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One Step at a Time - January 2014

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    One Step at a Time - January 2014

    I always wanted a tribble too.

    Been having a hard time sleeping so took a Lorazepam last night. Geez whiz! I slept almost all day long. Got up a few times but then went right back to bed.

    Haven't done much today after that. Fixed a couple side dishes just so we have something to heat up.

    Oh my gosh - I forgot to tell you. Speaking about checkers!!!!! We are getting free Cinemax this weekend. I'm flipping channels last night when I couldn't sleep.....saw that there was an adult show coming on. 'Black Tie Nights Erotica Feature 02: The Sex Sense' Ok - I'm home alone - hmm, wonder what this is about - it says two lovely ladies who launch an upscale dating service. Well, it was PORN! :H:H Talk about my shock when I see two women on the beach naked, making out & doing EVERYTHING to each other. I laugh about it now but I'll tell you what, if I had young kids and all of a sudden got free channels showing this, I would flip out. How would I know if my kids happened to get up & turn that on?!? I was telling Casey about it and he laughed - why do you think they call it Skinamax? :H
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - January 2014

      :shocked::lol3: Nora....

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        One Step at a Time - January 2014

        Dottie Belle;1612167 wrote: :shocked::lol3: Nora....
        Guess I could have kept watching......maybe I would have remembered how to play checkers. ROTFL :H
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          One Step at a Time - January 2014

          Good evening. Sundays have turned out to be such a busy day. So much to great ready for the week. Took the birthday girl out for brunch today. Just the four of us as CJ is still in st Lucia. It was lovely. Had a mimosa, but I'm positive there was no al in it so it doesn't count! Got debs wedding invites today and they turned out beautiful! Hubby booked a cruise for him me and our youngest MD. We uses to go visit the in laws in Florida for spring break, so now were taking the boy on a cruise. My hubby is upset about his parents and the house so he needs this diversion. My son and I are more than happy to oblige. Just wanted to check in. Sweet dreams my loves!


            One Step at a Time - January 2014

            NoraC;1606043 wrote:

            how can i miss this !!


              One Step at a Time - January 2014

              Liz - sounds like fun! You deserve it.

              Shaun - great to see you! :welcome:
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                Good evening, my people. :l
                Long strange day...I was cleaning ( because Mama refuses to come over :upset: ) and out of the blue I was overcome with fatigue. Had to go lie down immediately and then slept for about an hour and a half. What's up with that???

                Anyway, rest of the day was just lazy- dog park, errands, watching these weird cats play with luna....

                Did have a very weird thing happen though. As I was fixing dinner I get this text from of all people- Kristen- my ex best friend. I think most of you know this very depressing and upsetting story...anyway, it say: Can you pick up Nicolas because the chicken is almost done and I can't leave...
                Nicolas is her son ( about 2 years older than the twins- her twins and mine actaully) Clearly she texted this by accident. DH said not to respond- that they hurt our family enough but I felt that if I didn't, maybe Nicolas wouldn't get a ride home and he would be in trouble so I texted back that I would be happy to pick him up but that I think she did not mean that text for me.....she texted back asking who this was - don't know why she still has my number but it's not attached to my name I said it was me and the twin asked to say hi to the girls...needless to saw, there was no text back,
                I can't help but feel that she is either embarrassed or ashamed of what she did. I can appreciate that I guess ......

                Anyway....other than this, pretty uneventful. Dottie, Nora, Paylu, Glass, Liz, Tony et al- sleep well. See you tomorrow.
                And Welcome :welcome: Shaun. Great to
                See you!
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  One Step at a Time - January 2014

                  Good morning loves
                  Kradle...didn't you hear me banging on the back door?? I had yellow rubber gloves and was ready to clean!!!
                  I dont't really know your story about your ex-best friend, but I am sorry you are hurting.
                  I am always a little down on Mondays after spending the evening with Nana and's Monday!! And Bri is off on Mondays. so I usually work my ass off.
                  Nora...I take .5 of clonopin every night, so I am prolly used to them. but a sedative will knock you flat if you aren't used to them. Glad you got some rest.
                  Pauly - that scare the crap out of me about your daughter. Spice is bad news and not to be taken lightly. Can you get her in some kind of treatment?
                  Kradle...have your B12 checked. I take shots weekly to help with energy. Just a thought....
                  Welcome Shaun!!
                  Liz...a cruise sounds lovely. And I am glad your are there for hubs..... some days all I know to do for mine is give hugs
                  let me get my day started and I will try to check in later.
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - January 2014

                    Don't watch " The L Word" Nora. You will pass out
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - January 2014

                      Hey guys,Nora cinemax was some of the first porn i ever seen when i was a kid in the '80s,i dont think it was as provocative as it is now,Mama i know spice is bad news,she almost looks like a heroin user but shes 23 in denial,i dont even know where to start,shes thinking of packing up and leaving with this guy in feb when he comes to visit,breaks my heart,Kradle you were probly fatigued cuz you just got tbrough being sick,my cold is pretty much gone but im still tired as hell! hi i hope this monday goes good for all of us,have a good one
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        One Step at a Time - January 2014

                        oh Pauly...hugs!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          One Step at a Time - January 2014

                          Good morning you nuts!

                          Seems like I missed a lot over the weekend...all the checker playing and whatnot. I am still stuck with playing Solitaire, and that's only when I have the energy which is not often. Saturday I slept almost ALL day again...and this time I did NOT accidentally take one of Sierra's meds....not sure what that was all about, but I feel much better! Sunday I was up bright and early visiting Jim at 7am. Then 2 hours of grocery shopping. I am broke, but we have a housefull of HEALTHY food to last a couple weeks! I pack my lunch every day so I can keep count of calories. Sierra starts homeschool today, she's all set up in the walk-in closet (the 3rd room) so she can study quietly...and now she has lots of good food to keep her fueled.

                          Didn't do much cleaning this weekend, I sweep up the dog hair when absoultely necessary but that's about it. LOL

                          Mama - You've got me dying to watch the L Word now, but I don't think that's something I should be watching at the you? Especially when Netflix gets "stuck" sometimes...I can only imagine what scene it would be on. :H
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            One Step at a Time - January 2014

                            Hi all
                            Had a great AF weekend..yesterday was fantastic....train club meeting then dinner with some folks from the club...4 couples and we had a great AF dinner and talked and laughed and I can not remember doing this ....would have gone home to drink....hope there are more fun times ahead...I surely need them....
                            I want skinamax....need some entertainment....
                            Staying in today to catch up on chores....lots to do tomorrow.
                            Have a wonderful Monday!!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              One Step at a Time - January 2014

                              that's awesome Dottie that you have friends you can hang and laugh with and not feel the need to drink
                              K9..."The L Word" is beautifully written and very interesting.....but there is LOTS of's your call. I actually cried over one of the episodes I watched.
                              It discusses, marriage, having a baby together, biracial families, etc. It's very hip and the girls all dress pretty cool too. What I find interesting is that only 3 women out of the entire cast are would never know it by the love scenes!!
                              I guess we have to watch "House of Cards" too. I love Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright won a Golden Globe or whatever last night.
                              Tina Fey and Amy Pohler were hysterical hosts.............................
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                                "Top of the Lake" won Best Actress...
                                sorry peeps...I'll shut up about Netflix.....Niner and I have a new addiction.
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

