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The Golden Girls

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    The Golden Girls

    Hi all! I completely signed off on the whole Super Bowl thing, went to gym instead and it was empty which was great. My husband went out with his guy friends (they are my friends as well) but too much boozing for me to be around. I had an exceptionally difficult night last Thur, had 1 drink, then went for a second with dinner but midway it wasn't tasting all that great and frankly it was making me nauseous, for whatever reason, so I didn't finish it. Then last night had to go out to dinner with in-laws, they were ordering champagne, wine, whole nine yards and somehow got through it all without a drop. Woke up feeling pretty good. I've been taking L Glutamine for cravings, not sure if it's working or not. Hope everyone had a great day.


      The Golden Girls

      Hello Golden Girls,

      Today is day #7 on naltrexone.. I turned to the full .50 dose for the first time on Sunday. So far no indifference, but I know it takes awhile. I am sort of taking advantage of the last hurrah before it kicks in. Not good, but it is the truth. I've also put my alcohol problem lower on my priority list. Because I know the nal will help soon, I haven't been obsessing, so haven't come to MWO too much.

      Bastet - could you send your daughter over here?? I have a house full of stuff to organize and half of it to get rid of. I"d like to sell some of it, but the thought of starting an e-bay biz or planning a garage sale seems overwhelming. I really want to tackle it though, because I'd like to move out of this larger house into something smaller. And after this winter, have enough money left over to rent a place somewhere warmer during the winter!

      Uncorked - good luck on starting nal. I had some nausea the first couple of days and some weird feelings.. but as long as I take the pill with a little snack I am okay not. A bit more tired than usual.. but okay.

      Regarding Super Bowl - I made a bunch of appetizers and we ate a small amount during the game.. been nibbling since then. We drank, because after all it's a holiday! LOL

      Keep on keepin' on everyone!!
      "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
      ~John Lennon

      Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

      ~Author Unknown


        The Golden Girls

        HI GG's
        Snowing like crazy and I am going stir crazy lately...would have turned to wine at this point but not feels so good to be in the moment and not dulled...
        Hang in there folks just starting gets easier with each passing whatever it takes to make it one more day and before u know it the cravings wont even bother u....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          The Golden Girls

          Hi All. Just checking in to say hello. I got my nal today and have added it to the baclofen I've been taking since late December. It just about knocked me off my feet!! But after a few sips of wine I just was not interested in more...all good.

          Habit has to be worked on I guess. Bed for me before I fall asleep at the computer!
          My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


            The Golden Girls

            Hey GGs
            Just saying Hi. Interesting to hear about Nal and Baclofen. I've never considered these before. Tonight I decided against going out to a boozy event cause I just don't have the strength or certainty that I won't cave. I know who and what will be there, I don't feel like explaining myself or pretending to have a good time when I know I will not. Plus the weather here is a mess. I also cancelled a few upcoming social engagements this past week, everyone always wants to meet for drinks. Is it wrong to avoid certain people without explaining yourself? I'm not feeling very fortified socially. Happily at this moment in time I don't really feel like drinking so I'm ok with staying inside and not being in a stressed out situation around a lot of people. In other exciting news, I've changed my avatar. :happy:


              The Golden Girls

              Hammer I get it...I wanted to go to an animal shelter fund raising event but there was complementary wind and beer all night and I didnt want to test my willpower so we are not going...darn..

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                The Golden Girls

                I'll be 50 in March and liked this thread. It's comforting. Today is beginning my day 1. Just want to make it through to post here tomorrow. Feeling quite depressed and worthless about pretty much everything but I know that's not the truth. It's the alcoholic me talking. I just can't seem to stop pouring that 1st glass of wine in the late afternoon. Today I will, and hopefully for a few days after that, and on and on and on.

                Looking for info on the Baclofen. I'd like to try it, mentioned it to a Dr last month but they wouldn't prescribe it. Any other suggestions?

                Wishing a great day to you all.
                "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                  The Golden Girls

                  Hello everyone and thank you for your posts and words of encouragement. Dipgal thanks for the tip on Naltrexone. It does (even at a very small dose) make you not want to drink that glass of wine. But I also don't like the way if makes me feel overall...bit of a racing heart etc that is just strange. It's a symptom that may go away over time. I have also tried kudzu for cravings and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Hammer I am with you on your comments about not having to explain one's self. I am not willing to let go of how I got sober and stayed that way for almost three years the first time. I read a quote yesterday that resonated with me..."If you want to do something you will find a way...if you don't you will find an excuse!" Maybe my challenge is that I just haven't completely made up my mind to quit even though I think I have. That's the alcoholic brain talking and I know it. So I will keep trying, meditating etc and if I can do this with no meds I will.
                  People who don't drink are the luckiest people in the world! Sending you all love, light and courage!:hug:


                    The Golden Girls

                    Hi Panacea and welcome. I take baclofen, and FOR ME, it's been a lifesaver. It is an anti anxiety med, as well as a muscle relaxant. It does both of these, FOR ME, in a way that has really changed ME.

