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One Step at a Time - January 2014

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    One Step at a Time - January 2014

    Zen I watched "Fat, sick and nearly dead" even got dh to watch it...he is doing better with what he eats...made a really yummy vegan soup and he loved it..OMG....
    I feel better already after dumping the BP meds..going to switch to a different allergy med tonight. It says non drowsy...have had medicine head in the AM so maybe this switch will help..I am my own doc....and I think I do a better job on some things..
    My mother died 5 years ago today...we couldn't even bury her because the ground was frozen solid
    ...I miss her but she lived to be 91 so had a good life and she could be a bossy Irish lady at times but she meant well. Too dam cold to go to the cemetery today....will send her a message from here..

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      One Step at a Time - January 2014

      Bloody hell Dottie... that's awful about not being able to bury her. (

      I think you'd like to see "The Gerson Miracle". You can watch it free online if you don't have Netflix. I'm my own Doctor too so I totally get what you're saying.

      Mamaspottywhateverthehellyou'rewearingtodayyellown ickers... good luck with the job application. I shan't be watching your political docos... I'll stay with Orange thank you very much! ;o)

      Your hair sounds nifty Niner... are we gonna get to see a pic of it? )

      Back to paperwork hell! I'll be baaack when boredom strikes once more...


        One Step at a Time - January 2014

        Zenny - I will try to take a Selfie when I get a chance so I can show you guys how I am rocking the Mohawk! LOL :H

        Mama PolkaDotPanties - Tell Bri that COCONUT OIL kills lice!! I will try to find that link again (or another one). And tell her to shut the hell up, I have been a single mother for 16 years and always held my shit together. Suck it up. (Like my mentoring skills? LOL)

        I started Dexter on Netflix last night. Wow...all I can say is that I pick the most violent, distrubing shows. I do have Lillyhamer on my "to do" list. And House of Cards. And a few others I can't remember at the moment.

        One of the schools was here touring City's so funny to see the Mayor "performing". We know what he's really like. I wonder if people that "Know" the President think the same thing when he's onstage?? Speaking of...I will not be watching the State of the Union Address...I will be at the gym watching the Serial Killer Dexter. HA
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          One Step at a Time - January 2014

          Morning everyone,
          Mama, I bet those polka dot panties give you extra self-confidence, huh? I know I'd be feeling like a million bucks if I walked around knowing I had on some special panties. Err, actually, if I wore panties, I'd feel more than a little disturbed. I do like my flannel boxers, though. They feel extra special on my junk

          K9, definitely post a pic for us.

          So I ordered some mittens for my cat-to-be. Hopefully I'll find a good one on Friday when I go to the adoption place. Soon I'll be able to take pics of my cat wearing a unicorn horn and kitten mittens. I think I need to find something to go on his tail. Do they make anything for cat's tails?
          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
          George Santayana


            One Step at a Time - January 2014

            mama bear;1619649 wrote: I would love to see "Menopause". Hell, we could probably write our own screenplay with some of our insanity.:H
            We can call it 'MY WAY OUT....The Musical!' Do you think Roberta would give us copy rights??

            Liz, Matt is still at Arivaca and will be until August. We do all his Therapy at home oveer the phone with his therapist (s). It was strange at first but biggie.

            DH and I had a big fight this morning over his letting the girls play computer before school when our house rule is No computers or TV before school...Anyway, Matt's therapist called soon after the girls left for school to ask me about a treatment plan for Mathieu and I mentioned that his dad and i were really 'In The Box' this morning so she basically did marital therapy...over the the exact moment I needed a third party to intervene...before I killed my husband!

            Now How often have we all thought to ourselves (me included big time) how fantastik it woudl be to have a referee or a therapist or a hit man at the exact moment we were getting into it with our spouse or SO??? Well, I got that wish this morning and it was wonderful!!! We both got perspective and put back on the right track to parenting fact Dena (matt's therapist) asked us 'Do you want to be right?...or do you want to be good parents?' Seems like an obvious answer but...

