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Army thread 3 Jan 2013

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    Army thread 3 Jan 2013

    Long time since i started the thread On me way home this morning, hope you all have a safe and happy day, laters.:sofa::sofa:
    Alcohol free since 13th January 2009

    Army thread 3 Jan 2013

    Gosh, you're early, Mario! I haven't even got to bed yet :H

    Well, have a fabulous day... and everyone to come as well!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Army thread 3 Jan 2013

      Morning Mario, Sunni and Army-a-bed

      Coffee made, lots of sunshiny vit D being sent over to our :l:l:l JC :l:l:l. Hope you feel better today.

      Later, all.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread 3 Jan 2013

        Morning Mario, SunnyButt and Dreamy

        Still nice and cool - the early morning mist hasn't lifted. Mrs. T is undecided as to whether she should just drop the cubs off at an amusement park they want to go to, or if she should accompany them. I'm in favour of the former: I think they're old enough to go on their own. I'll watch the outcome with interest.

        Have a lekker day, Army. And a special few :l:l:l s for JC
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army thread 3 Jan 2013

          :waving: Tips!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread 3 Jan 2013

            Yo Dreamy

            If you keep waving like that I'll be able to see you from this side of the mountain.

            What's on the agenda for you today?
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army thread 3 Jan 2013

              :waving: :waving: :waving: See, here I am :waving: :waving: :waving:

              Patiently waiting for a client who called in a tizz yesterday about things that needed be done by last July, could I help, but still haven't sent anything through. Oh, the joy!

              So is it going to be accompanied or unaccompanied minors?
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                Good heavens, those waves are making me seasick!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                  Good morning Mario, Sunni, Dreamy, MrT and all :hallo:

                  Hope Mario has his coat and hat at the ready for landing - very wet n windy over here this morn.

                  I can see you too Dreamy from atop my mountain :wavin:

                  Have a great day folksies and hope that things are less blah for you today Jacks xx


                    Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                    Morning PeaPod :wavin:

                    Unaccompanied it is :goodjob: Mrs. T on letting go of the leash.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                      Morning Sweetiepeapie

                      sweetpea29;1607148 wrote: I can see you too Dreamy from atop my mountain :wavin:
                      I hope you know that I'm not actually yellow - currently slightly green around the gills from those wavey waves.

                      Have a lovely day!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                        Good morning Mariooooo, GG, Dreamydooo, Tipperooo, Sweetypea

                        Thank you for all the :l and right back atcha. I feel speshull

                        Much less blahness to day as I have plans for the weekend...........nothing over the top.

                        1) Take the tree down
                        2) Clean the oven
                        3) Send my CV to a job agency.
                        4)Watch Call the Midwife on iplayer as I missed it Christmas day.

                        Reading back last night I see Joe has a case of the blues, give a :l from me, Molls.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                          Morning army. Stormy here again since yesterday with high winds and rain. Big change in weather for Mario when he touches down at Dublin as its cold. Dreamy there will be some waves on the coasts of Ireland I bet again today. Well tipps will the cubs be going alone today or with Mrs T? Just fed cats and mane me first coffee. Dreamy do you work mainly from home and what do you do?:cat:awprint::cupajoe:


                            Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                            Xpost morning JC glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. I was feeling a blah and out of sorts myself for a bit yesterday but hoping today will be a bit better. Speaking of ovens mine needs cleaning badly so may do that as well tomorrow or Monday latest. have a good Friday army.


                              Army thread 3 Jan 2013

                              Morning, JC :l

                              At the orifice today?

                              We took the decorations on the tree down yesterday. Just waiting for the eldest to get back this afternoon to remove the tree.

                              I have no idea if our oven is self-cleaning. I hope so, because it hasn't been cleaned in a long while, but seems OK.

                              Our chest freezer can do with a defrosting, if you'd like to volunteer?
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