                    It has given me a certain peace so that I can think through what my specific 'drive' is towards addictive behaviour.

                    If I can make a suggestion, please go back to the beginning of the Meds section of the forum and open every post you can on baclofen. It took me several days of reading from the beginning forward before I had a good grasp of what baclofen does that is different, how it works in the brain, how to take it, and how much etc. It was a time commitment but what other time commitment could I do that reaps such rewards?

                    Once I got most of the past experience of others into my thick head I felt more comfortable taking the initial risk. And I knew just what to expect so I was not thrown off by the side effects - yes there are side effects. But I figured the side effects of alcohol aren't so hot either - pick your SE!

                    I was not able to convince my doctor to prescribe anything to help me - in fact he didn't think I was addicted because this was the first time I'd mentioned I had a problem and he's known me for about 12 years. I just did not have the energy or the emotional equipment to enlighten him. So I ordered baclofen and naltrexone from River.

                    I cannot advise you to take any drug. But I take both and drinking is becoming less and less attractive. The new phrase that crops up when my husband and I are having dinner is: "are you going to drink that?" Then rather than 'waste' good wine, he drinks the 3/4 glass I've left!!! He has a problem with alcohol too but that's literally his problem and not for me to solve.

                    But the next part of my journey is to examine what drives me towards that addictive action. I cannot move forward until I find another 'action' that replaces the reaching out for a drink.

                    I recommend The Heart of Addiction by Dr. Lance Dodes, an addiction specialist psychiatrist, and any videos you can find by Dr. Gabor Mate, another addiction specialist who works with severe addicts in Vancouver. And of course read Dr. Ameinsen's book.

                    About the side effects of drugs - I'm not crazy about how baclofen makes me feel BUT I'm willing to put up with a lot to free myself from alcohol and its crazy-making side effects.

                    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                      The Golden Girls

                      Hope you are all hanging in there. Everyone's journey is different and yet we are all the same in so many ways. Yesterday was my day one again. I woke up at 4:30 with a strong knowing that I had to make this my day to quit and don't look back. In addition to reading posts here on this forum I also got encouragement from others on youtube etc. One which struck me was a guy who's approach was simplistic....make a promise to yourself and be armed on those days when the cravings start. I am planning to save the naltrexone for days when I have cravings. I know this isn't the way it is supposed to be used but each person's way is his own. Wishing you all strength in your journey as well!


                        The Golden Girls

                        Very quiet here Ladies!!!!

                        How is everyone today? Snowed in? Heat a problem? Eating? Drinking? AF days? Moderating? I'm getting lonely!!!
                        My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                          The Golden Girls

                          Hi everyone,
                          I am right at 4 weeks and am eating everything in sight! I gave myself some leeway for the first few weeks but now I am feeling the need to rein it in. I used to get home from work late at night and just sit with my glass of gin and watch netflicks. It was my peaceful time. Recently I have been substituting ice cream for the gin which is great for AF but not so good for the waist line. I have also heard that sugar is a bad substitute for alcohol because of the ways your kidneys process it. Sooooo, the problem is I have worked really hard on not feeling like I am depriving myself because I'm not drinking but counting calories does feel like I'm depriving myself. Anyway I guess it is just like anything else odaat.
                          I hope everyone's February is going well, I can't believe it is a third over already.


                            The Golden Girls

                            Hi Bastet,

                            I find I'm craving snacks too. I keep a jar of almonds handy and take a handful in the evening. I also keep some really dark chocolate on hand a usually enjoy a piece in the evening too. Plus, I keep black licorice around - good for digestion but make sure it has licorice root and not just anise flavor. I know these have sugar but very low fat and satisfying. And still way less calories than I used to consume drinking. Hope this helps.
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              The Golden Girls

                              Thanks Marylou, I will give the licorice a try.


                                The Golden Girls

                                Hi all. After about 2 weeks I fell off wagon and now I'm on day 3 AF. Had a few glasses wine a couple days ago. My husband is in food & beverage, I had to go to an event with him. It's so difficult. It's just everywhere around me. I am thinking of going to meetings, has anyone heard of Smart Recovery?
                                I went to AA years ago, without going into detail it didn't work out for me and I don't want to return. I am also craving sugar like mad. I am drinking sugary soda like a crazy person. Mexican coke and Fanta, I have got to stop because I'm also trying to lose weight and this ain't helping. Anyway thanks...over & out

