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Army thread SUNday 22 December

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    Army thread SUNday 22 December

    Just watched the Spitfire one and got goosebumps.

    Rightio just gonna put bleach all over me hair. Bacinabit.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army thread SUNday 22 December

      Good morning Army

      Probs too late but Happy Christmas Dreamy- hope ye have a nice and peaceful time with yer family xx

      Molls - ye have been a busy bee already :goodjob:

      Have slept-in here, on the late shift today but still have to iron me uniform and dry the mane

      Hope ye all have a lovely Sunday :hallo:


        Army thread SUNday 22 December

        mollyka;1601826 wrote: Morning little one!! achully - think it's afternoon -- yep - busy alright -- have to sit down now for a bit cos the floors is wet!! Sods shaggin law --- no sooner is it all mopped than Joey gets up and can't understand WHY he can't walk on the floors -- do I REALLY need to explain to a 19 yr old?.........................
        Do you mind doing so much work over christmas? I'm moaning bout it, but I don't really mind ---- much ;-)
        :H Teenagers!

        Its not a case of minding Molls- it comes with the job and that's that. Would be nice to have it all off but it just aint possible. My ward is always extra busy at this time of year- whole lotta Granny dumping goes on over the hols- ye wouldn't believe it!

        Anyways, really must off. Have a lovely day you and put those feet up- reckon ye deserve it now


          Army thread SUNday 22 December

          Arfternoon and yo there Sweety.

          I'd heard of Granny dumping but a teeny part of me wanted to believe it wasn't true.

          Just stuck the kettle on.....having 5 mins meself.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army thread SUNday 22 December

            mollyka;1601834 wrote: How HORRIBLE is that!!! When I think how REVERED my mum was in the family - like with the grankids an all --- the thought of wanting to dump her in a hospital??? Beggars belief! Mind you - she could be an awkward aul cuss at times - :H
            I'm also suppin coffee and toast --- even have the stuffing made now --- happy days --- best get dressed soon afore any of the older sprogs appear --- SLIPPAGE:H
            Driver of a coach tour company told me many get sent on holidays, and it becomes a real problem for them.

            Christmas holidays Gran always used to come and stay, or go to the family on the other side.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army thread SUNday 22 December

              Afternoon all. All packed and ready to go. I thought we were going to Norway yesterday. Looked at tickets and it is tomorrow. Confusion reigns in the Anon house.
              Just been reading back, the hats all look very festive.
              NO SNOW IN NORWAY:upset:


                Army thread SUNday 22 December

                anon;1601852 wrote: Afternoon all. All packed and ready to go. I thought we were going to Norway yesterday. Looked at tickets and it is tomorrow. Confusion reigns in the Anon house.
                Just been reading back, the hats all look very festive.
                NO SNOW IN NORWAY:upset:
                What are you doing in Norway?Skiing?
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Army thread SUNday 22 December

                  Ukblonde;1601856 wrote: What are you doing in Norway?Skiing?
                  I have a daughter who lives over there and we are going to her partners family for Christmas.

                  Many congratulations on your 7 months:goodjob:


                    Army thread SUNday 22 December

                    Poking me head in while I've gorra choklit cake in the oven.

                    Gawd even I wouldn't have dumped me Ma and you know how much we 'adored' each other.

                    I knew you were going Monday, Mrs A.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army thread SUNday 22 December

                      JackieClaire;1601862 wrote: Poking me head in while I've gorra choklit cake in the oven.

                      Gawd even I wouldn't have dumped me Ma and you know how much we 'adored' each other.

                      I knew you were going Monday, Mrs A.
                      Well Miss Marple I could do with a manager here:thanks:

                      Hello all. So busy here but looking forward to doing nothing although Dublin sounds like an option.:H
                      Planning Malahide in April!


                        Army thread SUNday 22 December

                        mollyka;1601875 wrote: OOOOOhhh - April would be PERFICK!!! Excited already I am!!
                        How amazing it must be to go to someone's house for christmas and they've done all this work?? It's never happened --- in my life!!!
                        Still chaotic here but so grateful knowing I am going to be free of it for a few days. I hope the Norweigens are ready for us:h I would be so worried about them coming here::new:
                        Had an invite from the malahide people. :H


                          Army thread SUNday 22 December

                          mollyka;1601879 wrote: them Malahide people aren't too free with their invites --- feel VERY honoured:H:H - you should plan a FEW days -- I'm free as a bird in April ---
                          I'm actually getting bored here now --- so may start some more bits --- think I'm grand and organised tho really --- bitta scrubbin and cookin on Tuesday and all should be good --- last bits of shopping tomorrow morning
                          Plan on me in the spare room. Went out today on a little run I felt so liberated. Could not have done it without support for you lot:thanks:


                            Army thread SUNday 22 December

                            mollyka;1601886 wrote: Too RIGHT --- and if Jacks can make it at the same time --- we'll even find a room each We'd have the best of craic --- delighted you got back to the running, I know what a lifeline it is to you!!!
                            Now -- may do a few wee jobbies here while I have a teenchy weenchy bit of renewed energy --- will be back in a few when coffee and bikkies beckon
                            Oh thanks !I promise I am low maintenance. just ask JC??


                              Army thread SUNday 22 December

                              Sounds like a trip is being planned
                              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                              AF date 22/07/13


                                Army thread SUNday 22 December

                                Ukblonde;1601891 wrote: Sounds like a trip is being planned
                                Would be lovely to see you there

