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Army thread Sunday 12 January

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    Army thread Sunday 12 January

    mollyka;1612094 wrote: Yes it can -- and it's a very positive reaction to have --- well done you!! Whenever I got into my 'maybe' mode (re the grog) as opposed to cravings which I never really had as such --- I used to think I'd feel like that forever - never let it pass over me back in the day -- just acted on the mode eventually each time --- so well done again!!

    Ah our wee girlie:l
    What can I say? Well except that it's great that you KNOW you were being overwhelmed and needed to do something about it --- all sounds like it's a bit too much for you -- very stressful and not good to be like that constantly --- like I felt stressed today -- but I knew it was only today - a good nights sleep and I'll be restored ---- could you take a few days off and just have the time for yourself to do nothing or everything - whichever??? Poor pet xxxxx

    haha --- love that -- great to be utterly relaxed with folks --- not too many I'm like that with tbh!!!
    Hey Molls:l Yeah know tis not good to be like this constantly- did consider getting a line from doc but (don't tell me off now!) couldn't leave me mates in work in the shit.. Place is poorly enough staffed as it is and big part of the stress is being down on numbers. Im due a week off again in Feb so will suck it up til then and practice me relaxation/mindfulness stuff between now and then as well as taking the meds.

    Hows things with you?


      Army thread Sunday 12 January

      I'll see if I can get a copy of my relaxation CD made and send it over..........if you can get over how fecking awful his voice is's rather good.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Sunday 12 January

        Thanks Foxy and BH :l

        Sorry to hi-jack thread....

        Oh Foxy ye sound like my long-lost sister that I never had! Screaming kids -arrgghhh, I be saying under my breath would yis shut the fuck up please or get to fuck outa my ear space!! Dread it ever coming out loud someday!
        What AD are ye taking if ye don't mind me asking? Never actually thought of depression- could it be that? Am not sure..

        BH- yeah did have CBT at that time few yrs ago and did find it v helpful... must root-out where I put me stuff on it.


          Army thread Sunday 12 January

          JackieClaire;1612102 wrote: I'll see if I can get a copy of my relaxation CD made and send it over..........if you can get over how fecking awful his voice is's rather good.
          Ah Jacks - yer too kind. Don't worry tho I had one which I gave to another colleague who was feeling the pressure a while back- he's gonna copy it and give me mine back


            Army thread Sunday 12 January

            mollyka;1612105 wrote: Xpost Sweetheart! Ah look I do understand bout not leaving your colleagues in the lurch --- cos it's them that suffer, not the powers that be ---- we are CONSTANTLY on minimum numbers in our job - so if someone doesn't turn up unexpectedly it often means chaos for the other staff ---- if you think you're alright..... well give the aul relaxation stuff a whirl --- hard tho!
            When I do feel like that -- the last place I wanna be is here sometimes --- bit like AA meetings --- but that's precisely where I should be........ the good times are easy
            Anyways --- I really am off now --- get a good nights sleep --- it can work miracles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            All true Molls- as always ye hit the nail on the head!

            Nighters and thanks to you and all xx

            Will go on and try practice some relaxation now afore bed as have to face the shit-hole again in morn


              Army thread Sunday 12 January

              Nighty night youse lot.

              Suddenly dawned on me that part of me taking my Anti-ds is for anxiety.

              And Piddlepants.................never ever think you're hi-jacking the thread.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army thread Sunday 12 January

                Don't want to be I d wrong post! I honestly jumped in here cause I saw all d dub birds :0)


                  Army thread Sunday 12 January

                  Jammymammy;1612116 wrote: Don't want to be I d wrong post! I honestly jumped in here cause I saw all d dub birds :0)
                  Don't're defo in the right place.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army thread Sunday 12 January

                    Sweetpea I take 20mg of cipramil each morning. I think they help with anxiety as well. Keep meaning to do some relaxation daily as well but keep forgetting i'm not great with it my mind finds it hard to stay still lol but may get around to it and try a bit each day morning and evening I have heard is good even just for 10 mins. Anyway nite from me going to bed my book as feeling sleepy again. Hi jammy. Till tomorrow sleep well folks.:bedtime:

