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Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

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    Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

    tawnyfrog;1616287 wrote:
    Wondering what to do wwwith three really healthy water lilies sitting in an almost empty pond ...
    Indoor Water Gardens - Recipes, Crafts, Home Décor and More | Martha Stewart
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

      Thaanks for the links, ladies. I'll let you know.

      Don't you feel stupid when you get involved in stuff and realise you shoulda just shut up because things tend to sort themselves out anyway?

      Anyway 'Care of the Soul' book has arrived.


        Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

        And if it dies I'll split mine and sent some to you.
        Mine has yellow flowers.
        And some iris too if you'd like.
        And some blue carex.

        Just split it and bung it in a bucket.


          Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

          Salt crusted emu.


            Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

            Rags;1616320 wrote:
            Just split it and bung it in a bucket.
            Yep. That's what I'll do. Thanks.


              Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

              Okay, so, it's been a million years since I've logged on or so it feels like. Today I was watching a movie and I told myself I was going to log on and say hello. I read a few pages from the month just so I can reminisce and now it has me really missing all of you wonderful people.

              I bet your eyebrows look great Frog.
              Nicey, you would absolutely deserve a free lunch for some good karma.
              And happy belated birthday to the lamp Haps.
              Those are pretty much the pages I skimmed.
              And Asp, way to go getting into running.
              How is everyone?

              I must say, I have not logged on because life happened. I am trying not to be on the computer in front of little Leon so that he always feels more important than they grey box thing. I've even started to barely keep my phone handy. He we are, and I am about 7 months pregnant with number 2. Due date set for April Fools Day but we'll see about that. And all my running around with my little man, and being a wife, and working a few days a week, I have given up "me" time so I can give to the ones around me.
              I think about you all often and with nothing but fondness and wonder in my heart as to what adventures you're all up to now, what your planting, what you're cooking, and what little life deliveries you are receiving each day. You are all loved, by this hefty pregnant lady on the goldie. I wouldn't be having my little family if it wasn't for all of you here. It may sound a bit corny, but it is true, and I can't thank you all enough from the bottom of my heart. X

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                Sunnybum :h you are such a treasure


                  Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                  Sunny!!!! :h:l

                  Two splendiferous acts of beautiful from the Universe in less than a week.

                  My heart is swelled.......
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                    I love a quote of Emma's on men. She says, "if he says he doesn't love you, believe it, he doesn't!" It stuck in my brain. It makes me wonder about the times I've flogged a dead horse deader, when it comes to the men I've chosen to bare witness on my soul......

                    I adore her, but not as much as Princess Diana - or my pink bike.

                    Night all. Can someone check that the mozzie net is still firmly in place around Bridge's bed before your shut off the lights please? She's thrashing around a lot lately, and doesn't need to be dis-beauty-fied by mozzie bites. Thanks.

                    Love you all equally!

                    Salute to Mr G.
                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                      Good morning all. I have been hearing about the weather. I landed on the Weather Channel by mistake and it always makes me think of Yah Yah.

                      SK, I will google the mix. I thought Peggy was a medium size dog. Let me know if the light box helps. I have read good things about them. Also, remember when I was severely Vit D deficient back in 2013? I had to have prescription strength Vit D for 1 mo in addition to over the counter Vit. D. I had no idea my Vit. D level had never been checked until the doc ordered it. @ least it is an easy and painless fix.

                      I don't know why but we have a lot of Canadian Geese here. Are all geese Canadian? Probably not? Any way, they are pretty but what is worse than them being loud is they are messy and poop everywhere! Lucy is more interested in squirrels and turkeys than the geese.

                      I am up @ 4:00 trying to figure out my day. If I did not have dogs, there would be no figuring to do! I need to go back to the office with multiple devices, call the 800#, get all squared away with my laptop, have a 1 hr conf call @ 9:00 and then lunch with a former co-worker @ 11:30. Of course, the office is no where near the lunch place and I cancelled on her last time so can't do it again. She let our company to work for a competitor who has been bleeding customers for years. Now she wants to come back. I have seen this so many times- people leave and then apply to come back. Usually we don't take them back. This is one reason I hesitate to leave!

                      And I need to get Button to the vet. She pees and pees and pees and pees. She squats ea time longer than I squat! And she is wheezing a long with her sneezing.

                      Yah Yah, sorry about your kitty going blind. That sucks but as you know, animals adjust remarkably well. I am always amazed to see 3 legged dogs!

                      My mom is going to talk to some new vets because she thinks her cat is going to die in his sleep. She will have him cremated and probably buried @ the lake. Her BF said he would take his plane out and scattered him over the ocean but cats don't like water so I don't think that is a good idea! When Sam Cat does pass, my mother will be unconsoleable. Obviously I don't know how to spell that word! I took the e out and it was still wrong.

                      SK, yes, I remember well the B Gardens and also the Empress. Loved the Empress! I don't think we ate or had tea @ the Gardens. Does the city still having hanging baskets on all the street corners full of color? I loved that! I was there on a glorious summer day.

                      ok, time for a shower and then back to trying to figure out how to manage my day.

                      Have a good one boys and girls!


                        Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                        Such a joy to see a Sunnybum post. Lovely stuff.

                        Morning gangstas. Have a ripper.


                          Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                          Lovely to see Sunny!!!! Looking forard to seeing pics of Leon and his wee sibling together :h

                          And Fickle! Lovel it when you drop in Fickle.

                          Hope you find the book useful Tawny. I started re-reding it myself this morning. My soul is definitely in need of a pick me up. The work situation is really getting me down, and I'm dreading the boss's return next week. And because of how I'm feeling I'm not a very nice person to live with at the moment. I've got my list of self-care things to do to get me out of the black hole, but I'm in that space where I'm finding it hard to get the motivation up to do those things like making sure I exercise every day, and going to movies after work and practice my gratitude thinking. I've actually just gone back onto anti-depressants, and I'm going to contact the EAP people at work today.
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                            Morning Tawny!!
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                              nicelife;1616362 wrote:
                              I adore her, but not as much as Princess Diana - or my pink bike.
                              Or your new pink shoes....which are going????????
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Fresh Undies (and Friends) Jan 2014.

                                Miss Behaving;1616609 wrote: The work situation is really getting me down, and I'm dreading the boss's return next week. And because of how I'm feeling I'm not a very nice person to live with at the moment. I've got my list of self-care things to do to get me out of the black hole, but I'm in that space where I'm finding it hard to get the motivation up to do those things like making sure I exercise every day, and going to movies after work and practice my gratitude thinking. I've actually just gone back onto anti-depressants, and I'm going to contact the EAP people at work today.
                                It's not worth it.
                                Get out.
                                That organisation is not yours to save.
                                Start looking online today. Mr B's job will start soon and you'll have an income to tide you over, right?
                                If your mental wellbeing deteriorates, you know what happens next.....
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

