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Army thread Saturday 28 December

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    Army thread Saturday 28 December

    DreamThinkDo;1604093 wrote: Sweetiepeapie - hugs again on your big day.

    I see nothing wrong about not telling people about the site - this is my confessional (and many other things too). I've often wondered if I'd steer a friend here: I truly hope that I'd be unselfish enough to do so.
    Funny Dreamy, but that is something I often ponder too. Would/should I tell others I know have a problem about here? Don't know if I could be so unselfish.... not sure...


      Army thread Saturday 28 December

      Yo there Sweetypie.
      It would be hard for Mr JC not to know about this site he's met half the Army.

      But at the volunteer place I'm very vague about the website I use.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Saturday 28 December

        So the string keeping me trousers up & the the 4 day stubble didn't put him off.

        Must go and devour a nice bit of curry and chips.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army thread Saturday 28 December

          mollyka;1604098 wrote: My family never discussed 'bad' things either --- the fuckin Waltons they thought they were --- and it breeds such anger and resentment doesn't it!!!
          Glad you told the bro bout your big day --- you needed a real life hug --- drawbacks of the internet:l
          My 'problem drinking' keeps going back further and further in my head the longer I'm sober, two years ago I'da said it'd been going on about 5 years cos that's when I truly fell into a bottle when mum was ill and died --- but gawd it did go back further--- it just didn't cause a problem to other people like the family ---

          Oh well NOW ---- unselfish --- mmmm dunno that I am unselfish enough for that. One of the girls at Aftercare was asking me about it one night after I spoke about here -- I did tell her generally it was an alkie site -- and if she found it - well and good, but oh I dunno --- confessional is right --- and yet I do 'confess' in Aftercare --- dunno -- think I'd be uncomfortable......
          The problem lays with me Molls- come to realise that over past few days. Its me who wants us to be like the Waltons. I wanted to try fix the underlying 'issues' between Dad and older brother, it breaks my heart that the two of them do not get on and literally gives me a sore head trying to mend things. This is where in the past I would have turned to the bottle, just to shut it all out and on Christmas night I really wanted to do that, so happy and proud now that I didn't Feels like have turned a big awkward corner!
          Need to accept that there are some things I have no control over and nomatter what Id do or say are not gonna change. Just makes me very sad tho
          We have older bro's wedding in March, and am dreading how it'll go....


            Army thread Saturday 28 December

            mollyka;1604109 wrote: :H:H Curry and chips sounds absolutely DIVINE!!! What wouldn't I give for that!!! Feck u anyways Jackieclaire --- that thought is now in my head...... BUGGER!!!! Enjoy bad woman --- laters xx
            Confession time: one thing I simply cannot get my head around - curry and chips.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army thread Saturday 28 December

              mollyka;1604111 wrote: That's the bit that is drilled into us big time in rehab --- most addicts are a bit OCD I think -- it sort of goes with the addictive personality -- so we want to fix everything and everybody --- hence the Serenity prayer --- and mind you --- since I backed off and stopped trying to 'fix' all and sundry ( well, 'cept the union at work) life seems much easier really --- the only thing I can fix is myself AND my reactions to others --- nothin else!
              You may be surprised at the wedding -- it's bound to concentrate the mind for your Dad and your brother --- still nowt you can do about it.......
              I do understand how you must feel tho:l
              That's it, need to focus on myself and my reactions, need constant reminding of this. Know brother is hurting though and that hurts me. Know Dad is hurting in his own awkward way and that too hurts me. Ah feck it, we are all hurting, yet in denial over it!! Pass me the bottle of red!!!
              Nah, only kiddin


                Army thread Saturday 28 December

                DreamThinkDo;1604114 wrote: Confession time: one thing I simply cannot get my head around - curry and chips.
                Ah Dreamy!! Ye cant beat a curry chip- yummmmeeeee


                  Army thread Saturday 28 December

                  mollyka;1604121 wrote: PHILISTINE!!!:H:H TO.DIE.FOR.COM!!!!

                  I sometimes think men and sons have difficulty relating to eachother --- Joe has a much more comfortable relationship with Jilly --- he's her hero, and she can do no wrong -- end of. With the boys -- I dunno --- it's like he wants to teach them ways of behaving that he's only now learning --- I often have to pull him back when he's being too opinionated --- not TO them these days, but about them --- funny that one!
                  Very true Molls. Think my Dad is only treating his sons the way his own Father treated him i.e. played one brother off against another, comparing them and basically making one feel worthless. Tis good Joe has you to reign him in, that's what my Mum could have done with Dad and what I cant do!!

                  Anyways, enough of my fecked-up family!! Sorry for taking over the tread with it all.
                  Must go get ready for me leaba.

                  Cannot thank you and everyone here enough for all the support and guidance over this past year xxxx

                  Nighters and sweet dreams all,

                  Love yis xx


                    Army thread Saturday 28 December

                    Good night and sweet dreams all - way past pumpkin time here.
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

