty good these days to.



                  Weight Loss??

                  People keep telling me how muscular my arms are getting. Sadly, it's not the part of me that wanted to grow. :upset:

                  :H :H
                  where does this go?


                    Weight Loss??

                    ah but think how you can support us all with those arms morrison!!!!!!

