Morning all.
Good luck at the ortho Rags. I've been so lucky with my teeth over all. I should probably clarify that a little, but nah.
Focussing on dietary fibre in this household this week, and I thought you all should know about it:H I've nursed enough poor souls with terminal bowel cancer to be quite vigilant about it. Much to the horreur of the boy there is a canister of psyllium husks insitu on the kitchen counter.
Boy:Mum only old people like Grandma have that stuff. What if my friends see it?
Jones:You're right boy. No child should be subjected to the macabre realities of plant based dietary fibre

Anyway, just a general reminder to all who pass this way: get some fibre up ya.
I see I am babbling, so I'll be off for some Drew Cary-esque workplace antics.