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Army Thread Thursday 9th January

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    Army Thread Thursday 9th January

    mollyka;1610509 wrote: Nightmare!!! Delighted with myself tho - even got a round of applause --- but so shaggin demoralising - to be told about how badly off libraries are faring in Latvia really didn't cut mustard --- anyway - it's done --- and it's over ---
    So our Mario is all skinny huh?? I feel the draw to the box of Rose's stronger at the moment than I ever felt for a jar!! Not gonna succumb tho --- 3 whole sugar free days --- feckin delighted!!
    How's you?
    Yeah sugar overload here too - can feel it in my clothes - heading back to the gym - meeting yer man tomorrow eve - then back to it Monday morning :egad:
    Never had a sweet tooth - till recently - can't stop now once I start.
    Sounds familiar :H


      Army Thread Thursday 9th January

      Proud of you, Molls.:l
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 9th January

        This gismo counts steps. supposed to do 10,000 steps a day.
        total so far 40 :H


          Army Thread Thursday 9th January

          :wavin: Jackser !How are you ?


            Army Thread Thursday 9th January

            Champion, hun. Ta for arsking.
            Having lunch tomorrow with my favouratist Aunt in all the world doubled.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Thursday 9th January

              Evening army. Well done Molly for speaking out you're brave. Hi to Mario glad the op went and ur in gud form hope your recovery is not too sore but the worst is over. Just off to bed shortly good till tomorrow.:bedtime:


                Army Thread Thursday 9th January

                mollyka;1610521 wrote: LOVELY!! And I'm meeting my roomie --- 'twas her 50th last week so I'm bringing her to Milano's for lunch --- s'pose I'll just HAVE to have a rummage round Grafton St while I'm at it Wish I'd an aunt I liked
                ooh nice ('course I had to go to google for a look see).

                I've still got another 4 spare aged Aunts that are really nice.............more than willing to share..

                Nighty night, Foxyloxy.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Thursday 9th January

                  My aunts are all cracked !
                  Hear about them - but never see much of them.
                  The one I thought I was turning into is 90 this year.
                  Alcohol I think has worked as a preservative in her case :H
                  But she's great craic nonetheless.


                    Army Thread Thursday 9th January

                    Nighters from over here too lovelies ! xx


                      Army Thread Thursday 9th January

                      Nighty night Molls, leave the landing light on I'm not long behind you.

                      I asked my MIL (89 next month) what the secret of old age was, thinking she would say a good diet etc..............she just said modern drugs and lots of them.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 9th January

                        Loving that answer JC!
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

