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considering giving up drinking very soon - body changes?

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    considering giving up drinking very soon - body changes?

    Just want to know what positive changes in the body happens when you stop drinking and if anyone could tell me their experiences. i.e. more energy, better skin, weight loss, better sex drive etc...

    I currently drink "socially" but I know I do it too often and too much which is why I am feeling like I want to quit. Aiming for January at earlyest



    considering giving up drinking very soon - body changes?

    HI Scot,
    All of what you mentioned and just feeling overall good about yourself. No fuzzy head, hangover, more patience for teens! Welcome.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      considering giving up drinking very soon - body changes?

      Hi and welcome - yes, I too noticed that mornings were so much better even though I did not drink a lot. Being clear headed was great. Skin, weight loss, more energy??? Well, I think those are individual things that depend on what you start with. I did not experience much of a difference.

      Welcome and dive right in! Happy New Year too!!
      My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!

