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Sober January!

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    Sober January!

    I will check out Smashed. Also good to see for consequences is Leaving Las Vegas (a very heavy movie) and Days of Wine and Roses.

    Great job on Day 4, and glad your'e having a good weekend

    bkyogagurl;1607990 wrote: Day 4 and not to mention weekend... I'm happy in my heart.

    Smashed is a good movie and supports the AA theme. It definitely did not make me want to go out and drink. Another good one is "When a man loves a women" shows how alcohol can affect children too. And another one that I totally bawled thru was "Homeless to Harvard Liz Murray story" this poor girl had a severely alcoholic mother and it shows her own struggles because of her mom. It almost scared me as I am a mom. I thought that would never happen to me or could it?

    I think any movie that shows how alcohol affects a persons life is worth watching. I also watch the police shows the Alaska state troopers..They show a lot of really drunk people behaving horribly and in parts of Alaska alcohol is illegal because it has such a harsh effect on some communities.

    Awesome for everyone today!!! Thank you for being here I like checking in each day and being accountable.


      Sober January!

      spuddleduck;1608032 wrote: just a quick fly by to support you all in your sober January. skullbaby, great sleep information. I find I cant use a sleep mask as it seems to catch my eyelashes or something but I always put something over my head (well, over my eyes, with breathing space at nose and mouth). however dark the room I need my 'dark hood'. I also sometimes use 'sominex' which is an anti-histamine (like Benadryl I think) but I have found if I use it too often it stops working.
      im not sure where it is but there is a recent post asking about movies with alcohol issues in. I find things like that a good addition to the ammunition against al.
      I totally need the "dark hood" too. My GF makes fun of how dorky I look, with my earplugs, sleep mask, and pillows over my head/ears/eyes. Hey, it works

      Good options for sleep masks-

      Mindfold (completely pitch black, no light at all let in) Originally made for meditation, works great for both that, and as a sleep mask. Mindfold Sleeping Mask: Beauty

      SleepMaster (not as dark but still pretty dark) Softer than the Mindfold, but the great thing is that the padding covers the ears as well to block sound. GREAT for noisy flights if you like to sleep or block out the noise.. When sleeping, I do foam earplugs, then this on top, then pillow on top of that! And I don't hear a thing, and sleep like a baby. Revolutionary, Patented SLEEP MASTER Sleep Mask: Health & Personal Care

      I wish someone would combine the two- soft, covering ears as well as eyes, but pitch black like the mindfold.

      Anyway, yeah, I've done a lot of reading on sleep... Hope this info is helpful


        Sober January!

        Pavati;1608161 wrote: Evening, all. There is also some research that maybe a full 8 hours every night is a modern construct. There are some references to "second sleep" in some literature, and some researchers are thinking that maybe we should embrace that early (2-3am) wake up, get up and do something for an hour or so, and then go back to sleep. Maybe not so practical for those of us who only have 8 total hours (or less) to sleep to begin with, but I think part of my past insomnia was due to my anxiety about it.

        Anyway - hope you all get some sleep if you need it. Happy Sober Saturday!
        I've heard about this too- from what I understand, breaking up sleep into two or even more chunks is OK as long as 7-10 hours is the net total for optimal results. 8 or 9 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Also most sources I've read agree that less than 6 per night and waking performance begins to suffer, if even only slightly...


          Sober January!


          Greetings to all and happy sober January,
          Beginning of day 9 for me now, thrilled to have this number of consecutive days sober. Sleep is still a big issue..... averaging about 5 hours a night!! I am being very active so can't really understand this. It is better sleep than when I was drinking but still not good enough.

          I know it will get better, it was interesting to read all your sleep theories skullbabyland.

          Let's all keep rocking this al free January. I love that clean feeling in mind and body.
          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            Sober January!


            Good morning diamond
            I too am struggling to get above five hours sleep in and tbh don't wake up feeling great at the minute....have to say it's better than the mental trauma of laying awake half of the night thinking negative thoughts though...
            One consolation is that many of the world's greatest leaders are rumoured to have survived on very little sleep eg, Winston Churchill
            I'm hoping a few more days/ weeks and I'll be getting more and better quality sleep
            I gave myself a wonderful present on Christmas Day 2013 - a future free from the guilt and pain that alcohol causes....


              Sober January!

              I totally need the "dark hood" too. My GF makes fun of how dorky I look, with my earplugs, sleep mask, and pillows over my head/ears/eyes. Hey, it works

              tee hee skullbaby, its not the best of looks but it beats dark eyed and grumpy due to lack of sleep. thanks for all the info.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Sober January!

                Chopden and Diamond-- it's common for sleep to be rough, the first few weeks of sobriety... it really does get better. Try the melatonin, you can get it at any drug/grovery store. Around week 2 or 3 your sleep should balance out. Good luck


                  Sober January!

                  I have the sleep issue thing too...........think I had too much sugar last night -- highly NOT recommended.

                  Wishing everyone well - Day 12 for me.


                    Sober January!

                    Day 5. :disco:

                    Seem to have a cold of some sort but it's better than a hangover.

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful and warm day. l:groupluv:


                      Sober January!

                      Love the party vibe yoga gurl! Am pretty happy as well, went the weekend AF despite having visitors and a dinner party to attend. AM feeling good, hope everyone is doing their best. It is not easy, but nothing truly rewarding ever is...We CAN DO THIS!!!:l
                      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                        Sober January!

                        Nice avatar, Halo! So glad you're feeling good. It is worth whatever it takes .


                          Sober January!


                          Hi NS
                          Need you help to stop eating sweet foods. Just ate a load of cookies-that I didn't need, want or like !!!
                          WHAT is that about ?
                          Almost like the draw of the alcohol - you don't want to do it but do it anyway :upset:


                            Sober January!

                            I'm in, back again and ready to be done with AL. Good to see some familiar names, good on you all for your AF days. Lots of new folks here too, been reading posts here for the past months and feel I know you guys.

                            DD you sound so strong, sent you a pm.

                            Looking forward to joining you guys here. Day 1, I feel so excited to have recovered the mindset to get back up and keep fighting.
                            "A good garden may have some weeds"
                            Thomas Fuller


                              Sober January!

                              So glad to see you back, Gardener! We missed you :l.

                              Satz, if you read through DoggyGirl's Sugar-free challenge thread, you'll see all sorts of ideas. For me, like with AL, just quitting was the way to go. The desire for "sweet" goes away pretty quickly. Also, L-glutamine works well if you experience sugar cravings.
                              Feel free to PM me or ask a question on that sugar-free thread. Skullbabyland has a lot of information to share, also.


                                Sober January!

                                NoSugar;1608608 wrote: Nice avatar, Halo! So glad you're feeling good. It is worth whatever it takes .
                                Thanks No Sugar! I really want to win this time around. Keeping my eye on you, BIG BIG day coming up this month for you
                                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h

