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Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

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    Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

    myhappyplace;1613189 wrote: Arvo all, score is Fox 2 Chickens 0...fucked night with no sleep and one of the locusts sat up on guard duty after the bastard scored the first round.
    Oh no:upset:
    Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


      Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

      tawnyfrog;1613180 wrote:

      Still fusking hot here .... won't go on about it ...
      I feel for you Frog, nice to know your Melbourne mate is looking out for you.
      Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


        Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

        Cakes! how cool re Aram. Really glad your giving it a go, hope your back is ok too?


          Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

          byebyebridgetjones;1613174 wrote: As in cicadas or children?
          As in cicadas.
          Always mixing the two up.


            Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

            tawnyfrog;1613180 wrote:

            Guess it's the thought that counts, non?


            I am leaving in about ten minutes for RFS trg.


              Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

              myhappyplace;1613189 wrote: Arvo all, score is Fox 2 Chickens 0...fucked night with no sleep and one of the locusts sat up on guard duty after the bastard scored the first round. He then slept all day and is now the golden child. Heavy duty concreting and riveting of tin now going on...

              And old dog had another mini stroke this morning...think I need the sage sticks Bridge :upset:

              But - your posts this morning made my heart lighter Reg :h
              Ever thought of building a Walmsley fence? (Will PM you)

              John Wamsley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              How is old dog?


                Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                Still not great Rags. Off to vet for appointment shortly. Have fun at RFS.


                  Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                  Can't help but think our pets suffer as much as we do if not more in this weather.

                  Madly trying to save a few transplants in the garden including an Hibiscus syriacus double pink which I propagated myself some years ago.

                  Hope big fella is OK Happs. Bet the vet is your new best friend lately.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                    All the best with your dog Happs. That's distressing. Sorry to hear about the chooks. Geez, that fox need relocating to the desert!

                    Good luck with the transplants Bridge. I've given up on em here and just wear a rug these days. Ask Rags how real my hair looks. Just joking, not wishing to make light of gardening in this weather. Do you have any tree's? i.e. lemon? fruit?

                    New portable aircon is going ok. Has cooled down here a tad, but more heat on the way tomorrow.

                    How are you there Frog?


                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                      Morning Gang,

                      How's the doggy, Happs?

                      I inadvertently killed 12 goldfish. Feel a bit sick about that.

                      Two days down, two to go. Still reasonably ok, Mr.G - not too panicky yet.


                        Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                        tawnyfrog;1613511 wrote: I inadvertently killed 12 goldfish. Feel a bit sick about that.
                        Herbicide drift?
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                          No. Idiocy.

                          I have a pond which was virtually empty and as I hadn't seen any fish for months I decided the birds must have eaten them all and would just let the pond evaporate totally as I don't have enough water to keep it topped up. So there was a little slimey trough about 4" deep full of decaying leaves and sludge but I noticed some movement and sure enough, I scooped out a fish - not gold but black. Found the rest of them, all black. Rushed off and found a baby's bath, filled it and put it in a nice shady place and transferred the fish. Added a spinkling of food. Felt good about that.

                          The next morning I checked them. They werent black at all but proper goldfish colour but they were all fat and floating on the top. I figure I killed them by putting them straight into fresh, clean water without acclimatising them a bit at a time.


                            Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                            tawnyfrog;1613522 wrote: No. Idiocy.
                            I get that too.

                            I could never keep goldfish alive. I've got some really shit stories about it, but I'll spare you.

                            I also murdered a few putting them in fresh chlorinated water.

                            Who'd be a goldfish? Seriously.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                              If it makes you feel any better Froglette, I feel a bit like that about the chooks. Underestimation of the cunning bastard fox. The two we have left are safe after his adventures around the pen last night. We just didn't think he could have dug through the concrete like soil in a 30cm section and ripped back the tin like he did the night before that.

                              Old dog not so good still. Vet perplexed. Blood tests ordered so we should have some clues by tomorrow.


                                Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                                Yep Happs - the bastards can dig and they can climb. I attached chicken wire to the sides and bent it at right angles along the ground. So far no probs and I have seen one of them at their door - they're def. around. Pricks.

