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why are you here?

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    why are you here?

    I'm just curious as to why people have found and joined in the community here at mywayout.
    For me, I had never been on an internet forum, didn't even realize they existed (ok, ive just crawled out of the dark ages). When I realised I had to do something about my drinking I started to search the internet for info. I think I was mainly looking for the likes of AA and professional/medical advise. when I came across this site I was blown away reading posts and realizing that there were others like me. I can honestly say I had never met or been aware of anyone who drank in the way I did. I thought of alcoholics as 'down and outs', losers,wasters etc. I didn't know what I was. it hadn't occurred to me that these people could quite easily have once been like me and had just slipped further into the alcohol trap.
    To realize that I WAS NOT ALONE was the most amazing feeling and I think that was the one thing that inspired me to take that first step, make that first post and most importantly have that first af day. THANK YOU EVERYONE AT MWO
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    why are you here?

    Hey spud and good thread to start.

    For me i was in a drunken stupor feeling sorry for myself, in my al addled brain thought, i want to give up drinking, this is crazy, what am i doing. I, like you was looking for AA or whatever, not that i would go and every admit i was an alcoholic and came across MWO. Soooo many people from all over the globe had the same issues as me, get out of here! So I read and lurked and after another bad drinking binge signed up. I didnt really need this site though, i wasnt as bad as some on here but i thought i would still look around. How wrong was I to judge others when i drank what i did.

    Two years later and my third attempt at quitting and if not for this site I would not be on a second attempt let alone a third. I would be in my hole, drinking, drinking and drinking, wanting to make a step in the right direction but confused on how to. I am not alone either and the friends I have made and the strength and guidance i have received have put me on the path to sobriety. I like you Spud could NEVER have done this without MWO.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      why are you here?

      Like both of you i was googling sort of a "aa online"thing i could use to help with quitting,signed up at once and been addicted to this place ever since
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        why are you here?

        Spud, Available, and Pauly... responding because of Spud's question.. why are you here... I think we all know that... but to adjust it a bit.. I want to find a place on MWO where I can actually feel comfortable .. WHERE you are.. or want to be here. haven't found it yet...


          why are you here?

          caper i think its just a case of finding topics you are interested in or people in the same place as you on your journey. i have felt that way and just popped in and out of different threads. I've now started with naltrexone / tsm so mainly post in the meds section. its great that there are such diverse threads with with different opinions and experience while all of us having common goals
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            why are you here?

            Very true Caper. I am on Ladies on a Mission and go to the Newbies Nest.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              why are you here?

              Subs is a good place to post. There is a bit more privacy, not everyone can see what is posted because it costs $10 a month to be a member, but what the hell, I easily spent that every night in beer. Also, I think it a good way to support this site.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                why are you here?

                Here ya go, maybe this is the right section

                Ive been an internet PW(post "bore" but starts with wh) for a long long time.

                Any topic I am interested in, I am on a forum for, because when I get into something...I GET INTO something...LOL

                I searched for it the day I hit my rock bottom in hopes to find some like minded people and possibly rid myself of the eeeeeevullllls of AL once and for good.

                I have made many good friends, laughed, cried and well, you name it. This board is great because of the vast amount of people, because slaying the beast is not a one size fits all

                So a heartfelt TY TY TY to each and everyone on here, whether you think you help or "probably" do in some way
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  why are you here?

                  I am here because I want to remain sober and I want to help others when I can. I know I have not been here as much, but I want that to change. I want to continue to help more people reach to the point where they are sober and know that they can remain sober.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    why are you here?

                    I found the site while looking for organisations for non-drinkers, wouldn't ever admit I had a problem initially but when I had the big row with my OH and decided booze had to go I found myself in a very lonely place. Like many others, my only friends seemed to be drinking friends so I was googling looking for something local for people who had chosen not to drink then I found MWO. Lurked for a day or 2 then joined, at that time I had about a month to six weeks and if I hadn't joined here I'd probably have quit for the 3 months I'd planned and be back on at least 2 bottles of wine a day. I'm very grateful to the people here for the support and if I provide any support at all to newcomers am happy to.
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                      why are you here?

                      I found MWO from a friend who posts here. I lurked for a while and then said "ah, that's not for me - I'm not THAT bad." I lurked from time to time (usually on a day with a bad hangover), and finally signed up and started posting on Dec. 2. A great idea - posting is a completely different level from just reading. I think it is about finally being honest with people who truly understand what I'm going through.

