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One Step at a Time - January 2014

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    One Step at a Time - January 2014

    I was just reading elsewhere that "acceptance" is key.....
    we have to accept that we cannot drink.............
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time - January 2014

      Nora, I'm trying to remember what TV show it was; must have been in the Mary Tyler Moore, Cheers, era... doesn't really matter but what I remember was all the characters in this huge "group hug" moving from one side of the room to the other. I think that's what we're all mentally doing tonight - and you're in the middle - sorry if you're feeling a bit squished! Mama is so right - stay in the day - and reflect back on how well you've done overall, considering what you've been through this past year. You too, Pauly... I can't tell you how many times I was in that same spot, not for my husband, but with my business partner. He's the guy who's doing 3 years now for his 5th OUI. Nora, I'm trying to remember what TV show it was; must have been in the Mary Tyler Moore, Cheers, era... doesn't really matter but what I remember was all the characters in this huge "group hug" moving from one side of the room to the other. I think that's what we're all mentally doing tonight - and you're in the middle - sorry if you're feeling a bit squished! Mama is so right - stay in the day - and reflect back on how well you've done overall, considering what you've been through this past year. You too, Pauly... I can't tell you how many times I was in that same spot, not for my husband, but with my business partner. He's the guy who's doing 3 years now for his 5th OUI while I run his business. And you've remained amazingly AF! Whatever will happen to your DH, will happen. Nothing you can do about it. It's a tunnel and he'll come out on the other side. Like Byrdie always says; don't drink at it or at him. GHE - 106? No thanks - I'll take my 28 degrees, snow, winds gusting up to 50 MPH - you can only get so "necked" but you can bundle up to no end!


        One Step at a Time - January 2014

        wow - that was weird - as Yogi Berra once said; "It's deja vu all over again."


          One Step at a Time - January 2014

          Caper the group hug was the last Mary Tyler Moore show in the newsroom....miss those types of shows...
          Going to be single digits tonight with below zero wind chill.....Need to venture out tomorrow to get my hair done...May get a pedi too...cant really show off my toes but I like them polished....dh is going to the hospital to run the trains so I get some ME time..much needed....

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            One Step at a Time - January 2014

            Hey Dottie - thanks for that - I can't remember where I put my memory! Have fun tomorrow - be careful driving! It's slip and slide here.....


              One Step at a Time - January 2014

              :l Nora :l
              Anything we can help you with? Sure, taking the pill will prevent you from drinking, but let's try to figure out what's going on. Are you sad, mad, lonely, depressed, happy, tired...all of the above? I think if I were really tempted to drink tonight, I would splurge on a HUGE greasy meal instead. What will get you through the night?
              Love you :h
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                Well put K9......we have to figure out the underlying issue.
                I know for me some of it is hubs ability to I sit home alone while he has his "boy" time. *80% of the time I am ok with it.....20% I have a big ole pity party.
                I remember the group hug.....too cute
                may need to go to youtube and see if I can find it!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - January 2014

                  and let me assistant (Bri) had a blind date last night and is SO hungover......I am really enjoying her pain in an evil sort of way.
                  But I got her a latte, some Motrin and B12 and put it on her desk......
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - January 2014

                    MAE all,
                    Off to get my hair done, not K9 short but shorter and a beautiful red too. I think it is too cold for pedi....I need fur lined boots. It is 9F here and I am chilled to the bone...I notice that I am so much colder now that I am not drinking....I was always turning up the AC and heat down but now I sit with blankets on...what is up with that???
                    At least the sun is out.....

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      One Step at a Time - January 2014

                      sounds like a nice day Dottie
                      I have auburn-ish hair.....out of a box
                      Enjoy your day!!
                      It is bright and sunny here but 18 degrees with a windchill............Freezing for FLA!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        One Step at a Time - January 2014

                        Mama - Bri got THAT drunk on a blind date? Oh lordy, I need details!!! I am evilly laughing inside too Yeah...when people ask me what color my hair is I say "Whatever is on sale at Walmart"....people usually are shocked by my brutal honesty. HA

                        I hope Nora is ok...please check in! :l

                        I finished Season 5 of Sons of Anarchy last night and now I am at a loss....Netflix doesn't have the next seasons yet...I may check the library...I can't be left hanging!

                        Hi Kradle, Pauly, FT, Tony, Dottie, Caper and all my other's FRIDAY!!!

                        p.s. Dottie - I am sure you will look fabulous! I will not go THIS short again...especially on the top...I need a little bit of bangs to hide behind I guess. I do like the back and sides short though! I'm getting dangerously close to the Miley Cyrus look, I better watch out.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - January 2014

                          she claims she only had three drinks, and she is s semi pro drinker, so I am skeptical
                          I know she drank A TON on New Years Eve, so she may need to detox
                          plus she didn't get to bed till 3am, so that isn't helping.
                          I am SO glad I am bored and married
                          OH...AND GUESS WHAT.....I PLAYED CHECKERS OVER THE CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          YAY ME!!!
                          gosh...that just popped into my head out of nowhere
                          Season 6 just ended I think and may be available for a reasonable price on
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - January 2014

                            no twerking and dancing with large mice allowed Niner
                            texting Nora now
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              One Step at a Time - January 2014

                              Mama CJ is having a fabulous tome playing house with the boyfriend in St. Lucia. She called the other day and he wanted to talk to me on the phone. Not sure what that was about. May I make a confession here, I've been sleeping great the past couple of nights not waiting and wondering when shell be home. I do miss her though. Still no cable tv or wifi at home. Guys supposed to come today but with the weather and all who knows? I guess just us hospital workers have to battle the elements and be at work. My son, God bless him dug his mommy out at five am!
                              Aww Nora, I agree, go eat a really big delicious meal! Is there anything we can do to help?
                              Rub it in glass, it was 11 F on my way in the AM. 106 is looking pretty good right now. Hopefully I'll be on again later. I miss you guys! Hugs to you all!


                                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                                Quick, quick check in here. K9 - you are right about the unlderlying issues. I have been having a lot going on. Trying to bury my head in the sand (or in the bottle). I am so busy here at work right now so can't talk. But, thanks everyone. I'll get there. :h
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