            ANyway, that was my morning!
            Will check back later- sorry I ddin't get to everyone. I need the cheat sheet Nora! :l
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              One Step at a Time - January 2014

              Kradle...I need to remember that. Bret and I always fight about who is right and who gets the last word in...ridiculous
              SP - you put flannel on all the junk in your garage?? tee hee
              K9 - I'll try to gently mention the Coconut Oil...she has calmed down now, but I had to play mother hen for about 20 minutes....jeesh
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                bad day...bad at work, bad at home, need a hole to crawl into
                I will be fine, just bitching....
                no drinking...don't worry about that
                OH...Nora - I am so glad you get to go see Scott
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - January 2014

                  Mrs. Fen fled the southland early, to avoid snow...came home in the wee hours, but developed her fourth flat tire in two months on the way home from O'Hare! I am going to have to start measuring tire pressures for her, as she neglects doing that. Our plummeting temps have caused issues with tire pressure and I inflate my tires as needed. Not on Mrs. Fen's radar, though.

                  Babysitting her today.

                  Later, my peeps!


                    One Step at a Time - January 2014

                    Youare so good to her Fen. Can you clone yourself please??
                    Home, freezing and eating KFC chicken pot pie. Lazy ass tonight.
                    After our nasty fight this morning, hubs and I are being kind of quiet. That's ok, though, as some things got said that needed to be said!
                    Have a lovely evening dears!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - January 2014

                      Hey Mama, I'll send you Dena's number! DH just tolD me that he will 'engage' the girls in the morning if they are up and ready before school instead of plopping them in front of the a win win here as I'm not going to fight anymore in front if them and we'll apologies tonight....:h

                      Fen you are a sweetie:l my husband happened to see my oil light on the other day and when he asked how long it had been kit I said, "oh...just few days, dear...' To which he immediately put palm to head and reminded me that if I didn't bring these things to his if us would be riding bike for awhile ...

                      Paula, baby, how are you ?? :l:h

                      Have to run and pack the girls dance bags...they souls have done it THIS MORNING BUT....OOOPS! I forgot...we're not going there anymore.....
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        One Step at a Time - January 2014

                        All of this spousal angst makes me glad I am just going to the gym to catch up with the serial killer (Dexter)! That's the only drama I can take.

                        Oh...and WHN is totally redoing her room, she took her bed APART (it's a loft type) and the contents of her room are now spread throughout the house. I think I'll just go in my room and close the door....

                        I hope you enjoyed your KFC Mama...that sounds so yummy!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          One Step at a Time - January 2014

                          K9 my daughter has done the same thing with her bedroom. Must be an age thing! Contents everywhere and procrastination has set in. Drives me mad!


                            One Step at a Time - January 2014

                            Sorry to hear you have the War of the Roses at your house tonight Mama. I hate it when there's an atmosphere... ugh. Netflix and chocolates! )

                            I like your therapist story Kradle... being right or being good parents... that was a good insight.

                            I had no idea about temperature and tire pressure... learned something today Fen.

                            I'm imagining Pete's new kitten with all kinds of stuff on it now... including flannel boxers!

                            Look forward to seeing the mohawk Niner!

                            I'm really tired tonight... I reckon it's going to be a REAL early night. Hope everyone's doing well.


                              One Step at a Time - January 2014

                              Hiya Tree... you snuck in while I was off emptying the kitty litter mid-post! I'm like the poop police...


                                One Step at a Time - January 2014

                                Tree - I told Sierra not to start something that she would get right into the middle of it and then regret starting! So far she is doing good, she seems determined to see it through until it's finished. For her sake, let's hope she does! :H

                                Hi Zenny! I will try to post the mohawk tomorrow, I have been swamped today! I don't really know how to "post" pictures anymore, I am banned from PhotoBucket at all I can basically do is change my avatar. I swear they take away EVERYTHING fun at's like they expect us to be productive or something. Geesh.
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

