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Army thread Tuesday 31 December

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    Army thread Tuesday 31 December

    Good morning Army!

    Brilliant day out here - clear blue skies and not a breath a wind (yet). Going to very hot, I think.

    Coffee in the coolest mugs around:

    Last day of the year - have fun with it!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Tuesday 31 December

    Good morning Dreamy and all to come i'm awake early again. Well its raining dark and cold here. The forecast is for changeable weather over the next few days. Ta for the coffee i'll have the red mug.:cupajoe:. I'm going to a ladies only AA meeting at 1pm and so far no plans apart from that. Any plans for new years eve Dreamy?


      Army thread Tuesday 31 December

      Good morning Dreamy and Foxy

      Yep, it does look like it could turn into a scorcher. I have to be at the shops early - it'll be incredibly busy this afternoon. Have to go and the get the rest of the things for our NYE party tonight. Hopefully the wind will stay away so we can set the tables outside.

      A quick watering of the lawn, another coffee, and I'm off. Have a lekker day, everyone.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army thread Tuesday 31 December

        Morning Fox! It must still be before sparrow's that side! The red mug is yours, I'll have the purple one, ta. If the AA ladies as gasbaggy as we are, you'll be lucky to get out of there before midnight! No plans for going out - I always stay in in case people decide to set of fire works and scares the zoo - it's an excuse I've used for years to get out of NYE parties. I just cannot get excited about that enforced jollity - people desperately trying to be happy make me sad and depressed.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Tuesday 31 December

          Morning Tips! A braai tonight, you said? Have fun, and yes, knock-on-the-door early-to-be-let-in is probably the latest you should be at the shops.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread Tuesday 31 December

            I feel the same about NYE I haven't been out on the night for a few years now. Too many drunks and packed pubs and high prices just cos it NYE. And usually it can be hard to get taxis home. Don't know what its like now. People who don't say hello to all year suddenly are throwing their arms around wishing me new year cos they're drunk lol. There hasn't many fireworks round my area the last few years its gotten a bit quieter apart from the local pub. Tipps enjoy your new years party. Ok be back later.out:


              Army thread Tuesday 31 December

              tiptronic_ct;1605377 wrote: Good morning Dreamy and Foxy

              Yep, it does look like it could turn into a scorcher. I have to be at the shops early - it'll be incredibly busy this afternoon. Have to go and the get the rest of the things for our NYE party tonight. Hopefully the wind will stay away so we can set the tables outside.

              A quick watering of the lawn, another coffee, and I'm off. Have a lekker day, everyone.Hi Tipps -now I presume you use a hosepipe to water the lawn?:H:H

              DreamThinkDo;1605380 wrote: Morning Fox! It must still be before sparrow's that side! The red mug is yours, I'll have the purple one, ta. If the AA ladies as gasbaggy as we are, you'll be lucky to get out of there before midnight! No plans for going out - I always stay in in case people decide to set of fire works and scares the zoo - it's an excuse I've used for years to get out of NYE parties. I just cannot get excited about that enforced jollity - people desperately trying to be happy make me sad and depressed.
              TOTALLY AGREE - I have been the same for years. Always used excuses too that didn't work and was kinda bullied into it - but not THIS year. This year the cliche of 'New Year-New Me' will apply. It will be a firm NO and don't try to make me feel a bore because I don't go out :bat:

              Firefox;1605387 wrote:
              I feel the same about NYE I haven't been out on the night for a few years now. Too many drunks and packed pubs and high prices just cos it NYE. And usually it can be hard to get taxis home. Don't know what its like now. People who don't say hello to all year suddenly are throwing their arms around wishing me new year cos they're drunk lol. There hasn't many fireworks round my area the last few years its gotten a bit quieter apart from the local pub. Tipps enjoy your new years party. Ok be back later.out:
              Foxy : everyone I talk to says the same. But they still feel the need to go out for some reason.
              Now I would deffo go out to something civilized like Tipp's party. Foxy get your coat we're heading over :thumbsup:


                Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                DreamThinkDo;1605358 wrote: Good morning Army!

                Brilliant day out here - clear blue skies and not a breath a wind (yet). Going to very hot, I think.

