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Facebook and another thought

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    Facebook and another thought

    One thing I find really useful when I am in the swing of not drinking, is other people's posts on FB.

    - the pictures proudly displaying a table full of drinks or holding a big bottle of some liquor. Like it is a trophy.

    - the 'I can't wait to finish work and get smashed' posts.

    - The regret posts the next day OR the 'boasting' about how drunk they got the night before posts.

    These, when I am sober, make me realise what a waste and how sad getting drunk really is.

    And another thought I had yesterday:

    Drink covers up my anxieties, fears and inadequacies in certain situations. By drinking I remove that fear, but am generally so drunk I do not learn anything from it.

    Drink makes me more of a wimp, as I do not tackle things that will improve my life in the long term.

    So when I approach certain situations when I am sober, I freeze. And if people know the drunk me, they are confused by my sober behaviour.

    What do you think?

    Facebook and another thought

    Same here Londoner, not only Facebook, if you sit down with one of your booze bud for a drink when you are sober, u can see how the poison messes a good ol functioning bloke to a complete joker....



      Facebook and another thought

      I gave up on Facebook, not only because of the drunken posts and bragging about drinking, but apparently people have too much time to post every single thing they see. I found myself clicking on every dumb video posted, then hating myself for it! LOL

      I deleted my account 3 weeks ago and don't miss it at all!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Facebook and another thought

        all so very true Londoner.

        So when I approach certain situations when I am sober, I freeze. And if people know the drunk me, they are confused by my sober behaviour.

        the sober me and the drunk me behave so differently, the sober me doesn't know what to when she is with people the drunk me knows. oh so complicated. As for facebook I don't go on often but when I do I find myself looking at other peoples posts and feeling envious/bitter/useless or self righteous/up my own arse.....either way its not healthy for me.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          Facebook and another thought

          Londoner I think alcohol causes more anxiety then it relieves.
          I avoid being around situations where Al is the star attraction. I guess that facebook could qualify if that is the main thing your friends stress. I just don't need that shoved into my face.
          I liked Allen Carr's reasoning behind social nervousness and after reading his book Easyway to Control Alcohol I feel a lot more relaxed in social situations.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Facebook and another thought

            spuddleduck;1609546 wrote: As for facebook I don't go on often but when I do I find myself looking at other peoples posts and feeling envious/bitter/useless or self righteous/up my own arse.....either way its not healthy for me.
            This was what I was like. I had Facebook for only a month or two but hated seeing everyone else have the time of their lives. Or that's what it seemed like to me. Anyways, it's still in the back of my mind sometimes. It's like a voice telling me I NEED Facebook or I'll seem like a weirdo. Maybe with any luck social media will collapse altogether and then I won't feel like the only person who doesn't do it :H
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              Facebook and another thought

              SlipperyPete;1609575 wrote: This was what I was like. I had Facebook for only a month or two but hated seeing everyone else have the time of their lives. Or that's what it seemed like to me. Anyways, it's still in the back of my mind sometimes. It's like a voice telling me I NEED Facebook or I'll seem like a weirdo. Maybe with any luck social media will collapse altogether and then I won't feel like the only person who doesn't do it :H
              ha, and if anyone dared to be having a party that I wasn't invited to..... well that was a good reason to jump into a bottle of wine... how dare they
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Facebook and another thought

                I use FB for work purposes and have stopped following actual friends on there.

                As spuddleduck said, seeing other people out 'having a good time' (or so they think) makes me want to either go out and join them or drink at home alone.