                Coffee in the coolest mugs around:

                Last day of the year - have fun with it!
                I WANT the purple one :stomper:


                  Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                  mollyka;1605410 wrote: Mornin peeps!! Rise an shine nearly 2014 -wow! Hate NYE as well -perfectly descrbed dreamster and foxy -can do a great line in bah humbug bout it! Must get up get coffee!
                  We are going to Tipps' gaff for a BBQ. You bring the cheesecake.
                  Actually best New Years I had was in Oz last year. Outdoors on the harbour.
                  Not quite as annoying outdoors - due to the fact you can
                  a) breathe
                  b) no confined spaces that you can't escape from
                  c) The 12 o clock SHITE seemed more genuine & fun


                    Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                    satz123;1605416 wrote: I WANT the purple one :stomper:

                    I got here first! mine mine mine MINE

                    Mum, Satz want MY mug!:upset::upset:

                    If the Tips hosepipe is longer than mine he may have to lock it up tonight. It's been ages since I've gatecrashed a party, so now I'm going to crash the MollySatz one crashing the Tips one:H:H
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                      mollyka;1605426 wrote: Well NOW ----- conspiracy theory rearing it's head here -- hose pipes mmmmmm:H

                      Morning Benjy!!! Well I'm on for Tipps gaff NO PROB!!! (reckon he'll hide the hosepipe?:H)
                      Yeah - well the last good NYE I had was when I was about 17!! Had a cataclysmic one in the Canaries a few years back -- well achully the night itself was alright -- just the days after!! eeewwwww yuck!

                      Never rains but it pours --some of the BEST people in the whole world that I happen to work with want to go over to an ex-workmate who's living in Portugal - last weekend in March --- now - Joe's got awful soft etc. lately --- but 2 weekends in a row???? Feck it --- flights are cheap and I'll have a sofa over there to sling myself on --- may just take that week off in the middle and merge the two together --- happy days!!!!
                      When you get time tell us about THAT New Year's Day Molls - may help someone avoid the same fate ? I'd love to hear it if it's not too painful?

                      You lucky cow on the Portugal trip :upset: GO FOR IT !


                        Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                        DreamThinkDo;1605429 wrote:

                        If the Tips hosepipe is longer than mine he may have to lock it up tonight. It's been ages since I've gatecrashed a party, so now I'm going to crash the MollySatz one crashing the Tips one:H:H
                        MORE THAN WELCOME - goes without saying Dreamster!
                        More the merrier :yay:
                        - we need to start out a little earlier being in a different country & all


                          Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                          mollyka;1605434 wrote: :H
                          Gatecrashed a wedding once!!! BRILLIANT night!!!
                          Was just thinkin bout that week in the Canaries --- was off the grog a few months at the time - it's 3 or 4 yrs ago --- went with Joey and Joe straight after Christmas --- Joe was drinking and Joey was starting to have an odd beer --- it was SO HARD!! The grog was still beckoning to me and the whole holiday seemed to revolve round going to the pub - lunch with beer sitting outside in the sunshine -- dinner with wine etc etc --- and me with my fizzy water --- talk bout getting a 'fuck it' moment --- told Joe I needed hair conditioner - went to the supermarket -- got a litre bottle of vodka and hid it in a banana tree pot outside the door of our room --- whole week culminated in neither of them talking to me - not cos I got drunk or anything --- just cos they smelled drink on me --- last day -- went down the beach with a bottle in my bag and just got rat-arsed drunk --- barely made the flight --- NIGHTMARE!!!!!
                          :l Molls - looks like you were through the wars.


                            Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                            satz123;1605435 wrote: MORE THAN WELCOME - goes without saying Dreamster!
                            More the merrier :yay:
                            - we need to start out a little earlier being in a different country & all
                            I want to gatecrash the Tips braai, not be invited - please take that back and you can borrow the purple mug on fursdays:H. Think I'm going to get there in time to spoil his nana nap - should put him in a good mood for when the rest of you arrive.:H And that might convince him to visit here more often during the day.

                            Off to lavish some TLC on the kit hen. The second I walk out of it the gremlins thrash it.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army thread Tuesday 31 December

                              Joe was drinking and Joey was starting to have an odd beer --- it was SO HARD!! The grog was still beckoning to me and the whole holiday seemed to revolve round going to the pub - lunch with beer sitting outside in the sunshine -- dinner with wine etc etc --- and me with my fizzy water --- talk bout getting a 'fuck it' moment
                              All my holidays & Christmas are like that Molls :upset:
                              But you have taught me the meaning of the word 'content':l
                              Plus I am standing up for myself more these days. No is a great word - when it's "let's have another one"
                              Holidays may always be a struggle for me - but hey ho - ohaat ( one holiday at a time):H

